To all of you, my weekly shopping list fans : there will be no shopping list tomorrow. I know, it's terrible, but you will have to get addicted to reading something else. A big change has arrived! Lo and Behold! After shopping for groceries on the virtual supermarket on the internet for two years, Slippery Kitten and I have decided.... yes! we will do our shopping at the real supermarket!!!! At least for ONE week! Amazing, eh? Now, don't go panicking or anything. I will explain the situation. Shopping on the internet with Tesco, our virtual supermarket, is great. It takes me less than ten minutes every Wednesday morning. There is a list of all my favourites which I use every week. No impulsive shopping. No 'special treats'. On the other hand, there is a delivery fee of 5.99pounds and generally, products at Tesco are not very cheap. Not cheap at all. But weighing pros and cons, we have always opted for internet shopping. We love not having to queue at the supermarket and not having to deal with angry mums and screaming toddlers. But...since we moved to our new neighbourhood, I have been feeling slighlty guilty...errr....because there is a supermarket 5 mins from home and I am shopping on the internet! Isn't that lazy? I should get a prize for that. Anyway...we have decided to give it a try. Just for one week! What an adventure!!

A todos vosotros, mis fieles fans de la lista de la compra semanal, un aviso importante: maniana no habra lista de la compra. Ya se, ya se. Es terrible. Lo siento. Tendreis que buscar otra addicion. Porque....ha llegado el cambio! Soplan vientos de modernidad!! Despues de pasarnos dos anios comprando en nuestro supermercado virtual, Slippery Kitten y yo hemos! haremos la compra en un supemercado real!!! Al menos esta semana. Increible, eh? Bueno, bueno, que no cunda el panico, os expondre la situacion de forma racional. Veamos. Hacer la compra en Tesco (nuestro super) en internet es genial. Tardo menos de diez minutos en hacer la compra cada miercoles por la maniana. Tengo una lista de favoritos que uso cada semana. No hay compras impulsivas ni vamos a probar esto o aquello. Pero, por otro lado, nos cobran 5.99 libras por entrega y, en general, Tesco no es barato. Para nada. Al poner en la balanza los pros y los contras, siempre hemos optado por internet. Eso de hacer cola en la caja y aguantar a mamas de mala leche y ninios llorones en los pasillos del super no es lo nuestro. Pero...desde que nos cambiamos de barrio, se ha ido apoderando de mi un insidioso sentimiento de culpabilidad...porque...hay un supermercado a 5 minutos de casa, y yo sigo comprando en internet! Que holgazaneria, que vagancia! Tendrian que darme un premio, digo yo. Bien, pues eso...que hemos decidido intentar el volver a comprar como todo el mundo, en el supermercado real. Al menos, esta semana. Que aventura!!!
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the East Northeast at 10 mph
Dew Point: -3C
Humidity: 43%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,030.8 mb
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