Yes, Lennon denied it several times, like here, several months before his death in Playboy magazine : "My son Julian came in one day with a picture he painted about a school friend of his named Lucy. He had sketched in some stars in the sky and called it "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds."
But everybody insited The Beatles had wanted to send a message about LSD trips and allucinations to the world. As McCartney said: "This one is amazing. As I was saying before, when you write a song and you mean it one way, and then someone comes up and says something about it that you didn't think of -- you can't deny it. Like "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds," people came up and said, very cunningly, "Right, I get it. L-S-D," and it was when all the papers were talking about LSD, but we never thought about it."
Yep, I am not surprised. After all, I've seen John Lennon's passport at the Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. I noticed the foreign countries entry & departure stamps. And guess what. Our "mystic" (and mythic!) John had been on hols at the Spanish Costa del Sol, just like thousands of other English people. When I saw the entry stamp, I suddenly imagined Lennon on the beach (Marbella? Torremolinos, ha ha!), getting sun-burnt, red like a lobster, drinking expensive low quality sangria for tourists and buying a Mexican hat as a souvenir (yep, they do that. Mexican hats in Spain). Imagine Lennon on this guise and you will also believe Lucy was a schoolmate of Julian's. No LSD at all. No way, Jose.

Y mira que ya lo dijo varias veces Lennon,por ejemplo, a la revista Playboy unos meses antes de fallecer : "Mi hijo Julian llego un dia a casa con un dibujo que habia hecho en el colegio de una ninia de su clase llamada Lucy. Julian la habia dibujado con unas estrellas en el cielo de fondo y titulo el dibujo 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". Pero no, la gente seguia empeniada en que los Beatles habian querido enviar un mensaje al mundo sobre los viajes y alucinaciones producidos por el LSD. Lamentablemente, como dijo el mismo McCartney "Es increible. Como decia antes, escribes una cancion y para ti significa una cosa, y entonces aparece alguien y le da un sentido en el que nunca habias pensado, de verdad. Como "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds", hubo que gente que me dijo "ahhh, ya lo veo, L-S-D" y entonces todos los periodicos empezaron a hablar de LSD y nosotros nunca lo habiamos pensado antes".
Ya. Pues a mi no me sorprende, despues de ver un pasaporte de John Lennon en el Rock'n Roll Hall of Fame en Cleveland. Me fije en los sellos de entrada y salida de paises. Y el "mistico" (y mitico!) John habia ido de vacaciones a la Costa del Sol espaniola (Marbella? Torremolinos? ja ja!), como cualquier hijo de vecino (ingles, claro). Al ver ese sello, de pronto me imagine a Lennon en la playa, quemandose al sol como una gamba, bebiendo sangria de jarra a precios exhorbitantes para turistas y comprando un sombrero mexicano (si, es el souvenir que compran en Espania, que le vamos a hacer!). Imaginando a Lennon asi, de verdad me creo que la Lucy de la cancion era una amiguita del hijo. Y que de alusiones a LSD, nada de nada.
The weather today:
Light Rain and Windy
UV Index:1 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 2,8 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Humidity: 98%
Visibility:2 miles
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