Monday, March 15, 2004

Re. last Wednesday's post, where I mentioned we would try to do our shopping in a real supermarket after two years of shopping for groceries on the internet. I can confirm we went to the real supermarket on Saturday. We spent one hour doing our shopping, against 10 mins it takes me to shop online. And we felt it was a chore, an obligation. One of our 10 commandments is 'Thou shall not have ANY chore on weekends, thank you very much'. Does this mean we will go back to shopping online? Not yet. We'll give it another try. This time, we will try shopping on a weekday, after work. The supermarket will be less crowded and it may not look such a big waste of time as it was on Saturday. Let's see...

On the other hand, we have already booked our hotel in New Orleans : The Frenchmen Hotel. And bought our tickets for Graceland on the internet. As we are going to be in Memphis on a Saturday, we thought it would be better to get our tickets in advance and avoid queues. Oh and a bit of interesting news : On July 5, 1954, Elvis Presley recorded "That's All Right," at the legendary Sun Studio in Memphis. This is why Memphis is celebrating 50 Years of Rock'n Roll in 2004.

on referencia a mi post del pasado miercoles, donde mencione que, por primera vez en dos anios, hariamos nuestra compra semanal en un supermercado real, confirmo que llevamos a cabo dicha hazania! Nos pasamos una hora en el super, comparado con diez minutos que me lleva realizar la compra en internet. Y nos sentimos cumpliendo una obligacion, mas siendo sabado. Y uno de nuestros diez mandamientos es 'No existira ningun tipo de obligacion durante los fines de semana!'. Asi pues...volvemos a comprar online? Aun no. Lo intentaremos de nuevo. Esta vez iremos a hacer la compra en un dia laborable, despues del trabajo. A ver si hay menos gente en el super y no es una PERDIDA DE TIEMPO tan grande como si fuera un sabado. A ver, a ver...

Por otro lado, ya hemos reservado nuestro hotel en New Orleans : The Frenchmen Hotel. Y reservado las entradas para Graceland en internet. Al ser sabado el dia en que estaremos en Memphis, hemos pensado que seria mejor tener las entradas por adelantado y evitarnos las colas. Ah, y algo interesante : El 5 de julio de 1954 Elvis grabo su primer disco, 'That's All Right' en los legendarios Sun Studio en Memphis. En el 2004, 50 anios despues, la ciudad de Memphis celebra sus 50 Anios de Rock'n Roll.

The weather today:
Light Rain
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southwest at 23 mph
Dew Point: 10C
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 3 miles
Barometer: 1,023.0 mb

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