Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Some places make you feel small, very small, like a little ant before a huge loaf of bread. I can imagine the amazed little ant looking at the big mountain of bread, her mouth dribbling, thinking that must indeed be Mother's Nature biggest present, a huge loaf of bread! I felt just like that little ant when I saw the Niagara Falls. When the boat takes one close to the Canadian horseshoe falls, stops and leaves one there, under that roaring noise and huge downpour of water, at the wind's mercy. One ends up soaking wet, astonished and feeling very very small indeed.

Hay lugares que te hacen sentir pequenit@, diminut@, como una hormiguita ante una enorme miga de pan. Yo me imagino a la hormiguita maravillada ante la miga, haciendosele la boca agua, regocijandose de tal milagro de la naturaleza, una gigantesca miga de pan! Mas o menos asi me senti ante la vision de las cataratas del Niagara. Cuando el barco te lleva hasta la zona de las cascadas canadienses, para motores y te deja a la merced del viento y del agua y del rugido de las cascadas. Acabas empapad@ de pies a cabeza, emocionad@, con la boca abierta y sintiendote muy muy pequen@. Mucho. De verdad.

The weather today:

UV Index:4 Moderate
Wind:From the Northeast at 7 mph
Dew Point:3C
Humidity: 37%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,035.9 mb

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