Monday, September 26, 2005

Our sunflowers have gone crazy this year. They won't stop flowering and it is already the end of September! They are truly the 'miracle sunflowers'. To start with, we never planted them! We planted some gladiolae bulbs and added plenty of compost. The next thing we knew, the sunflowers were there. We suspect some of last year's sunflowers seeds fell in the compost and there you are, sunflowers again! But the 'miracle' does not stop here. When the first flowers dried out, more little flowers appeared in the plants. There are currently between 5 and 10 sunflowers in each plant. There has been a non-stop flowering madness since the beginning of July. To think we didn't want sunflowers this year....

Nuestros girasoles se han vuelto locos este anio. No paran de producir mas y mas flores y ya estamos a finales de Septiembre! Son realmente girasoles milagrosos. Para empezar, nosotros no los plantamos! Lo que plantamos fueron bulbos de gladiolo, y aniadimos mucho compost para alimentarlos. Y lo que paso despues es que...salieron girasoles! Pensamos que algunas semillas de girasol de las plantas del anio pasado cayeron por error en el compost. Asi que...venga, girasoles otra vez! Pero el 'milagro' no se acaba aqui... cuando la flor de cada planta se seco, salieron mas flores! Ahora mismo, cada planta tiene entre 5 y 10 flores. Y asi, desde principios de Julio. Y eso que no queriamos girasoles este anio....

The weather today:
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 23 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 74%
Barometer: 1,015.9 mb

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