I'll admit it. I didn't really go on strike to get good weather. As you know, I don't normally write on weekends. Then I was sick on Monday. I was well again yesterday but I left work at midday to attend the Fleet Review and the Trafalgar 200 celebrations and fireworks. The weather didn't get better. It was just so-so. We waited at the seafront for the different events from 1.00pm to 11.00pm. In the afternoon it rained several times. We even got a big thunderstorm. I can now report our big umbrella has a leak. We got wet from head to toe.
So how about the events? Well, the fleet was too far away to appreciate the ships. The BBC cameramen got a good view from the helicopters. And the Queen had a good view of the ships too, as she was there to review them! But us, the public at the seafront? Maybe some got a good look at some of the ships with a good pair of binoculars, that's all. Later on, we had a very spectacular acrobatics and flying exhibition. The usual loops and stunts and painting a heart on the sky with smoke stuff but we all love that, don't we! That was my favourite part of the day and it only lasted 15 minutes. After never-ending waiting and MORE rain, at dusk we saw the Trafalgar battle re-enactment. Explanations were blasted off by some loudspeakers...sadly facing the other way so we could not hear a word. I am still wondering which were the British ships and which were the French! Last, but not least, the fireworks co-ordinated with music. Same story here. We didn't hear the music because of the bad position of the loudspeakers. The fireworks may be considered big for Portsmouth but I've seen bigger (and better!) in Spain.
We arrived home at midnight and saw the same battle re-enactment and fireworks repeated on the interactive news channels. It even looked better! Conclusion : I'm done with live British entertainment. They don't have a clue on how to do it. For instance, VERY clever of them installing thousands of portaloos for the public and then closing the area at the seafront and not allowing the public to go back and use the portaloos...for security reasons!!! Oh, and the weather is always crap. My advice? Don't bother. Stay at home and watch it at the BBC (or click on the right hand side button and watch it here on video!). Hats off for the BBC. The British do know how to broadcast live events, that is for sure. So watch it on TV, that's my advice. It' doesn't rain at home!

Y que paso con los actos del dia? Para empezar, la flota de barcos estaba demasiado lejos y demasiado dispersa como para poder apreciar los barcos con detalle. Los que tuvieron las mejores vistas fueron los camaras de la BBC desde su helicoptero y, por supuesto, la reina de Inglaterra, que estaba alli para pasar revista a la flota, precisamente. Pero nosotros, el publico de a pie, nada de nada. Desde el paseo maritimo, con un par de buenos binoculares, aun se podia ver algun barco con detalle, pero no todos. Mas tarde, hubo una espectacular exhibicion de vuelo acrobatico. Los tipicos loops, subidas y bajadas vertiginosas, volar cabeza abajo y pintar un corazon en el cielo con el humo rojo de los jets. Tipico, pero siempre muy apreciado por el publico. Mi momento favorito del dia, y duro solo 15 minutos. Despues hubo mas horas de interminable espera y MAS lluvia. Al anochecer vimos el simulacro de la batalla de Trafalgar. Unos altavoces informaban del transcurso de la batalla...a quien pudiera oirlos, porque la calidad del sonido era penosa y los altavoces estaban colocados solo apuntando en una direccion. Asi que aun hoy dudo sobre cuales eran los barcos britanicos y cuales eran los franceses! Y al final, la guinda del pastel (lease con tono ironico, please), los fuegos artificiales coordinados con musica. Musica? Yo no oi nada. Eran los mismos altavoces, claro. Y los fuegos artificiales seran espectaculares para la ciudad de Portsmouth, pero yo los he visto mas grandes (y mejores) en Espania.
Despues de tanto sufrir, llegamos a casa a medianoche y vemos que repetian el simulacro de la batalla naval y los fuegos artificiales en los canales interactivos de informacion. Y se veia mejor! Conclusion : Ya he tenido suficiente de actos de ocio y entretenimiento a la inglesa. No tienen ni idea de como hacerlo. Lo del entretenimiento, quiero decir. Por ejemplo. Instalan cientos de WC portatiles para uso publico en el parque, detras del paseo maritimo. Luego no se les ocurre nada mejor que cerrar la zona del paseo y no permitir al publico volver atras para salir o usar los lavabos...por razones de seguridad!!. Y el tiempo siempre es horrible. Seguid mi consejo: no vayais. Quedaos en casa y vedlo en la BBC. Aqui , por ejemplo (click en el boton de la derecha para ver la batalla en video)Porque me saco el sombrero ante la BBC. Los britanicos si que saben como retransmitir actos en TV con soltura y profesionalidad. Y en casa...no llueve!
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Low
Wind: From the West at 9 mph
Dew Point:17C
Humidity: 92%
Visibility:9 miles
Barometer: 1,007.8 mb
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