Quoting from
The Guardian's article :
Young think "Isas" are Ipod accesories . "More than one in ten young people think an Isa ((Individual Savings Account) - savings account with tax benefits. Savings can be made through cash deposits, stocks and shares or insurance) is an accessory for an iPod, while many adults admit they would rather read the back of a cereal packet than their financial mail, according to research released today.[...] A survey of 1,000 adults, carried out by communications company Docucorp, found that three-quarters were so turned off by information on mortgages, pensions, insurance and bank accounts that they would prefer to read the ingredients panel on a cornflakes box instead".
I agree. I am always mesmerized by the ingredients panel while eating cereal! Banks should learn their marketing strategies from Kelloggs!<br>

Cito de
The Guardian el articulo :
Los jovenes creen que las "Isas" son accesorios para el Ipod . "Mas de uno entre cada diez jovenes piensa que una Isa ( en ingles,Individual Savings Account - cuenta de ahorro con beneficios fiscales) es un accesorio para el Ipod, mientras que muchos adultos admiten que preferirian leer el reverso de un paquete de cereales que cartas del banco o relacionadas con sus finanzas, segun un estudio publicado hoy. [...] Un estudio realizado entre 1000 adultos por la compania de comunicaciones Docucorp, revela que 3/4 de los encuestados encuentran tan aburrida la informacion sobre hipotecas, pensiones, seguros y cuentas bancarias que, si les dieran a elegir, leerian en su lugar la tabla de ingredientes en un paquete de cereales".
Completamente de acuerdo. El texto de los paquetes de cereales es hipnotico y adictivo! Que aprendan los bancos de la Kelloggs!The weather today:Partly Cloudy
UV Index:3 Moderate
Wind: From the Southeast at 10 mph
Dew Point:16C
Humidity: 64%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,021.0 mb
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