Mad, frantic day. Organising a workshop when everybody is already on leave it's mad. Why me? I did not choose it! These type of last minute jobs seems to naturally gravitate towards my person. For instance, say you want to organise the horrid Eurovision festival in 3 days time. No problem, says a big cheese high up in the hierarchy. The Horror will do it. And there I am, rushing from Paris to Luxembourg to Oslo to Madrid, looking for contestants, calling ABBA, having them coming back from retirement and winning again the contest. Really. I could do it. It has not happened yet, but I could do it. After all the last minute events I have organised, I bet I could do it. The only thing is... don't ask me to do it. I won't. I hate ABBA. So don't ask me!

Un dia de locura estresante. Lo de organizar una workshop cuando todo quisque se ha largado ya de vacaciones es una locura. Y por que yo? Para empezar, yo no elegi esta situacion. Sin embargo, parece que esto de organizar eventos al ultimo minuto acaba gravitando, sin remedio, hacia mi persona. Por ejemplo, que quieres organizar el festival de Eurovision en tres dias? Nada, nada, The Horror the lo organizara todo, dice alguien por ahi arriba. Y ya ves a The Horror buscando participantes por Europa, llamando a los ABBA, sacandoles de la jubilacion y haciendoles volver a Eurovision para ganar de nuevo. De verdad. Podria hacerlo. No se ha dado el caso, pero podria hacerlo. Despues de todos los eventos de ultima hora que he montado, os juro que podria hacerlo. Lo unico es me da la gana, porque no trago a los ABBA. Asi que no me lo pidais.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the North at 17 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 79%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,013.9 mb
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