We went for a Fungi Walk this weekend. Unfortunately (for us) the expert in Mycology was more interested in beautiful but poisonous mushrooms than in showing to us the edible and tasty specimens! Well, cannot complain too much since it was for free and the guide was obviously an enthusiastic and well-informed mycologist. What a coincidence then that back home we just happened to find this article in The Sunday Times explaining all about Mushroom forays, which happen to be what we had always needed : mostly concerned with edible mushrooms. Too late for us now. The forays for our area took place this weekend. The next happens to be at the other side of the country. Ah well, we'll have to rely on our own resources. One day, in the future, we will be self-taught mushroom-hunters!
We've also acquired a taste for guided walks, so we may take our city's Ghost Guided Walk on Sunday 30 October (£2 per person!) which promises to take us on a "ghostly walk unconvering a selection of dastardly deeds and mysterious events that have been features of life in the city since the 12th century charter". And maybe next Sunday's Battle of Hastings hike at Battle Abbey. Even if we don't take the hike, we should be there for the English Heritage re-enactment of the 1066 Battle which shaped the future of England. We've been saying we will go to this re-enactment for 4 years, it's about time we do it!!

Con la excusa de las setas, hemos adquirido aficion por el tema de los paseos/caminatas, asi que podria ser que fueramos al Paseo Fantasmagorico guiado de nuestra ciudad el domingo 30 de Octubre, que promete llevarnos a "un paseo fantasmagorico revelando una variada seleccion de fenomenos extranios y acontecimientos misteriosos que han sido parte de la vida de la ciudad desde el siglo XII". Y quiza el proximo domingo vayamos al tour guiado de la Batalla de Hastings en Battle Abbey. Incluso si no vamos al tour, vale la pena ir a Battle Abbey para ver la representacion, en vivo y en directo, de la famosa batalla del anio 1066 que tan profundamente marco el futuro de Inglaterra. Ya seria hora de que fueramos, porque hace 4 anios que venimos diciendo que iremos y, al final, nunca vamos!
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the East Southeast at 9 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 90%
Visibility: 6 miles
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