St Patrick's Day!!! And as today we are all Irish, we have decided we are going to Ireland in Easter. We bought our flights to Dublin yesterday night. We still have not decided on our route (we both have been there before, SK even lived there for a year, although visiting a country as a tourist it's very different from living there, things feel different), but it will probably include the Dingle peninsula and maybe the Giant's Causeway. Right. The first place is on the South West and the second on the North East. As usual, we are being over-enthousiastic and too ambitious. It's only four days, I know. To think that we almost decided to stay at home during Easter, because two weeks later we are going to the States...and look where we are now...almost driving all over Ireland, North to South in four days...that's how we are!

Feliz dia de
St Patrick!!!! Y ya que hoy todos somos irlandeses, hemos decidido que nos vamos a Irlanda por Semana Santa. Ayer por la noche compramos los billetes de avion a Dublin. Aun no hemos decidido la ruta (ambos hemos visitado el pais, SK incluso vivio alli durante un anio, pero visitarlo como turista es diferente a vivir en el pais, se ve con diferentes ojos!), pero probablemente incluira la peninsula de Dingle y el Gian'ts Causeway. Aja. El primero esta en el Sudoeste y el segundo en el Noreste. Como de costumbre, nos pasamos de entusiastas y ambiciosos. Cuatro dias no dan para tanto. Si tenemos en cuenta que casi no ibamos a salir por Semana Santa, ya que dos semanas mas tarde vamos a USA...y mira donde estamos ahora, ya nos vemos yendo arriba y abajo de Irlanda en cuatro dias...si es que no tenemos remedio!
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 9 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 99%
Visibility: 0 miles
Barometer: 1,025.4 mb
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