I had heard of the Bach Flowers before, but never paid much attention to it. I knew it had to do with curing psychological/personality trouble with flower essences, but that was all. Then, a couple of weeks ago, walking down the aisle in the pharmacy, I saw little bottles labeled Bach Flowers. I decided to stop and have a look at them. Each contained a flower essence, but there was no information on the flasks on how to use it. Then I saw the 'ready prepared' combination of Bach Flowers. One of them was labelled Rainy Day. I thought that was very appealing, considering where I live! Again, no information on the supposed benefits of taking the drops (4 directly on the tongue or 4 dilluted in a glass of water) but the name Rainy Day was enough explanation, I thought. It is supposed to lift your mood when you feel like in a rainy day! I thought. I bought the flask. It was a rainy day. And I felt like in a rainy day! So I took 4 drops directly on the tongue, just as I left the shop. I quickly swallowed them down. And oops!! A couple of minutes later I was feeling slightly drunk! Could that be? Later on in the day, I decided to take the 4 drops again, this time letting them slowly dissolve in my mouth. This time, it worked. My mood improved! And I did not feel drunk anymore, which is much better. After that, I decided to investigate a bit more on the Bach Flowers. Today I bought a book, "Bach Flower Therapy, the Complete Approach" and had a look at the
Dr Edward Bach Centre website. What I most like about them it's the simplicity and direct approach to improving oneself. And if it doesn't work...well...you would have spent a very small amount of money and not caused any harm to your body, I should say! No big loss. I can say I am a bit less grumpy, these days....

Habia oido hablar de las Flores de Bach antes, pero nunca preste demasiada atencion. Sabia que tiene que ver con mejorar problemas de la personalidad mediante el uso de esencias de flores, basicamente, pero no sabia mucho mas. El otro dia, echando una ojeada a las estanterias de la farmacia, vi una serie de botellitas etiquetadas con el nombre Flores de Bach. Decidi pararme y leer las explicaciones de los frascos. Pero, a parte del nombre de la flor en cada frasco, poca cosa mas habia. Luego vi una combinacion de esencias llamada Dia Lluvioso. Considerando el pais donde vivo, me parecio de lo mas atractiva! Aqui tampoco ninguna explicacion, excepto como tomarlo. Cuatro gotas en la lengua o cuatro gotas diluidas en un vaso de agua. Se me ocurrio pensar que el nombre ya era bastante explicativo. La esencia tendria que ayudar cuando un@ se siente como en un dia gris y lluvioso. Perfecto! Porque afuera llovia y mi humor no era lo que yo llamaria excelente. Asi que compre el frasquito. Saliendo de la farmacia, abri el frasco y solte cuatro gotas en la lengua. Y uuupppss....aquella sensacion...yo diria que eso es...como tomarse unas copitas de mas? Borrach@?? Horas mas tarde decidi tomar otras cuatro gotitas, pero esta vez dejarlas diluir lentamente en la lengua. Esta vez, nada de sensaciones extranias. Pero, curiosamente, mi humor mejoro. Despues de esto, decidi investigar un poco mas las Flores de Bach. Me he comprado un libro, "Bach Flower Therapy, the Complete Approach", y he visitado la pagina web del
Dr Edward Bach Centre (en ingles). Aqui hay otro link en espaniol, aunque no es directo del centro :
Byociber. Lo que me gusta, en particular, de este sistema alternativo y natural es la simplicidad del metodo para mejorarse a uno mism@. Y si no funciona...pues bueno, te habras gastado una cantidad infima de dinero y no habras causado ningun danio a tu cuerpo. Por probar, que no quede... ademas, ultimamente me da la impresion de que tengo menos mala leche...
The weather:
Partly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 25 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,005.4 mb
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