Tuesday, November 01, 2005

A tourist visiting the big state of Texas may be forgiven for overlooking the town of Marfa , considering how BIG is Texas!.... However, if I were to tell you the film Giant was shot nearby, that may interest you and awaken your curiosity. And if I were to tell you that an unexplained phenomenon occurs at sunset on the desert, southwest of Marfa, known as the Marfa Lights (colourful balls of light, don't mistake with car lights, though!) that may change your mind? A visit to Marfa kind of starts making sense, doesn't it?

Al turista que visita el gran estado de Texas se le perdona el pasar por alto el pueblecito de Marfa , teniendo tantos lugares que visitar... sin embargo, si os dijera que el film Gigante se filmo en las cercanias de Marfa, quiza cambiaria las circunstancias? Y es mas, y si os dijera que un fenomeno inexplicable ocurre al anochecer en el desierto cerca de Marfa, algo que se conoce popularmente como las Luces de Marfa ? (extranias orbes de color que aparecen en el desierto y que la comunidad cientifica no ha sido capaz de explicar, pero no son luces de los coches, eso seguro!). No os pareceria entonces Marfa mas interesante y digno de visitar?

The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index:0 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 12 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 58%

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