" Call me Art (not his real name). I am an agent-provocateur in the Eastern Standard Tribe, though I've spent most of my time in GMT-9 and at various latitudes of Zulu, which means that my poor pineal gland has all but forgotten how to do its job without that I drown it in melatonin precursors and treat it to multi-hour nine-kilolumen essions in the glare of my travel lantern. Thre tribes are taking over the world." I have to clarify that these tribes are virtual, living in time zones independently of its members real geographical location. One may live in Europe but belong to the Californian time zone, for instance, because your interests and hobbies are fitted to the other members of that tribe. And last, but not least, thanks to Cory Doctorow for making his book available for free on the internet.

A continuacion viene un extracto del libro: " Call me Art (not his real name). I am an agent-provocateur in the Eastern Standard Tribe, though I've spent most of my time in GMT-9 and at various latitudes of Zulu, which means that my poor pineal gland has all but forgotten how to do its job without that I drown it in melatonin precursors and treat it to multi-hour nine-kilolumen essions in the glare of my travel lantern. Thre tribes are taking over the world." Aclaro que estas tribus son virtuales y que 'viven' en zonas horarias independientemente de su situacion geografica real. Puedes vivir en Europa y pertenecer a la zona horaria de California, por ejemplo, porque tus intereses y aficiones coinciden con esa tribu. Y, por ultimo, agradecer a Cory Doctorow la publicacion gratuita de su libro en internet.
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 18 mph
Dew Point: 2C
Humidity: 42%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,012.9 mb
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