I wish my relatives decided they don't want to celebrate their birthdays. This would mean no more spending hours and hours trying to find an appropriate present light enough in weigh so I don't pay an eye for the postage. It would also mean the end of carefully wrapping presents in bubble wrap so they don't break and then carefully cellotaping the box to secure the contents. In summary: I am fed up with the whole stuff! No more birthdays, for heaven's sake! And Xmas! Xmas is just in 2 month's time!!! I won't survive another year of this! My relatives live in two different continents, help!!!

Me encantaria que mi familia decidiera que ya no quieren cumplir mas anios. Se acabaron los cumpleanios! Para mi, significaria el fin de esta tortura de horas y horas pasadas buscando un regalo apropiado que, ademas, no pese mucho y me arruine al enviarlo por correo. El fin de pasarme el rato envolviendo el regalo en plastico de burbujas, para que llegue perfecto. El fin de esas horas pasadas envolviendo la caja del maldito regalito para que no se abra por el camino. Queda claro? Estoy hart@ de cumpleanios y santos. Y la Navidad....que viene la Navidad, maldita sea, en dos meses ya estamos otra vez con la misma historia, yo no sobrevivo otro anio, socorro! Que tengo familia en dos paises, una en cada punta del mundo!!!!
The weather today:Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index:1 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 30 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 72%
Visibility: 9 miles
Barometer: 1,014.2 mb
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