Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Santa's hats at Sta Llucia Xmas Market.Barcelona. Catalunya.December 2005

My work committments were extended to December as well. On the mean time, we have spent a weekend in St Omer, North of France, and another long weekend in Barcelona. From Monday to Friday I have been too busy to post in the blog and frankly, with three working days left before Xmas day, I can't be bothered to start again right now. We will be on Texas and (hopefully!) New Mexico and Arizona from December 25th to January 14th 2006 (both inclusive). You wouldn't believe how I am looking forward to this holiday!
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you all!!!

Mis compromisos laborales se alargaron hasta bien entrado Diciembre. Mientras tanto, hemos pasado un fin de semana en St Omer, en el Norte de Francia, y otro fin de semana largo en Barcelona. De lunes a viernes he estado demasiado ocupad@ para poder postear en el blog y francamente, con tres dias laborables que nos quedan antes de Navidad, no me apetece nada empezar con el blog ahora mismo. Estaremos en Texas (y con suerte y si hay tiempo) en New Mexico y Arizona desde el 25 de Diciembre hasta el 14 de Enero 2006 (ambos inclusive). Creedme si os digo que me muero por ir de vacaciones, porque realmente las necesito.
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Anio Nuevo a todos/as los lectores/as!!!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South Southeast at 3 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1028.8 mb

Monday, November 14, 2005

Due to my many (:-D) work commitments, I have to take a break from the blog. I'll come back as soon as I can! But just in case it is not very soon... Merry Xmas!!

Debido a mis muchas (:-D) obligaciones laborales, no podre escribir por un tiempo en el blog. Volvere tan pronto como pueda! Y por si acaso no es 'tan pronto'... Felices Navidades!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A tourist visiting the big state of Texas may be forgiven for overlooking the town of Marfa , considering how BIG is Texas!.... However, if I were to tell you the film Giant was shot nearby, that may interest you and awaken your curiosity. And if I were to tell you that an unexplained phenomenon occurs at sunset on the desert, southwest of Marfa, known as the Marfa Lights (colourful balls of light, don't mistake with car lights, though!) that may change your mind? A visit to Marfa kind of starts making sense, doesn't it?

Al turista que visita el gran estado de Texas se le perdona el pasar por alto el pueblecito de Marfa , teniendo tantos lugares que visitar... sin embargo, si os dijera que el film Gigante se filmo en las cercanias de Marfa, quiza cambiaria las circunstancias? Y es mas, y si os dijera que un fenomeno inexplicable ocurre al anochecer en el desierto cerca de Marfa, algo que se conoce popularmente como las Luces de Marfa ? (extranias orbes de color que aparecen en el desierto y que la comunidad cientifica no ha sido capaz de explicar, pero no son luces de los coches, eso seguro!). No os pareceria entonces Marfa mas interesante y digno de visitar?

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index:0 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 12 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 58%

Monday, October 31, 2005

What's on when great website to know what events are taking place on a particular day/month in any city in the world.

What's on when (Que pasa en? en ingles), una buena pagina web si quieres saber exactamente las ofertas de ocio disponibles por dia/mes en cualquier ciudad del mundo.

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South at 12 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 97%
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1003.4 mb

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Battle of Hastings 1066. Battle, UK. October 2005

Saxon Warriors with Harold Godwison's 'Man with axe' flag. Harold was the Saxon candidate to England's crown. Guerreros sajones con el estandarte (hombre con hacha) de Harold Godwinson, candidato sajon al trono de Inglaterra.

Battle of Hastings 1066. Battle, East Sussex. UK. October 2005

Norman cavalry, transported by ship from Normandy, France.
Caballeria normanda, transportada en barco desde Normandia, Francia.

Battle of Hastings 1066. Battle,  East Sussex.UK. October 2005

Harold is killed, the Saxons have lost.
Harold muere en la batalla, los sajones han perdido.

Battle of Hastings 1066. Battle, East Sussex. UK. October 2005

The Norman William the Conqueror is now King of England. The future of England radically changed in 1066.
El normando William el Conquistador es ahora el rey de Inglaterra. El futuro del pais cambio radicalmente en 1066.

As promised, here there are some photos of the re-enactment of the Battle of Hastings which took place on 15-16 October in Battle Abbey . Want to know more about the Battle of Hastings? Here : Battle 1066 there is a very good and detailed account of it. For the quick version, go to the BoH in Wikipedia . There is a section of a tapestry in the Wikipedia photo. It is the Bayeux Tapestry, you can find it in Bayeux, France. It is the longest tapestry in History, well worth seeing it!

Como prometi, aqui teneis algunas fotos de la representacion de la Batalla de Hastings, que tuvo lugar este fin de semana pasado en la Abadia de Battle . Quereis saber mas sobre la Batalla de Hastings? Aqui : Batlle 1066 hay una detalladisima explicacion (en ingles). Para la version rapida, echad un vistazo en la pagina de la Batalla en Wikipedia . Hay un fragmento de tapiz en la foto de Wikipedia que es digno de verse en su totalidad. Es larguisimo! Es el famoso Tapiz de Bayeux, lo encontrareis en el museo de la ciudad de Bayeux, en Francia.

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind:From the West Southwest at 13 mph
Dew Point:6C
Humidity: 55%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1008.1 mb

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

As I said yesterday, let me tell you what happened with Nelson's statue... or better yet, let the local The News explain :

"SLOPPY workmanship has ruined a memorial to Nelson because the statue of the great admiral was put together wrongly at its new home. The embarrassing council blunder left a half-complete sentence on the rebuilt plinth of the statue – which was being unveiled today (for 17/10/05). The words 'remember his glory' were put on the wrong side of the plinth's bottom step, cutting short the sentence on the first two steps. It should have read: 'Here served Horatio Nelson. You who tread his footsteps remember his glory.'

Council engineers quickly discovered the mistake and spent £1,000 engraving the words on the base of the correct side, as rebuilding the plinth would have been too expensive. But the gaffe continued as the newly-engraved letters now get covered up in surrounding sand and make Nelson look like he is sinking. Chichester contractor Geoffrey Osborne Ltd's carried out the delicate task of moving the statue as part of the Trafalgar 200 celebrations. City council environment director Julian Lomas said workers forgot about the words as they laid the 25 base slabs on the sloping ground".

Oh so they 'forgot' the words. They must have thought they were just for decoration... I am still laughing my head off......

Lo prometido es deuda. Hoy os cuento lo que paso con la estatua de Nelson...o mejor aun, dejo que os lo explique el periodico local The News :

"Una chapuza de instalacion incorrecta en su nueva ubicacion ha daniado el monumento en memoria a Nelson. El vergonzoso error del ayuntamiento ha dejado una frase a medias en el pilar de la estatua - que se mostraba hoy al publico (hoy por 17 Oct). Las palabras 'recordad su gloria', de la ultima linea de la inscripcion se colocaron en el lado incorrecto del pilar, dejando la frase completa a medias. La inscripcion, en su totalidad, hubiera leido asi: "Aqui sirvio Horacio Nelson. Vosotros que seguis sus pasos, recordad su gloria".

Los ingenieros del Ayuntamiento descubrieron el error y rapidamente se pusieron manos a la obra para remediarlo, haciendo gravar las palabras en el lado correcto del pilar. El trabajo costo la suma de 1000 libras esterlinas, aunque reconstruir el pilar hubiera sido mucho mas costoso. Pero la pifiada no termina aqui, ya que la nueva linea queda parcialmente cubierta por la arena del suelo que rodea la estatua. El efecto optico que produce es curioso : parece que Nelson se hunde. La empresa encargada de mover la estatua de Nelson a su nueva ubicacion (como parte de las celebraciones del bicentenario de la Batalla de Trafalgar) y causante del error es Geoffrey Osborne Ltd, de Chichester. El Director de Medio Ambiente del Ayuntamiento, Julian Lomas declaro "los albaniles olvidaron las palabras del pilar cuando colocaban las 25 piedras que formaban la base del pilar".

Se "olvidaron" de leer la frase que tenian delante, jajaja! Pensarian que era solo para decoracion! Yo sigo partiendome el culo...

The weather today:
Showers in the Vicinity
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the South at 12 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1008.1 mb

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth opens today. Or does it? Because see... it was supposed to be a 'millennium' project but it was started in 2004. Then there were problems with the budget, the cracking concrete, the architect and the copyright. And when we thought we had walked over this valley of tears....

See what happened today, inauguration day, as reported by the local The News : "THREE people were stuck in the Spinnaker Tower's troubled outside lift today in a disastrous opening day for the landmark. The lift got stuck 100ft up the tower with city council project manager David Greenhalgh and a representative of tower builders Mowlem inside. In an ironic twist, engineer Luca Frigerio from Maspero – the company which built the troubled lift – was with them. The trio were trapped for around an hour and a half as crowds who had assembled for the big opening day watched in amazement from the foot of the tower. Engineers in abseiling gear were sent up to look at the lift and try to solve the problem. They appeared to tinker with the mechanism on the outside of the lift shaft before it was eventually brought back to the ground at 11.20am. Problems began even before the tower opened at 10am this morning. Even as visitors – who began to queue before 6am – eagerly awaited the opening, there were last-minute worries. Heritage project manager Juliana Delaney took the decision not to open the external elevator, and to allow only the internal one to open. That meant disabled visitors who would not be able to get down the tower's 570 stairs in an emergency were not allowed up the tower".

What can I say? I am laughing my head off. Tomorrow I'll tell you what happened when the City Council moved Nelson's statue to a new location in the city and decided to give the statue a bit of a cleaning. You won't believe what happened.
UPDATE: And see the tower collapsing here . This is the work of a University of Portsmouth student.

La torre Spinnaker de Portsmouth se inaugura hoy. O no. Porque vereis... se suponia que era un proyecto para el 'milenio', pero se empezo a construir en 2004. Pasadito, el milenio. Luego hubo un sin fin de problemas : con el cemento que se agrietaba, con el presupuesto que se disparaba, el arquitecto que queria el copyright de la torre.. Y cuando creiamos que ya habiamos superado este valle de lagrimas...

Ved lo que paso hoy, el dia de la inauguracion, segun informa el periodico local The News : "Tres personas quedaron atrapadas hoy en el ascensor exterior de la Torre Spinnaker, en lo que ya se conoce como una desastrosa inauguracion del proyecto. El ascensor se paro a 100 pies del suelo siendo los pasajeros en su interior el Director de proyectos del Ayuntamiento, David Greenhalgh y un representante de la empresa constructora, Mowlem. Para mas ironia, el tercer pasajero del ascensor era el ingeniero Luca Frigerio de la empresa Maspero - la empresa que instalo el ascensor. El trio quedo atrapado durante aproximadamente, una hora y media, mientras el publico que se habia congregado para presenciar la inauguracion les contemplaba con asombro desde la calle. Ingenieros pertrechados con equipamiento para la escalada bajaron por el exterior de la torre para tratar de solventar el problema. Se les vio manipular el mecanismo del exterior del ascensor hasta que, por fin, a las 11 y 20 de la maniana el ascensor acabo descendiendo. Pero los problemas habian empezado incluso antes de la apertura de las 10 de la maniana, yamMientras los visitantes hacian cola (algunos desde las 6 de la maniana) para subir a la torre. Juliana Delaney, Manager de Proyecto de Heritage, tomo la decision de no poner en marcha el ascensor exterior y permitir que solo funcionara el interior. Como consecuencia de ello, no se permitio la entrada a visitantes minusvalidos, ya que no hubieran podido bajar los 570 escalones en caso de emergencia.

Que puedo decir? Que me estoy partiendo el culo de risa. Y maniana os contare lo que paso cuando el Ayuntamiento decidio mover la estatua de Nelson a un 'lugar mas apropiado' y, de paso, darle un repaso y limpieza. No os vais a creer lo que paso.
ACTUALIZACION: Y podeis ver como cayo la torre aqui . Es el 'trabajito' de un estudiante de la University of Portsmouth.

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the East at 14 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1010.2 mb

Monday, October 17, 2005

Quoting from The Times today: "PAGAN priests will be allowed to use wine and wands during ceremonies in jails under instructions issued to every prison governor. Inmates practising paganism will be allowed a hoodless robe, incense and a piece of religious jewellery among their personal possessions. They will also be allowed to have Tarot cards but are forbidden from using them to tell the fortunes of other prisoners. The guidance, issued by Michael Spurr, the director of operations of the Prison Service, makes it clear that Skyclad (naked pagan worship) will not be permitted. Prison staff have been told that pagan artefacts should be treated with respect"

Oh yes, right. So no tarot reading to other inmates and no naked worshipping. Let's not give 'ideas' to the other prisoners, mmm?

Cito de un articulo de The Times de hoy: "Se permitira que los sacerdotes paganos usen vino y varita en las ceremonias celebradas en las carceles, segun las instrucciones enviadas por el gobierno a los directores de las carceles britanicas. A los prisioneros practicantes del paganismo se les permitira poseer una capa sin capucha, incienso y un articulo de joyeria religiosa como parte de sus pertenencias personales. Las cartas del Tarot tambien estaran permitidas, pero estara prohibido leer el futuro a otros prisioneros Las instrucciones, creadas por Michel Spurr, Director de Operaciones del Servicio de Penitenciarias, deja bien claro que la practica del paganismo a lo Skyclad ( en ingles, "vestido con el cielo", es decir desnudo) no estara permitida.

Vaya,vaya. Asi que ni leer el futuro a los companieros de celda ni pasearse en bolas diciendo los rezos de turno. No fuera a ser que les dieran 'ideas' a los otros prisioneros, no?

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the East Southeast at 8 mph
Dew Point: 13C
Humidity: 65%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1017.9 mb

Friday, October 14, 2005

Our new James Bond : Daniel Craig (at least, according to his mother!).

Ya tenemos nuevo James Bond (segun su madre, al menos!) : Daniel Craig .

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the East Northeast at 8 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: 6 miles

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

It's not exactly what I would call my best day. I've been soo busy I could not post in the blog, it rained cats and dogs JUST when I went out for lunch and one of my bosses brought me a present from France...perfume you may think? no! a smelly cheese!

Ok, I'll admit it. I love cheese. And the smellier, the better.

Hoy no es mi dia. Me sale el trabajo por las orejas, se puso a llover a cantaros JUSTO cuando salia a comer y uno de mis jefes me trae un regalo de Francia... perfume, os preguntareis? no! un queso apestoso!

Vale, lo admito. Me encanta el queso. Cuanto mas apestoso, mejor.

The weather today:
Light Rain
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the South Southeast at 13 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 97%
Visibility: 2 miles
Barometer: 1007.8 mb


Monday, October 10, 2005

We went for a Fungi Walk this weekend. Unfortunately (for us) the expert in Mycology was more interested in beautiful but poisonous mushrooms than in showing to us the edible and tasty specimens! Well, cannot complain too much since it was for free and the guide was obviously an enthusiastic and well-informed mycologist. What a coincidence then that back home we just happened to find this article in The Sunday Times explaining all about Mushroom forays, which happen to be what we had always needed : mostly concerned with edible mushrooms. Too late for us now. The forays for our area took place this weekend. The next happens to be at the other side of the country. Ah well, we'll have to rely on our own resources. One day, in the future, we will be self-taught mushroom-hunters!

We've also acquired a taste for guided walks, so we may take our city's Ghost Guided Walk on Sunday 30 October (£2 per person!) which promises to take us on a "ghostly walk unconvering a selection of dastardly deeds and mysterious events that have been features of life in the city since the 12th century charter". And maybe next Sunday's Battle of Hastings hike at Battle Abbey. Even if we don't take the hike, we should be there for the English Heritage re-enactment of the 1066 Battle which shaped the future of England. We've been saying we will go to this re-enactment for 4 years, it's about time we do it!!

Fuimos a un Paseo con setas este domingo. Para (nuestra) mala suerte, el experto en Micologia estaba mas interesado en setas bellas y venenosas que en mostrarnos las que son comestibles y deliciosas. Tampoco nos podemos quejar porque el paseo era gratis y el experto era un entusiasta y profesional micologo. Vaya coincidencia pues que, cuando llegamos a casa, encontramos este articulo en The Sunday Times, que explica todo sobre la busqueda de setas comestibles, que era el tema que mas nos interesaba. Ahora ya es demasiado tarde. Las busquedas en nuestra zona tuvieron lugar este fin de semana, mientras nosotros estabamos en el paseo. Y la proxima busqueda nos queda bastante lejos. Tendremos pues, que confiar en nuestros propios recursos. Si perserveramos, puede que llegue un dia, en un futuro MUY lejano, en que seamos expertos en el tema.

Con la excusa de las setas, hemos adquirido aficion por el tema de los paseos/caminatas, asi que podria ser que fueramos al Paseo Fantasmagorico guiado de nuestra ciudad el domingo 30 de Octubre, que promete llevarnos a "un paseo fantasmagorico revelando una variada seleccion de fenomenos extranios y acontecimientos misteriosos que han sido parte de la vida de la ciudad desde el siglo XII". Y quiza el proximo domingo vayamos al tour guiado de la Batalla de Hastings en Battle Abbey. Incluso si no vamos al tour, vale la pena ir a Battle Abbey para ver la representacion, en vivo y en directo, de la famosa batalla del anio 1066 que tan profundamente marco el futuro de Inglaterra. Ya seria hora de que fueramos, porque hace 4 anios que venimos diciendo que iremos y, al final, nunca vamos!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the East Southeast at 9 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 90%
Visibility: 6 miles

Friday, October 07, 2005

See this? It is a lovely Lactarius Deliciosus . And this is what we do every weekend, looking for mushrooms! Mushroom-hunting soon becomes an obsession. Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. My life is a mushroom!

Veis la foto de arriba? Es un bonisimo Lactarius Deliciosus . Y esto es lo que hacemos cada fin de semana : buscamos setas! El buscar setas se convierte en una obsesion. Creedme, se de que hablo. Mi vida es una seta!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the East at 3 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 77%

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Shipping News arrived today from Canada (how appropriate is that, eh? considering the story is supposed to happen in Newfoundland) via a Bookcrossing member. See, in Bookcrossing we not only set books free in our cities, but we also trade them or create book-rings where books travel with other bookcrossing members.

The Shipping News llego hoy de Canada (y que mas apropiado, considerando que la historia se desarrolla en Newfoundland) enviado por un miembro de Bookcrossing. Porque vereis, en Bookcrossing no solo "liberamos" libros en rincones de nuestra ciudad sino que tambien podemos intercambiarlos o crear un 'circulo' en donde el libro se envia a varios miembros que lo han solicitado previamente.

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 0 Low
Wind: From the North at 9 mph
Dew Point: 8C
Humidity: 89%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,029.1 mb

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Some governments are becoming incredibly paranoid. Take for instance the case of Italy, where a new law has been established, affecting internet users. Any person wanting to use an internet cafe in Italy will have to show and have their passport registered by the cafe owners, as explained in The Guardian's article : Passport to Surf . And I wonder, what's next? The same law for all European countries? And how about tatooing passport numbers in the citizen's arms? Nazy-style, why not, after all this is Europe, we have a lot of experience, History is there to help us! If this is what the EU Constitution is, this Constituion some still want us to adopt, no matter what, then let me tell you: you can keep your precious Europe. I'm out of here.

La paranoia de algunos gobiernos ha llegado a limites insospechados. Segun una nueva ley italiana, los internautas que deseen usar los servicios de un internet cafe tendran que mostar su pasaporte, segun informa The Guardian en este articulo : "Passport to Surf". Y lo proximo que sera? La misma ley a nivel europeo? Y luego, por que no hacer que cada ciudadano tenga que tatuarse el numero de pasaporte en el brazo? Al estilo nazi, que para eso estamos en Europa, no? Ya tenemos experiencia, para eso esta la Historia, para ayudarnos a oprimir. Si esa Constitucion Europea que algunos aun desean imponer se basa en esto, se lo digo bien claro: metanse Europa donde les quepa, que yo me largo.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the West Northwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 59%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.3 mb


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I wish my relatives decided they don't want to celebrate their birthdays. This would mean no more spending hours and hours trying to find an appropriate present light enough in weigh so I don't pay an eye for the postage. It would also mean the end of carefully wrapping presents in bubble wrap so they don't break and then carefully cellotaping the box to secure the contents. In summary: I am fed up with the whole stuff! No more birthdays, for heaven's sake! And Xmas! Xmas is just in 2 month's time!!! I won't survive another year of this! My relatives live in two different continents, help!!!

Me encantaria que mi familia decidiera que ya no quieren cumplir mas anios. Se acabaron los cumpleanios! Para mi, significaria el fin de esta tortura de horas y horas pasadas buscando un regalo apropiado que, ademas, no pese mucho y me arruine al enviarlo por correo. El fin de pasarme el rato envolviendo el regalo en plastico de burbujas, para que llegue perfecto. El fin de esas horas pasadas envolviendo la caja del maldito regalito para que no se abra por el camino. Queda claro? Estoy hart@ de cumpleanios y santos. Y la Navidad....que viene la Navidad, maldita sea, en dos meses ya estamos otra vez con la misma historia, yo no sobrevivo otro anio, socorro! Que tengo familia en dos paises, una en cada punta del mundo!!!!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index:1 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 30 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 72%
Visibility: 9 miles
Barometer: 1,014.2 mb


Monday, September 26, 2005

Our sunflowers have gone crazy this year. They won't stop flowering and it is already the end of September! They are truly the 'miracle sunflowers'. To start with, we never planted them! We planted some gladiolae bulbs and added plenty of compost. The next thing we knew, the sunflowers were there. We suspect some of last year's sunflowers seeds fell in the compost and there you are, sunflowers again! But the 'miracle' does not stop here. When the first flowers dried out, more little flowers appeared in the plants. There are currently between 5 and 10 sunflowers in each plant. There has been a non-stop flowering madness since the beginning of July. To think we didn't want sunflowers this year....

Nuestros girasoles se han vuelto locos este anio. No paran de producir mas y mas flores y ya estamos a finales de Septiembre! Son realmente girasoles milagrosos. Para empezar, nosotros no los plantamos! Lo que plantamos fueron bulbos de gladiolo, y aniadimos mucho compost para alimentarlos. Y lo que paso despues es que...salieron girasoles! Pensamos que algunas semillas de girasol de las plantas del anio pasado cayeron por error en el compost. Asi que...venga, girasoles otra vez! Pero el 'milagro' no se acaba aqui... cuando la flor de cada planta se seco, salieron mas flores! Ahora mismo, cada planta tiene entre 5 y 10 flores. Y asi, desde principios de Julio. Y eso que no queriamos girasoles este anio....

The weather today:
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 23 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 74%
Barometer: 1,015.9 mb

Friday, September 23, 2005

It's been a busy week and I 've not had time to post in the blog. However, I had a bit of time, enough to buy the tickets for the Royksopp gig on 15 October.

Ha sido una semana muy ocupada y no me ha dado tiempo de postear en el blog. Sin embargo, si me ha dado tiempo de comprar entradas para el concierto de Royksopp el 15 de Octubre.

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South at 12 mph
Dew Point:16°C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 2 miles
Barometer: 1,010.2 mb

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Back to the Moon! By 2018 human beings will step again in the Moon, as announced by NASA . The spacecraft will be based on the Apollo model although it will be bigger and carry six astronauts aboard. I am happy we are going back to the Moon but cannot stop suspecting this may be a new Space Race. Against whom you will ask. The Russians are not economically able to compete in this race! Ah no, not the Russians. The Chinese! They've already said they are going to the Moon . So the US needed another Space Race to take them back to the Moon. I cannot but think...thanks, China!
To those who oppose spending on space exploration, to those who ask why go to the Moon when there are so many starving people in our planet, the answer is very simple : stop war and producing arms. That will feed the poor and solve all problems in this planet. The money spent in space exploration is ridiculously small, compared to what is spent in war. Don't stop space exploration. Our future may be in the stars!

Volvemos a la Luna! En el 2018 una nueva mision tripulada pisara la Luna, declara NASA . La nave se basara en el disenio de las naves Apollo , aunque sera de mayor tamanio y transportara seis astronautas en lugar de tres. Me alegra que volvamos a la Luna pero al mismo tiempo, se me ocurre que esto es otra 'carrera espacial'. Me direis que los rusos ya no estan en condiciones de participar en otra. No, por supuesto que no. Pero los chinos, si! El gobierno chino ha anunciado varias veces su intencion de ir a la Luna . Justo lo que necesitaban los americanos para ponerse manos a la obra. Otra competicion! Ante los resultados, solo se me ocurre decir....gracias, China!
A los que se oponen a la exploracion espacial, a los que preguntan como podemos pensar en ir a la Luna si hay tanta gente muriendo de hambre en este planeta, yo les respondo, bien simplemente : la solucion es que no haya mas guerras y se pare inmediatamente la produccion de armas. Eso dara alimento a los pobres y resolvera los problemas de este planeta. En comparacion con lo que los gobiernos se gastan en defensa, el dinero invertido en exploracion espacial es ridiculo, es una cantidad infima. No obstruyais la exploracion espacial. Nuestro futuro bien podria estar en las estrellas!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 5 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,025.1 mb

Monday, September 19, 2005

Not identified! / Sin identificar!

Liberty cap or some poisonous horror?/ Seta magica o bien venenosa?

A member of the Lactarius family,edible and tasty. We think. / Uno de la familia de los Lactarius. Comestible.... probablemente!

This last weekend we went mushroom hunting to the New Forest . The photos above are some of the result of our useless search. A grand total of 15 mushrooms, most of them non-identified! Mushroom hunting is not that easy, you see!

Este fin de semana fuimos a buscar setas a la New Forest . Las fotos de arriba muestran parte del resultado de la infructuosa busqueda. Encontramos la impresionante cantidad de.... 15 setas! Y la mayoria de ellas, no fuimos capaces de identificar. Ya veis, lo de las setas no es facil, precisamente!

The weather today:

Mostly Cloudy
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 11C
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,024.7 mb

Friday, September 16, 2005

Yesterday we tried cooking spaghetti carbonara as Heston Blumenthal proposed in this article in the Sunday Times. It seemed a bit strange, especially the part of the recipe when Heston suggests using 3 raw egg yolks and they get cooked only by the heat from the cooked pasta. But...it works! And the sauce is very smooth. I think from now on it will be Heston carbonara at home! See the recipe below, quoting from the article:


4 medium onions
3 cloves garlic
Extra-virgin olive oil
300g smoked streaky bacon, sliced across into 1cm strips
1-2 fresh green chillis (depending on taste), seeds and pith removed, and chopped
600g best-quality dried pasta (spaghetti is ideal)
4-5 medium egg yolks
100g fresh parmesan, grated
1 bunch flat-leaf parsley

Peel, halve and de-root the onion, and chop finely. Peel, chop and purée the garlic (sprinkle a little table salt over the roughly chopped garlic and, using the flat side of the chopping knife, drag it backwards over the garlic — watch your fingers — until you have a smooth purée).

Pour about 75ml of olive oil into a frying pan and add the onions and garlic. Cook on a low to medium heat for 15 minutes. While the onions are cooking, you may need to regulate the temperature; the onions should not be coloured after the cooking time. Add the bacon and chopped chilli to the onion and garlic and turn up the heat. Cook until the onions and bacon are just starting to colour at the edges.

Put on the pasta water: use 6 litres of water and 60g of salt. When it comes to the boil, add the pasta, stirring gently to ensure that it does not stick. Cook according to the packet instructions, until the pasta is al dente.
Meanwhile, put the egg yolks into a bowl large enough to hold all the pasta. Add the grated parmesan and set aside. Chop the parsley leaves.

When the pasta is ready, drain through a colander — keeping back a bit of the water — and tip immediately onto the egg yolk- and parmesan mix, and ensuring that 1-2 tbsp of the cooking water goes with it. As you stir the pasta into the egg and cheese, the heat will cook the eggs and melt the cheese, making the sauce. Stir in the hot onion and bacon mix, sprinkle over the chopped parsley and serve.
Heston may add peas to this dish; broccoli is also be a great extra. If you do use peas, it might be an idea to change the pasta, as the spaghetti won’t hold them."

Ayer preparamos spaghetti carbonara siguiendo la receta que Heston Blumenthal propuso en este articulo (en ingles) en el Sunday Times. Habia una parte de la receta que se nos hacia bastante rara, cuando Heston sugiere usar 3 yemas de huevo crudas. No cocinarlas, sino dejarlas crudas hasta que se cuecen con el calor producido por la pasta hirviendo. Raro, si, pero...funciona! Y la salsa es de textura suave y sabe genial. A partir de ahora, en casa se prepara solo la carbonara al estilo Heston! He copiado y traducido la receta del articulo, probadla! :

"SPAGHETTI CARBONARA (para 6 personas!)

4 cebollas de tamanio medio
3 dientes de ajo
Aceite de oliva virgen
300g bacon tipo ahumado, cortado a tiras delgadas de 1cm de longitud
1-2 chilis verdes frescos (si os gustan), cortados finamente y sin semillas.
600g pasta spaghetti
4-5 yemas de huevo, tamanio medio
100g queso parmesano, rallado.
1 ramito de perejil, cortado finamente.

Pelar y cortar finamente las cebollas. Pelar y trocear muy finamente, hasta casi hacer pure, los ajos.

Poner 75ml de aceite de oliva en una sarten, calentar y aniadir las cebollas y el ajo. Cocer a medio/bajo fuego durante 15 minutos, vigilando la temperatura, las cebollas no deben tomar color en ningun caso. Aniadir el bacon y los pedacitos de chili y subir el fuego. Cocinar hasta que las cebollas y el bacon empiecen justo a tomar color en los bordes.

Llenar una olla con agua para cocinar la pasta : usar 6 litros de agua y 60g de sal. Cuando el agua hierva, aniadir la pasta, removiendo con cuidado para que no se pegue a la olla. Cocinar siguiendo las instrucciones del paquete, hasta que la pasta este al dente.

Mientras tanto, colocar las yemas de huevo en un bol suficientemente grande como para contener la pasta hervida. Aniadir el queso parmesano rallado. Trocear el ramito de perejil.

Cuando la pasta este lista, escurrir en colador - guardando algo de agua aparte - y pasar inmediatamente al bol de los huevos y parmesano, aniadiendo tambien 1-2 cucharadas del agua que habremos reservado. Mezclar con una cuchara la pasta con el huevo y queso. El calor de la pasta hervida cocinara las yemas de huevo y derretira el queso, convirtiendose en la salsa. Aniadir las cebollas con ajo y bacon, mezclar todo junto, aniadir un poco de perejil y servir.

Heston a veces sirve este plato con guisantes o bien broccoli. Si se usan guisantes, seria preferible usar otro tipo de pasta ya que los spaghetti son demasiado finos y los guisantes se escurren al fondo del plato".

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: From the North Northeast at 13 gusting to 25 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Humidity: 59%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer:1,017.9 mb

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Google launched today its search engine in blogs, the Google Blog Search . And soon this years'April Fools Day joke, Google gulp will become a reality, instead of a joke! Now, don't get me wrong, I've always liked Google. But this 'Google Supremacy' is starting to make me feel a bit uncomfortable, I' m starting to wonder if Google will be soon asking me.... 'where do you want to go today?' .....

Google inaugura hoy su buscador de palabras en blogs, el Google Blog Search . No, si al final sera verdad que lanzan la bebida Google Gulp en lugar de ser otra broma del dia de los inocentes del anio pasado! No me malinterpreteis. A mi me ha gustado Google desde el principio. Pero este punto al que llegamos de la 'Supremacia Google' me esta empezando a incomodar, hasta que un dia de estos acabara preguntandome... "hasta donde quieres llegar hoy? " ....

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 18C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 6 miles

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

We would like to enrol to a scuba-diving course next year. For this year, however, we have just decided we'd like to go to the woods and pick some mushrooms ! It may seem a VERY easy and 'soft' option compared to scuba-diving. However, have a good look at any book on edible mushrooms and you will see that for each edible mushroom there are at least three very poisonous lookalikes. I would then say wild mushroom picking (and eating them) is riskier than scuba-diving.

El anio que viene nos gustaria matricularnos en un curso de submarinismo . Para este anio, de momento, lo unico que hemos decidido es que iremos al bosque a buscar setas ! Lo de las setas parece una opcion bien facil y sin riesgos, comparada con el submarinismo. Pues no. Echad una ojeada a cualquier libro donde se de una clasificacion de setas comestibles. Bien pronto vereis que, por cada seta comestible, hay por lo menos dos muy similares pero venenosas. Por eso digo que buscar setas en el bosque (y comerlas, por supuesto) es un deporte de alto riesgo, mucho mas que el submarinismo.

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 23 mph
Dew Point: 17C
Humidity: 89%
Visibility: 7 miles
Barometer: 1,022.0 mb

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Are you fascinated by the rivalry between Steve Jobs (Apple) and Bill Gates (Microsoft)? Now you can enjoy all the complexities of their relationship in a new New York....musical! Nerds The Musical is a 'musical software satire', an "outrageous epic take on the parallel stories of computer pioneers BG and JS, two technological geniuses as they blaze a path from 'garage inventors' to warring titans of the computer revolution".
And I say : what else do you expect for 15 US dollars? of course first you'll have to fly to New York...

Os fascina la rivalidad entre Steve Jobs (Apple) y Bill Gates (Microsoft)? Pues ahora podeis disfrutar de una manera amena y divertida de las complejidades de esta relacion en un nuevo....musical de Nueva York!!! Nerds The Musical ('nerd' en ingles es similar en signicado a 'freak, freakie' o 'friki' tal como se ha espaniolizado la palabra) es un 'satirico musical de software', una "increible epopeya basada en las historias paralelas de los pioneros de la computacion, genios de la tecnologia Bill Gates y Steve Jobs, mientras forjan su futuro, desde 'inventores de garage' a titanes guerreros de la revolucion computerizada".
Y digo yo : Por 15 US dolares que mas quereis? Claro que primero hay que volar a New York, eso si...

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South Southeast at 7 mph
Dew Point: 15C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1,024.7 mb

Monday, September 12, 2005

Quoting from The Guardian article Keep your face straight: passport grins pass into history : "It sounds like something from an Orwell novel: British citizens who hope to be allowed to leave the country are no longer allowed to smile. But this new seriousness really did come into effect at midnight: forthwith, if you want to get out, then keep your mouth shut.
In fiction, this interdiction on grinning would result from some tyrannical ban on happiness. In fact, it's a practical matter: the new biometric recognition scanners purchased to improve security at border controls are only able, due to some idiosyncracy of their digital instructions, to recognise straight faces. So, from this morning, potential travellers must produce in the curtained booth or photographer's shop what the official form calls "a neutral expression with your mouth closed".

I guess this new regulation is not bothering the British at all. For all I know, they are not exactly known for their bubbly and smiley personalities. Except when drunk, of course. And that doesn't last for long because they will soon become violent and aggresive. Try a little expedition on a Friday or Saturday night to any British city centre and you will agree. The panorama is something out of the Escape from LA film. Unfortunately, without Kurt Russell .

Cito del articulo de The Guardian:
No te rias : pasa a la historia el sonreir en el pasaporte
: "Suena como salido de una novela de George Orwell: los ciudadanos britanicos que quieran salir del pais tienen prohibido el sonreir. Esta nueva impuesta seriedad entro en vigor en la medianoche de ayer. De ahora en adelante, si quieres salir al extranjero, cierra la boca. Si fuera una novela de ficcion, esta nueva norma resultaria ser una tiranica prohibicion a la felicidad. En realidad, en una cuestion practica: los nuevos scanners biometriocos adquiridos por los aeropuertos para mejorar la seguridad tienen sus limitaciones y solo pueden 'leer' fotos de caras serias. Asi que, desde esta maniana, quienes deseen renovar su pasaporte deberan presentar fotos con lo que, oficialmente se describe como "una expresion neutral con la boca cerrada".

Lo cual, en mi opinion, no debe preocupar demasiado a los britanicos, que no gozan, precisamente, de reputacion internacional por su caracter alegre y sonrisa permanente. Excepto cuando van borrachos, claro. Aunque en esos momentos tampoco les dura demasiado la sonrisa, porque, mayoritariamente, son de lo mas violentos. Un paseito un viernes o sabado por la noche por cualquier ciudad britanica y me dareis la razon. Las escenitas son del tipo 'Escape from LA', lamentablemente sin Kurt Russell .

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the Southeast at 10 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 67%
Visibility: 7 miles
Barometer: 1,020.7 mb

Friday, September 09, 2005

I like this type of floor for my bathroom....
More amazing photos like this in Worth 1000 .

Este tipo de suelo me gusta para el banio...
Mas fotos como esta en Worth 1000 .

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: From the East Northeast at 5 mph
Dew Point: 15C
Humidity: 54%
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer: 1,009.1 mb

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Half the country's population watching the cricket and I am playing Florence Nightingale (XD those of you who personally know me can laugh here) to my sick other half... my perfect excuse for today's lack of ideas !

Medio pais viendo el cricket y yo de Florence Nightingale (XD los que me conoceis personalmente, ya podeis reir) de mi enferm@ media naranja.... excusa ideal para no postear hoy nada decente!

The weather today:
UV Index:5 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 5 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 67%
Visibility: 9 miles
Barometer:1,012.2 mb


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

There's nothing nicer that a beautiful sunny day in summer with a big plate of "moules marinieres avec frites" (mussels with French fries, although it sounds chicest in French, doesn't it? XD) in France. Or wherever you are, who cares, seafood is ALWAYS good!

Que mejor que pasar un soleado dia veraniego en Francia, almorzando "moules marinieres avec frites" (mejillones a la marinera con patatas fritas, vaya, pero es que en frances queda tan chic! XD). O que caray, aunque no sea en Francia, un plato de marisco SIEMPRE apetece!

The weather today:
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: from the South Southwest at 12 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 57%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,010.8 mb

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

In 1918, hundreds of square kilometres in northern France looked like this. No, in fact, much worse, as the green grass was then mud and filth. All you could see were trenches and bomb craters after the bloody Battle of the Somme which lasted months : from the 1st July 1916 to the 18th November 1916.
Today it is a non-descript area in the North of France with many maize and potato fields. And many soldiers' cemeteries. Take any small road, far from the motorway and you will be shocked at the number of cemeteries and white graves. And these are only the soldiers they could bury. Many others lay somewhere there, without grave to remember their names. If any person with any desire of war were to be made to dig every single grave I saw in the Somme, I bet they would not seek war ever again.

En 1918, cientos de kilometros en el norte de Francia tenian este aspecto. O mejor dicho, peor que esto. Substituid la bonita hierba verde por fango y porqueria. Todo lo que se veia eran rincheras y crateres causados por la explosion de las bombas lanzadas por ambos bandos, desde que tuvo lugar la larguisima Batalla del Somme que duro del 1 de Julio al 18 de Noviembre de 1916. Hoy en dia es una zona sin mucha distincion en el Norte de Francia. Con somnolientos pueblecitos y campos de maiz y patatas. Y cementerios de soldados. Tomad cualquier carretera comarcal, dejando atras la autopista, y os sorprendera ver la cantidad de cementerios militares de blancas lapidas que existen en la zona. Y estos son los soldados a los que pudieron enterrar decentemente. Cuantos otros hay sin identificar, enterrados sin lapida que les recuerde! A los amantes de la guerra, aquellos que desean guerra a toda costa, si a cualquiera de estos se les obligara a cavar todas las tumbas que he visto en la zona del Somme, bien rapido se les pasarian las ansias guerreras!

The weather today:
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: From the East Southeast at 7 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 69%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,007.5 mb

Monday, September 05, 2005

This is the view of the White Cliffs of Dover from Cap Gris Nez, Opale Coast, France. I loved seeing England from France in the morning and then crossing the Channel that same evening. Two countries set apart by the ocean in just one day..

Esta es la vista de las 'blancas colinas de Dover' desde el Cap Gris Nez, en la costa d'Opale, Francia. Por la maniana estabamos en Francia, viendo Inglaterra al otro lado. Por la noche cruzamos el canal de la Mancha en ferry y nos plantamos al otro lado. Dos paises separados por el mar en un dia...

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: calm
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 71%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.5 mb

Friday, September 02, 2005

I hope you will understand. I've not been posting in the blog for the past two days. I was busy. I had to find a place to keep all the beautiful Moet-Chandon champagne bottles we bought in Epernay the last weekend! And when I say 'a place to keep' I don't mean down my throat exactly. Not yet....

Espero que lo comprendais. No he posteado en el blog durante los ultimos dos dias. Estaba ocupadisim@. Buscando un lugar adecuado en casa para colocar todas las preciosas botellas de champagne Moet-Chandon que compramos en Epernay el fin de semana pasado! Y cuando digo 'lugar adecuado' no me refiero a garganta abajo precisamente. Aun no...

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index:5 Moderate
Wind: From the Southwest at 6 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 66%
Barometer: 1,024.7 mb


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Not the best time to enjoy a New Orleans Hurricane cocktail, I'm afraid! Best wishes to all in Louisiana and Mississippi. I loved it when we visited those states and wouldn't mind going back!

No es, precisamente, el mejor momento para disfrutar del tipico cocktail Huracan de Nueva Orleans ! Mis mejores deseos para los ciudadanos de los estados de Louisiana y Mississippi, dos estados que he visitado y a los que me encantaria volver!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the South at 1 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1,008.1 mb

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Quoting from The Guardian's article : Young think "Isas" are Ipod accesories . "More than one in ten young people think an Isa ((Individual Savings Account) - savings account with tax benefits. Savings can be made through cash deposits, stocks and shares or insurance) is an accessory for an iPod, while many adults admit they would rather read the back of a cereal packet than their financial mail, according to research released today.[...] A survey of 1,000 adults, carried out by communications company Docucorp, found that three-quarters were so turned off by information on mortgages, pensions, insurance and bank accounts that they would prefer to read the ingredients panel on a cornflakes box instead".

I agree. I am always mesmerized by the ingredients panel while eating cereal! Banks should learn their marketing strategies from Kelloggs!<

Cito de The Guardian el articulo : Los jovenes creen que las "Isas" son accesorios para el Ipod . "Mas de uno entre cada diez jovenes piensa que una Isa ( en ingles,Individual Savings Account - cuenta de ahorro con beneficios fiscales) es un accesorio para el Ipod, mientras que muchos adultos admiten que preferirian leer el reverso de un paquete de cereales que cartas del banco o relacionadas con sus finanzas, segun un estudio publicado hoy. [...] Un estudio realizado entre 1000 adultos por la compania de comunicaciones Docucorp, revela que 3/4 de los encuestados encuentran tan aburrida la informacion sobre hipotecas, pensiones, seguros y cuentas bancarias que, si les dieran a elegir, leerian en su lugar la tabla de ingredientes en un paquete de cereales".

Completamente de acuerdo. El texto de los paquetes de cereales es hipnotico y adictivo! Que aprendan los bancos de la Kelloggs!

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: From the Southeast at 10 mph
Dew Point:16C
Humidity: 64%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,021.0 mb

Friday, August 26, 2005

Closed for long bank holiday weekend from Friday 26 August to Monday 29 August (both inclusive). We are going to the Champagne in France!

Cerrado por fin de semana largo del viernes 26 al lunes 29 de Agosto (ambos inclusive). Nos vamos a la Champagne en Francia!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 22 mph
Dew Point:11C
Humidity: 64%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,014.6 mb


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

As promised!! I'll post about.... My favourite washing-up liquid. It is Fairy . A bit predictable, I know. But there was a time, in the mid-eighties, when Fairy arrived in Spain and it was mostly unknown, expensive and it took a while to catch on. My mum bought it, tried it and was a faithful customer from then on. Now Marketing students pay attention to this detail, because this is real proof that fidelity can be passed from generation to generation. Unfortunately for the manufacturers, it can also be lost for the older generation, which is generally considered more conservative but in fact, it is not! My mum decided to change to Froggy because Fairy made her sneeze (click on the links to know why!).

Lo prometido es deuda y hoy posteare sobre... mi detergente lavavajillas preferido. Es Fairy . Nada del otro mundo, ya veis. Pero a mediados de los 80, cuando Fairy llego a Espania, era el gran desconocido y mas bien caro. Costo un tiempo y gran cantidad de anuncios en television el que Fairy se convirtiera en el detergente mas popular. Recuerdo que mi madre lo compro, lo probo y se convirtio en consumidora fiel por mucho tiempo. Atencion, estudiantes de marketing, no os perdais este detalle porque es prueba de que la fidelidad del cliente se transmite de generacion en generacion. Lamentablemente para los fabricantes, nuestro caso tambien viene a demostrar que la primera generacion, que se supone mas conservadora, no lo es tanto y pierde su fidelidad sin problemas. Justo lo que ocurrio con mi madre, que se paso a Froggy porque Fairy la hacia estornudar. Haced click en los links y vereis el por que!

The weather today:
UV Index:2 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 94%
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer: 1,005.1 mb

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Now I've started with product recommendations and this blog is really degenerating into I don't know what, let's talk about contact lenses. Do you wear contact lenses? Are you happy with them? Wouldn't you like to wear them all the time? Night and Day? Well you know what? You can. In fact, it has been possible for several years. I have been wearing Focus Night&Day contact lenses since 2001 and I am very happy with them. I have had no problems at all. No sensitivity, no infections, no dry eyes. Yes, that's what I said. I wear my contact lenses all the time. I sleep with my contact lenses. Since 2001. Obviously, it is not the same pair I bought in 2001!! I change them every month, that's all. One night every month I sleep without contact lenses. My eyes are all right. IN fact, my eyes have never been better. Because every time you take your contact lenses off, you touch your eyes with your fingers. Your contact lenses go in and out of your eyes, you touch them, you clean them. With all this touching and cleaning, there is more possibility of infection. Me, I don't have any infections, conjuntivitis, anything at all. Because I only touch my eyes and my contact lenses once a month. In fact, this Night&Day contact lenses are better than your usual contact lenses. Your eyes breathe through them!
Yes, they are more expensive than normal contact lenses. But think of the advantages. Waking up in the middle of the night and....miracle of miracles! you can see! Oh, and think all the money you will save not having to buy any cleansing liquids ever again. As I said I have been wearing this type of contact lenses since 2001 without any trouble at all. That's why I am always amazed at people not knowing about them or opticians not reccommending them to everybody. Try them, they will change your life.

And tomorrow... I'll talk my favourite washing up liquid!

Ya que he empezado a recomendar productos y este blog esta degenerando en algo indescriptible, me parece que ya es hora de hablar de lentes de contacto. Llevas lentes de contacto? No te gustaria llevarlas siempre puestas? De dia y de noche? Pues sabes que? Puedes. De hecho, es posible desde hace ya anios. Llevo las Focus Night & Day desde el 2001 y bien content@ que estoy con ellas. No he tenido ningun problema. Las llevo siempre. Duermo con ellas. Evidentemente, no son las mismas que compre en el 2001! Las cambio cada mes. Una noche al mes duermo sin lentes de contacto. Al dia siguiente, me pongo el nuevo par. Y venga! A olvidarse hasta el mes siguiente. Y mis ojos bien, gracias. De hecho, nunca han estado mejor de salud. Porque, piensalo, cada vez que te quitas y te pones las lentes de contacto, tus dedos estan en contacto con la lente y el ojo. Por mucho que limpies y limpies, siempre hay posibilidad de infeccion. Yo no tengo infecciones, conjuntivitis, nada de nada. Porque solo toco los ojos y las lentes de contacto una vez al mes. Y mis ojos respiran a traves de la lente de contacto, porque ese es el principio que permite llevarlas de dia y de noche. Con lentes de contacto normales, los ojos casi no reciben ventilacion.
Si que hay que remarcar que son mas caras que las lentes de contacto normales. Pero piensa en las ventajas. Te despiertas a medianoche y...milagro! puedes ver! Ah, y se acabo el fastidio de comprar liquidos limpiadores y conservadores. Nunca mas!
Como antes decia, llevo este tipo de lentes de contacto desde el 2001. Y sigue sorprendiendome que otros usuarios de lentes de contacto no sepan que estas lentillas existen. Y que sus oftalmologos no se las recomienden. Me huele a algun interes comercial por su parte, porque si no, no lo entiendo. Tu pruebalas. Ya veras que diferencia.

Ah y maniana.... hablaremos de mi liquido para lavar los platos preferido!

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 14 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,017.9 mb

Monday, August 22, 2005

A mouthwash without alcohol, with appealing taste and colour and which really works? Try Dentyl and you will notice the difference. I don't suffer from bad breath. I have not been paid by Dentyl, either. It's just that I tried and I could really see how this product cleaned my mouth, much better than any other traditional mouthwash. Quoting Dentyl's website : "Dentyl pH is unique. Shake vigorously to physically activate the two-phases. When you swish and gargle, the advanced formula moves around the mouth powerfully attracting, lifting and absorbing the bacteria and debris that cause bad breath, plaque and gum disease up to 18 hours in a single use. Rinse out and you will see what has been removed - proof that it really works".
I saw what was removed! I saw it!! I am converted to Dentyl!!

Un liquido de enjuague bucal sin alcohol, con sabor y color atractivo y realmente efectivo? Olvidate de las marcas tradicionales y prueba Dentyl . No sufro de halitosis y los de Dentyl no me han pagado para hacerles publicidad. Simplemente es que es el primer enjuague bucal que pruebo que realmente funciona. Cito de la pagina web de Dentyl : "Dentyl Ph es unico. Agite la botella para activar los dos componentes. Al enjuagarse la boca con Dentyl, su formula unica atrae y absorbe las bacterias y particulas que causan halitosis, placa y gingivitis hasta un maximo de 18 horas. Vea las particulas desechadas al terminar su enjuague bucal - prueba fisica de que realmente funciona". Las vi, las vi! Me han convertido!

The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 18C
Humidity: 97%
Visibility: 3 miles
Barometer: 1,014.6 mb

Thursday, August 18, 2005

We are going to the World Mystery Forum on the 4th and 5th November in Interlaken, Switzerland. Quoting the Forum's website : "Every year from 2004, the WORLD MYSTERY FORUM will make Interlaken and the Mystery Park the international centre of research, controversial discussion and encounters concerning the great mysteries of this world. Experts will face the public and revolutionary discoveries come under scrutiny. The focus will be on questions, answers, communication and interaction". The Forum and Mystery Park are Erich von Daniken's (the controversial author who first came up with the idea that the ancient gods may have been ETs visiting Earth and the Nazca lines a space-port) creation. We thought it was quite an interesting idea attending a forum where teleportation, space travel and lost civilizations are discussed... in a pseudo-theme park....in Switzerland. Who said the Swiss were boring and only good at cuckoo watches, chocolate and army knives?

Los dias 4 y 5 de Noviembre asistiremos al World Mystery Forum en Interlaken, Suiza. Cito de la pagina web del Forum : "Cada anio, empezando en el 2004, tendra lugar el WORLD MYSTERY FORUM en el parque tematico Mystery Park de Interlaken. Con ello queremos conseguir un punto convergente de investigacion internacional, con debates sobre temas controvertidos y encuentros sobre los grandes misterios del mundo. Los expertos responderan a preguntas del publico y los descubrimientos revolucionarios se ofreceran para el escrutinio de los asistentes. La base del forum sera las preguntas, respuestas, comunicacion e interaccion". Para vuestra informacion y por si clarifica un poco mas el tema, el Forum y el Mystery Park son creacion del controvertido autor Erich von Daniken (si, el von Daniken que tuvo la idea de que los antiguos dioses podrian haber sido extraterrestres visitando nuestro planeta y que las lineas en Nazca son, en realidad, un aeropuerto para naves espaciales). Se nos ocurrio que podria ser una idea 'muy interesante' esto de asistir a un Forum sobre temas como la teletransportacion, los viajes espaciales y las civilizaciones perdidas... en un pseudo-parque tematico... en Suiza! Quien dijo que los suizos eran aburridos y solo eran capaces de producir relojes de cuco, chocolate y navajas multi-uso?

The weather today:
UV Index: 4 Moderate
Wind: From the Southwest at 3 mph
Dew Point:13C
Humidity: 44%
Visibility:6 miles
Barometer: 1,011.9 mb


Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?

Which Fantasy/Sci-Fi character are you? Click on the photo above to go to the questionnaire.

"With good intentions but misunderstood motives, you are a hardy, if somewhat unreliable, companion.
I ask only for the strength to defend my people! Boromir is a character in the Middle-Earth universe."

Que personaje de Fantasia/Ciencia Ficcion eres? Click en la foto de arriba para ir al cuestionario.

"Con buenas intenciones pero motivos mal entendidos, eres un companiero resistente aunque a veces es dificil confiar en ti. Dadme fuerzas para defender a mi gente!
Boromir es un personaje en el mundo de la Tierra Media."

I have added Permalinks to this blog. Now if they were to work....

Acabo de aniadir Permalinks al blog. Ahora solo falta que funcionen, claro....

The weather today:
UV Index:5 Moderate
Wind: From the South Southeast at 13 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 70%
Visibility: 5 miles


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The formula to discover if you suffer from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) according to the experts. This quick and simple test can be done by all of us at home to help us realise if we are really suffering from SAD and consequently, seek our GPs advice, instead of suffering in silence thinking we may just be imagining depression.

X = a x ( (24 - b) x (c+d+e) + f x (g+h+i) ).

X = Susceptibility to winter blues

a = Inherent vulnerability (pick the following which best applies to you):
If there is no history of depression in your family score 1 point
History of depression yourself or in your family score 2 points
History of depression yourself and in your family score 3 points

b = Approx. number of hours of daylight in winter where you live (min 6 hours)

c = Psychological effect of leaving home/office each day in the dark
Score 0 if you leave home and return each day in daylight (or if this question does not apply to you because you do not work or you work from home)
Score 2 points if you either leave the house or return home from work in the dark
Score 4 points if you both leave the house and return from work in the dark

d = Work conditions
Rate your working conditions in terms of light contact from 0 - 4 where:
0 - maximum amount of natural light - for example you work outside or in a light office with large windows etc.
4 - minimum amount of natural light - for example, you work long hours in a basement or a space with no windows and very little light

e = Home conditions
Rate your home conditions in terms of light contact on a scale of 0 - 4 where:
0 - maximum amount of natural light - for example, you live in an airy house with large windows
4 - minimum amount of natural light - for example, you live in a basement flat with no windows

f = Stress
Rate your general stress levels on a scale of 1 - 5, where:
1 - Very relaxed
5 - Very stressed

g = Sociability
Rate your level of daily social contact on a scale of 0-4 where:
0 - You very often socialise or seek entertainment outside the home
4 - You very rarely, if ever socialise outside of work

h = Exercise
Rate how frequently you exercise on a scale of 0-4 where:
0 - Exercise more than 4 times a week
4 - Never exercise

i = Diet
Rate the quality of diet on a scale of 0-4 where:
0 - Very healthy and balanced diet
4 - Very unhealthy diet with lots of stodgy processed food

Score scale = 0 - 828, where 0 is a very limited susceptibility to winter blues and 800 is a very high chance of suffering from winter blues.

Zero to 100 = you're very unlikely to suffer winter blues
100 to 300 = you may suffer mild to moderate symptoms
300 to 600 = you're at risk of symptoms severe enough to affect your quality of life
600 to 800 = you have a very high risk of Seasonal Affective Disorder and should seek medical help

I can't believe I ony scored 82 and everybody knows I am always (more) grumpy and tired in winter. Then again... everybody knows I was never good at Maths!

Aqui esta la formula matematica, segun los expertos, para calcular si padecemos de TAE (Trastorno Afectivo Estacional), esa melancolia depresiva que nos afecta en invierno, debido a la falta de luz natural. Esta formula, que cualquiera puede calcular en cinco minutos en su propia casa, nos puede ayudar al darnos cuenta de que estamos padeciendo una autentica enfermedad y no solo imaginaciones nuestras y, en consecuencia, solicitar la opinion y consejo de nuestro medico de cabecera:

X = a x ( (24 - b) x (c+d+e) + f x (g+h+i) )

X = Susceptibilidad de padecer SAD

a = Vulnerabilidad inherente (escoge la que mejor se aplique a tu caso):
No hay historial depresivo en tu familia, 1 punto
Hay historial depresivo en la familia o la has padecido tu mism@, 2 puntos
Hay historial depresivo en la familia y ademas la has padecido tu mism@, 3 puntos

b = Numero aproximado de horas de luz natural en invierno en la zona donde vives (minimo de 6 horas)

c = Efecto psicologico de salir a oscuras de casa/trabajo cada dia
0 puntos si sales y vuelves de casa cada dia con luz natural (o si esta pregunta no se te aplica porque no trabajas o trabajas desde casa)
2 puntos si sales o vuelves a casa del trabajo sin luz natural
4 puntos si sales y vuelves a casa del trabajo sin luz natural

d = Condiciones laborales
Califica en una escala de 1 a 4 tus condiciones laborales en terminos de luz natural considerando que:
0 - el maximo de luz natural - por ejemplo trabajas al aire libre o en una oficina con ventanas grandes, etc.
4 - el minimo de luz natural - por ejemplo, trabajas a jornada completa en un sotano o espacio sin luz natural y con poca luz artificial.

e = Condiciones del hogar
Califica en una escala de 1 a 4 las condiciones de tu hogar en terminos de luz natural considerando que:
0 - el maximo de luz natural - por ejemplo, vives en una casa con grandes ventanas y mucha luz natural.
4 - el minimo de luz natural - por ejemplo, vives en una planta baja sin ventanas

f = Stress
Califica tu nivel general de estress en una escala del 1 al 5 donde:
1 - Muy relajado
5 - Muy estresado

g = Sociabilidad
Califica tu nivel de sociabilidad diaria en una escala del 1 al 4 donde:
0 - Tienes mucho contacto social o sales mucho de casa
4 - Casi nunca tienes contacto social fuera del trabajo.

h = Deporte
Califica la frecuencia en que realizas ejercicio fisico en una escala del 1 al 4 donde:
0 - Haces deporte mas de 4 veces por semana
4 - Nunca practicas ningun deporte

i = Alimentacion
Califica la calidad de tu alimentacion en una escala del 1 al 4 donde:
0 - Alimentacion sana y equilibrada
4 - Alimentacion muy pobre con mucha comida congelada y precocinada.

Los resultados variaran entre 0 y 828, donde 0 indica susceptibilidad minima al SAD (depresion invernal) y 800 indica gran probabilidad de sufrir SAD.

Cero a 100 = es muy improbable que sufras de TAE.
100 a 300 = puedes sufrir de sintomas leves a moderados.
300 a 600 = puedes sufrir sintomas suficientemente severos como para afectar tu calidad de vida.
600 a 800 = corres el riesgo de sufrir TAE y seria aconsejable que consultaras con tu medico de cabecera.

Lo que no entiendo es como me da un resultado de 82 si es de tod@s conocido que en invierno me siento totalmente falt@ de energia y tengo bastante (mas) mal humor de lo habitual! Claro que tambien es de tod@s conocido que SIEMPRE suspendi las Matematicas!!!

The weather today:
UV Index:6 High
Wind: From the South Southeast at 10 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.3 mb