While visiting the Neil Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Wapakoneta (Ohio) we noticed a composite on the left hand side of the museum's entrance. It included photos of all astronauts born in Ohio. Like Neil Armstrong, for instance. This is why the museum happens to be in Wapakoneta! Well, we counted them. There were a lot of astronauts. Twenty-four. Hey, what a coincidence, we thought. But is it a coincidence? I would say it is not. And thinking on the reasons, I arrived, more or less, at the same conclusion as mentioned in the NASA's website here : NASA Ohio astronauts .
And I quote : "Ohio, "The Birthplace of Aviation," is home to 24 astronauts. Why so many? Ohio astronaut Tom Henricks, during the pre-flight press conference for STS-70 cited several contributing factors:
* Role models such as John Glenn ("the first all Ohio crew") and Neil Armstrong, the first human to walk upon the Moon during the Apollo project
* Ohio's schools
* The Midwestern work ethic.
We're not exactly sure why, but Ohioans are proud of it!"
I agree. But I think Henricks forgot to mention what it is, for me, the reason number one. As the article says, Ohio is "The Birthplace of Aviation". That is, the Wright Brothers, first in mankind to successfully fly in a "modern" plane were Ohioans. They lived in Dayton. And a US Air Force base was established in Dayton to benefit from advice first hand by the brothers. And aviation is the first step towards space travel. Most astronauts have been Air Force pilots before becoming astronauts. So there we are! Back to the Wright Brothers again.

Y cito:
"Ohio, reconocido como el estado donde "nacio la aviacion moderna", es tambien el estado donde nacieron 24 astronautas. Por que tantos? El astronauta de Ohio Tom Henricks, menciono varios factores determinantes, segun el, durante la conferencia de prensa previa a la mision STS-70:
* Modelos como John Glen ("el primero de todos los del equipo de Ohio")y Neil Armstrong, el primer ser humano que piso la Luna durante el proyecto Apollo.
*Las escuelas de Ohio
* La etica de trabajo de la zona del medio Oeste americano.
No sabemos exactamente el por que, pero los ciudadanos de Ohio estamos muy orgullosos de ello!"
Estoy de acuerdo, pero pienso que Henricks se olvido de mencionar la que es, para mi, la razon numero uno. Como dice el articulo, Ohio es donde nacio la aviacion moderna. Es decir, los hermanos Wright, los primeros en realizar con exito un vuelo en aeroplano, eran de Ohio. Vivian en Dayton. Y debido a su influencia, la primera base de las fuerzas aereas norteamericanas se establecio en Dayton. La aviacion es el primer paso hacia el viaje espacial. La mayoria de los astronautas han sido pilotos de las fuerzas aereas antes de ser astronautas. Asi que aqui estamos de nuevo...con los hermanos Wright!
The weather today:
UV Index:1 Low
Wind:From the South Southeast at 1,0 mph
Dew Point: 16C
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