We are back from the US. Back to work and back to the usual horrid weather in the UK. I have to admit the weather was terrible in New England too. Even worse than here. The worst Memorial Week ever in 40 years, it said the Weather Channel . It was raining cats and dogs when we arrived in Boston at 10.00pm on Saturday 21 May. We stayed in a motel in Braintree, South of Boston. The next day, our Plan B was put into action. We could not stay in New England. We looked for good weather in the West. Our first day in the US was spent driving non-stop till we reached Niagara Falls. From then on, it was a day to day battle against the bad weather. This was a summary of our itinerary and a highlight for each place:
- Niagara Falls (NY) and pedestrian crossing to Canada. Getting close and very wet at the horseshoe falls in the Maid of the Mist boat.
-Cleveland (Ohio). The Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame . David Bowie's costume in the 'Ashes to Ashes' videoclip.
- Cedar Point (Ohio) , the roller coaster park. It was raining so we did not enter the park!
-Dearborn (Michigan), The Henry Ford Museum , Greenfield Village and Rouge Factory Tour . Everything is remarkable and worthwile seeing in these three places. But if I have to highlight one for each, then should be the Kennedy limousine, the Wright brothers house and the pick up truck assembly line.
- Detroit (MI), downtown, Grosse Pointe and other towns around the lake. The contrast between Detroit's urban decay and the wealthy neighbourhoods North of the lake.
-Wapakoneta (Ohio), Neil Armstrong Museum . The genuine Gemini VIII capsule which Armstrong commanded with fellow astronaut Dave Scott and the museum's building, looking like a half Moon as seen from space.
-Dayton (Ohio), National Museum of the USAF . All American planes are exhibited in this museum, including Air Force One planes. And it is for free!! A highlight, the Apollo XV capsule.
- Hocking Hills (Ohio).Beautiful green hills, caves and waterfalls.
- Portsmouth (Ohio). Nothing of special interest here. We just wanted to have a look at this 'other' Portsmouth. Oh and... cross the border to Kentucky! Tick another State!!
- Amish Country (Ohio). Yes, there is Amish country in Ohio, too. I was shocked at the commercialism of the area. Too many shops, too many tourists and not many genuine Amish!
- New York City (NY). This was only decided the previous day. To drive through NYC. By car. Took hundreds of photos from the car and got stuck in a BIG traffic jam.
- Mystic (Connecticutt). Beautiful recreation and/or refurbishment of a 150 year old seaport complete with restored tall ships. And Abbott's lobster on the rough restaurant! Delicious lobster for 17.95 dollars.
- Cape Cod (Massachussets). Driving along 6A road. Lovely New England houses, gardens and shops along a very picturesque road.
- Salem (MA) . Yep, Salem of the (non existent) witches of 1692. Nathaniel Hawthorne's (maybe better known for his novel the "Scarlet Letter") 'House of the Seven Gables' and the Salem Common, a green expanse of land in the middle of the town.

- Cascadas del Niagara(NY) y pasar andando a Canada. Acercarnos a las cascadas con el barco Maid of the Mist y acabar mojados como peces.
-Cleveland (Ohio). El museo Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame. El traje usado por David Bowie en el video 'Ashes to Ashes.
- Cedar Point (Ohio) , el parque de atracciones. Llovia a cantaros, asi que no entramos, pero las montanias rusas son de miedo!
-Dearborn (Michigan), El Museo Henry Ford (coches, locomotoras, aviones, electrodomesticos..la historia de los USA a traves de miles de artefactos), Greenfield Village (pueblo tematico con edificios autenticos transportados ladrillo a ladrillo y antiguos coches Ford modelo T circulando por las calles)y el tour a la Fabrica Rouge (Ford). Todo es remarcable y digno de ser visto en estos tres lugares, pero si tengo que escoger algo de cada uno, seria el coche de Kennedy, la casa de los hermanos Wright y la cadena de montaje de furgonetas Ford.
- Detroit (MI) , centro y los barrios de Grosse Pointe alrededor del lago. El ontraste entre la decadencia y pobreza de Detroit y la riqueza de los barrios del Norte del lago.
-Wapakoneta (Ohio), el Museo Neil Armstrong . La autentica capsula Gemini VIII que Neil Armstrong piloto en su primera mision espacial junto con Dave Scott, anios antes de pisar la Luna y el edificio del museo, que aparece como una media luna vista desde el espacio.
- Dayton (Ohio. Museo del Ejercito del Aire (US Air Force). Todos los aviones americanos de todos los tiempos, incluyendo los aviones presidenciales (Air Force One). Y especialmente, la capsula Apollo XV.
- Colinas Hocking(Ohio) . Bellas y verdes colinas, cavernas y cascadas.
- Portsmouth (Ohio). Nada de especial interes aqui. Solo queriamos ver este 'otro' Portsmouth. Ah, y cruzar a Kentucky. Otro estado a incluir en la lista!
- Amish Country (Ohio) . Si, hay Amish en Ohio tambien, ademas de haberlos en Pensylvannia. Me sorprendio desagradablemente la comercializacion del tema. Demasiadas tiendas, demasiados turistas y muy pocos Amish autenticos!
- New York City (NY). Lo decidimos justo el dia anterior. Cruzar Nueva York en coche. Una locura, eh? Quiza si. Pero nos gusto. Tome cientos de fotos desde el coche y nos quedamos atascados en trafico durante HORAS!
- Mystic (Connecticutt) . Detallada y encantadora reconstruccion de Mystic como puerto hace 150 anios, incluyendo barcos de vela antiguos. Y el restaurante "Abbott's lobster on the rough"! . Langosta enterita, para chuparse los dedos, por 17.95 dolares.
- Cape Cod (Massachussets). Conducir en la pintoresca carretera 6A, con sus bonitas casas estilo Nueva Inglaterra, tiendas y jardines.
- Salem (MA). Si, Salem, el famoso pueblo de las (inexistentes) brujas de 1692. Ver la famosa casa 'House of the Seven Gables' inmortalizada por el escritor Nathaniel Hawthorne (el de La Letra Escarlata) y el Salem Common, un refrescante parque en el centro de la ciudad.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index:2 Low
Wind: From the Northeast at 9 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,025.1 m
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