Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete. I have spent the whole day deleting emails! Not mine. When receiving emails, I answer and place original and answer in a folder, if needed. If not, I delete them. My biggest folder currently holds 875 emails. I need all of them. It is always good to keep them until the next semester. This way, I can always forward them to the sender, with a note like : "On this day/month/year you said this...I am still waiting for the outcome of that". Reminding people of their promises by showing them their previous emails is always effective. But when I do not need them anymore, I immediately delete the emails. That's me. But...some other people keep their emails for years. In this case, the emails went back to 2000!!! Understandable, if I think how busy is that person.So here I was today, deleting, deleting, deleting the emails for them must be part of my job!-. Of course, it was not that easy as selecting all the emails and pressing Delete. No. We use
Pegasus Mail a free programme designed by a Newzealander, which is all right. But it doesn't like you deleting thousands of emails at the same time because then the software has to re-distribute the space in the folders. The more emails you delete, the longest it takes for the software to do that task. And usually, it just collapses! So there I was, deleting emails in small batches and getting more and more and more bored... I could only motivate myself (ha ha!)by thinking about my Annual Appraisal which took place yesterday. I was told I am considered very very efficient and resourceful by my bosses. I received praise after praise, just like in the past two years. Which is very nice. So...delete, delete, delete...I have decided to delete all the years when I was NOT praised. Ten, to be exact. Was I not good, then? Nope. I was just as good as I am now. It simply wasn't the companies' policy and the country's culture to praise employees. Another good reason for NOT going back. Thanks for nothing!

Borrar. Borrar. Borrar. Borrar. Me he pasado el dia borrando emails. Y no son mios. Cuando recibo emails, respondo y coloco el original y mi respuesta en una carpeta, si creo que los voy a necesitar en el futuro. Si no, los borro. Mi carpeta mas grande contiene, actualmente, 875 emails. Los necesito todos. Siempre va bien tenerlos a mano hasta el proximo semestre. De esta manera, siempre los puedo reenviar al remitente, con una nota del tipo: "En este dia/mes/anio dijiste que....a fecha de hoy aun estoy esperando los resultados". Recordar a la gente sus promesas enseniandoles sus previos emails es muy efectivo. Pero cuando ya no los necesito mas, inmediatamente borro todos los emails. Asi funciona mi sistema. Pero....otros guardan sus emails durante anios. En este caso, habia desde el 2000!!! Comprensible, teniendo en cuenta lo ocupada que esta siempre esa persona. Asi que ya me veis hoy,borrando, borrando, borrando, para otra persona -esto...debe ser parte de mi trabajo!- Por supuesto, no era tan simple como seleccionar los emails y apretar el boton Borrar. No. Usamos
Pegasus Mail, que es gratuito y diseniado por un neocelandes, que no esta mal. Pero al programita de marras no le gusta que borres miles de emails al mismo tiempo, porque tiene que re-distribuir el espacio en las carpetas, tarda horas en cuelga..y a empezar de nuevo! Asi que he tenido que borrar los emails en pequenias cantidades, lo cual me ha costado casi todo el dia y un monton de unica motivacion que he tenido (ja ja!) ha sido el pensar en mi Annual Appraisal (Evaluacion Anual) que tuvo lugar ayer, donde se me dijo que mis jefes me consideran muy muy eficiente (je je!) y capaz. He recibido elogio tras elogio, como el anio pasado y el anterior. Lo cual esta muy bien. Asi que...borrar, borrar, borrar. He decidido borrar todos los anios en que no recibi ningun elogio. Diez, para ser exactos. Y durante esos que no era eficiente y capaz? Lo era, exactamente igual a como lo soy ahora. Simplemente es que no era la cultura del pais ni la de las empresas para las que trabajaba. Otra buena razon para NO volver, gracias por nada.
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southeast at 8 mph
Dew Point: 3C
Humidity: 80%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,018.6 mb
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