Welcome to the next edition of getting to know your friends.
What you're supposed to do is copy (not forward) this entire
e-mail and paste it onto a new e-mail that you'll send.
Change all of the answers so they apply to you. Then, send
this to a whole bunch of people you know *INCLUDING* the
person who sent it to you. The theory is that you'll learn a lot
of little known facts about your friends. Only takes a couple
of mins!
Never too early if I can avoid it! / Nunca demasiado temprano, si lo puedo evitar!
2. IF YOU COULD EAT LUNCH WITH ONE FAMOUS PERSON, WHO WOULD IT BE? / Si pudieras almorzar con un famoso/a, con quien seria?
The Holy Trinity!!!: JRR Tolken, Isaac Asimov and Terry Pratchett (only the last one is alive and living in Wiltshire)
Con mi Santisima Trinidad!!!: JRR Tolkien, Isaac Asimov y Terry Pratchett (solo el ultimo esta aun vivo y reside en Wiltshire)
3. GOLD OR SILVER? / Oro o plata?
Gold / Oro
4. WHAT WAS THE LAST FILM YOU SAW AT THE CINEMA?/ Ultimo film que viste en el cine?
LOTR : Return of the King. Yep. That was in December. Since we got Sky we'd better use it!
LOTR: Return of the King. Si.Eso fue en Diciembre. Pero ya que pagamos Sky (Tv digital) bien tenemos que amortizarlo!
5. FAVOURITE TV SHOW? Serie de TV preferida?
Anything starting and ending with one chapter. I have a short attention span and short term memory!
Cualquiera que empiece y acabe en 1 capitulo. Tengo memoria a corto plazo y retencion minima!
6. WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? / Que tomas para desayunar?
Nothing. Diet Coke.
Nada. Coca Cola Light.
7. WHAT WOULD YOU HATE TO BE LEFT IN A ROOM WITH? Con que odiarias que te dejaran en una habitacion?
The lingering smell of a...fart!
Con el aroma permanente de un..pedo!
8. CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR NOSE WITH YOUR TONGUE? Puedes tocarte la nariz con la lengua?
No. Why should I do that?
No. Y por que tendria que hacerlo?
9. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Que te inspira?
Libraries, bookshops, plane tickets and travel guides
Bibliotecas, librerias, billetes de avion y guias de viajes.
10. WHAT'S YOUR MIDDLE NAME? / Cual es tu segundo nombre?
Nothing. No middle name! But I have two surnames, ha ha!
Ninguno. No tengo! pero tengo dos apellidos, ja ja!
11. BEACH, CITY, or COUNTRY? / Playa, ciudad o campo?
Auckland, is all in one. Yep. There even are little sheep in the hills, how lonvely!
Auckland que es tres en uno. Sip. Incluso hay ovejitas en sus colinas, que lindo!
12. SUMMER OR WINTER? / Verano o invierno?
Summer. That season which never exists in this country.
Verano. Esa estacion desconocida en este pais.
13. FAVOURITE ICE CREAM? Sabor de helado preferido?
I'll wolf down any ice cream you give to me!
Me trago cualquier helado que me des!
14. BUTTERED, PLAIN, OR SALTED POPCORN? /Palomitas de maiz con mantequilla, solas o saladas?
Buttered AND salted, please
Con mantequilla Y sal, por favor.
15. FAVOURITE COLOUR? / color favorito?
Blue? Black? Black blueish?
Azul? Negro? Negro azulado?
16. FAVOURITE CAR? / Coche preferido?
Any car not needing EVER to be repaired again, with a BIG ashtray and MANY cup holders. Stereo as well, please.
Cualquiera que no necesite nunca mas ninguna reparacion, con un cenicero GRANDE y MUCHOS recipientes para bebidas. Y con estereo, ya puestos.
17. FAVOURITE SANDWICH FILLING? / Bocadillo preferido?
Jamon serrano.
18. TRUE LOVE? / Tu amor verdadero?
You. No, not you, the other one! The other one knows who I mean!
Tu. No, no tu, el otro! Ya sabe quien quiero decir!
19. WHAT CHARACTERISTICS DO YOU DESPISE? / Que caracteristicas desprecias?
Arrogance, pettiness, selfishness and fascist capitalists. I do consider the last one a characteristic!
Arrogancia, egoismo y a los fascistas capitalistas. Si, tambien considero lo ultimo una caracteristica despreciable!
20. FAVOURITE FLOWER? Flor preferida?
If it smells good, anything will do. If it's edible, better!
Si huele bien, cualquiera. Y si se puede comer, mejor que mejor!
Si ganaras mucho dinero en la loteria, cuanto tiempo esperarias antes de contarlo a la gente?
Why should I tell? Are you planning to borrow some money from me or what?
Y por que tengo que contarlo? Ya estas pensando en pedirme prestado o que?
22. FIZZY OR STILL WATER AS A DRINK? Agua mineral o sin burbujas?
Still with a hint of peach?
Sin burbujas y con un toquecito a melocoton?
23. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR BATHROOM? / De que color es tu banio?
Oh no....I'm sooo ashamed!!!....it's avocado green. I did not chose it. I swear!!! It's a rented house!!!!
Oh no...Que verguenza!!!...es...verde aguacate, pero yo no lo elegi! Lo juro! Es una casa de alquiler!!!
24. HOW MANY KEYS ON YOUR KEY RING?/ Cuantas llaves tienes en tu llavero?
2 in a key ring, 3 in another key ring. And I don't know the use of the third ring on the second key ring.
2 en un llavero, 3 en el otro. Y no se para que sirve la tercera llave del segundo llavero.
25. WHERE WOULD YOU RETIRE TO? / A que lugar irias a vivir al jubilarte?
Since they are knocking down the Tricorn Centre, definitely Portsmouth!!! ;-))
Hombre, ya que estan demoliendo el Tricorn Centre, pues a Portsmouth, sin lugar a duda!!! ;-))
26. CAN YOU JUGGLE? / Puedes hacer juegos de manos?
I'll learn if you pay me!
Aprendo si me pagas!
27. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE WEEK? Dia de la semana preferido?
Saturday/ Sabado
28. RED OR WHITE WINE? / Vino blanco o tinto?
White. But green is also nice!
Blanco. Pero verde tambien me va bien.
29. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? / Que hiciste en tu ultimo cumpleanios?
Work. Work. Work. / Trabajar. Trabajar.Trabajar.
30. DO YOU CARRY A DONOR CARD?/ Tienes una targeta de donante de organos?
Nope. I am against any type of ID
No. Estoy en contra de cualquier tipo de identificacion.
Di algo agradable de la persona que te envio esto.
She is nice and helpful and left some very well organised cabinet files for me. They are not well organised anymore!
Es simpatica y me dejo unos archivos bien organizados. Ahora ya no estan bien organizados.
32. WHO DO YOU LEAST EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU?/ Quien menos esperas que te devuelva este test?
All of them!!! they are all lazy or secretive or introvert or psychos!
Todos! Son holgazanes, guardan secretos, son introvertidos o psicopatas!
33. WHO IS THE PERSON YOU EXPECT TO SEND THIS BACK FIRST? / Quien esperas que te devuelva este test primero?
Maybe the psychos!
Los psicopatas, quizas!
34. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE MAT?/ Como es tu alfombra del mouse?
something with blue background and coloured spots with a RM logo...No idea what's that. And I am not going to investigate for you!
Es de fondo azul y tiene puntos de colores y las iniciales RM. Ni idea de lo que es. Y no me pongo a investigar ahora!
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 26 mph
Dew Point: 4C
Humidity: 62%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,011.9 mb
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