Each one-hour episode gives you two self-contained stories, each with compelling but disturbing commentary from award-winning actor Forest Whitaker. In his role as host and guide, Whitaker reveals what life would be like if your dreams come true, and why you should be careful what you wish for. Forest Withaker replaces Rod Serling, Twilight Zone's traditional and well loved host, who not only presented and closed each chapter, but also wrote 92 episodes out of the total 156 of the original series.
My favourite episode ever is Time Enough at Last, in series 1, where nearsighted, meek bank clerk Henry Bernis is the sole survivor of an H-bomb attack. At last he has the time to engulf himself in his passion for books. Or so he thinks. I have watched that episode only once, but it really really made a mark on me. Just as when, as a child, I watched Fahrenheit 451 (based in R Bradbury's novel), that futuristic society where books were burnt became my room 101*. It still is.
*Room 101 comes from the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four Nineteen Eighty-Four (sometimes 1984) by George Orwell ..... Room 101 is a torture chamber in which a prisoner is subjected to his worst nightmare.
Such is the omniscience of the state in the totalitarian society of 1984 that even a citizen's nightmares are known to the authorities. The nightmare - and therefore the threatened punishment - of the protagonist Winston Smith is to have his face gnawed by rats. Room 101, like Floor 13, give a sinister meaning to what would otherwise be an unremarkable room. For example, Thomas Anderson (aka Neo) lives in Room 101 at the beginning of the 1999. film The Matrix

Cada episodio (de 1 hora de duracion) mostrara 2 historias individuales, cada una con presentacion del actor Forest Whitaker. En su rol de presentador y guia, Whitaker revelara lo que seria de nuestra vida si los suenios se hicieran realidad, y la razon de porque hay que tener cuidado con lo que se desea. Forest Whitaker reemplaza a Rod Serling, el muy apreciado presentador de la serie original Twilight Zone, quien no solo presentaba, sino que ademas escribio 92 episodios del total de 156 de que constaba la serie original.
Mi episodio favorito es Time Enough at Last, de la primera serie, donde el miope y cascarrabias Herny Bernis, empleado de banca, es el unico superviviente del ataque de la bomba H. Finalmente, tiene todo el tiempo del mundo para dedicarse a su pasion: los libros. O eso es lo que el piensa. He visto este episodio una sola vez, pero lo recuerdo perfectamente, de lo que me impresiono. Igual que, cuando en mi niniez, vi Fahrenheit 451, la pelicula (basada en la novela de R Bradbury) sobre una sociedad futura donde se prohiben y queman los libros. Fahrenheit 451 se convirtio en mi habitacion 101*. Aun lo es.
*La habitacion 101 hace referencia a la novela Mil novecientos ochenta y cuatro (1984) de George Orwell. La habitacion 101 es una celda de tortura en donde los prisioneros son expuestos a su peor pesadilla, aquello que les causa mas terror. El gobierno totalitario de 1984 es omnisciente y muy capaz de conocer incluso las pesadillas y temores de sus ciudadanos. El horror al que el protagonista, Winston Smith, es expuesto consiste en la amenaza de tener la cara devorada en vivo por ratas. La habitacion 101, al igual que el piso numero 13, da un significado siniestro a lo que, en otro caso, seria una habitacion totalmente irremarcable. Por ejemplo, Thomas Anderson (aka Neo) vive en la habitacion 101 al principio del film The Matrix (1999).
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Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southeast at 25 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 5 miles
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