The Tricorn Centre resists demolition! Be scared!!! To think that some nutcases wanted to preserve it...I bet they never went inside! I'll give them a mop and a bucket of water and send them in to clean the mess...they would love that!
Read in The News: Pigeon mess slows Tricorn demolition.
PARTS of the Tricorn have become a no-go area for demolition workers after they found a build-up of pigeon droppings six inches deep. Controlled Demolition, the company charged with knocking down the 1960s shopping centre, has been forced to quarantine the old flats because of the amount of waste left by roosting birds. A team of specialist cleaners using protective filter masks and biological-warfare style suits (!!!)are needed to blitz the area with high-strength chemical cleaners. Demolition manager Neil Swinburne said: 'It was so thick in parts that we had trouble opening the doors to the flats. 'The area is infested with lice and fleas because of the mess. The smell is rancid. 'We're not used to seeing it this bad. There may be a mild build-up on some of the towers that we do – but here we are looking at more than five years' worth of pigeon droppings'".

Leo en The News: Excrementos de paloma retrasan la demolicion del Tricorn Centre.
"A los operarios de la empresa de derribos se les ha prohibido el acceso, por razones higienicas, a algunas zonas del Tricorn despues de que se encontraran con una capa impenetrable de cagadas de paloma, de unos 16cm de espesor. Controlled Demolition, la empresa de derribos encargada de demoler el centro comercial y pisos de los anios 60, se ha visto obligada a poner en cuarentena la zona de los pisos debido a la cantidad de excrementos de las aves. Se ha contratado a un equipo de especialistas para la limpieza, quienes se protegeran con mascarillas y trajes usados en caso de guerra biologica (!!!!), y usaran potentes desinfectantes quimicos. Neil Swimburne, encargado de la demolicion dijo: "La capa de excrementos era tan densa que hemos tenido problemas para abrir las puertas de los pisos. Toda la zona esta infectada de pulgas y piojos. El olor era nauseabundo. Nunca habiamos visto algo asi. Hemos derribado algunas torres donde habia excrementos, pero esto es lo nunca visto. Lo que hay aqui son cinco anios de acumulacion de excrementos'".
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southeast at 15 mph
Dew Point: 6C
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,008.1 mb
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