The Carrot or The Stick,tonight Part 3 and last in the series in Channel 4. The idea of this series was to select twelve young men who lacked drive and who agreed to take part in an extreme physical challenge. They were divided into two teams of equal fitness and spent the next 21 days training intensively in the Brecon Beacons before they competed head –to-head in a gruelling two-day challenge. But they were trained in two completely different methods. The Carrot team were never punished and won rewards for doing well while the Stick team were never rewarded and were punished severely for failure. They were subjected to military beasting in the extreme. While the Carrot team were all dressed in their own clothes, bonded around a bonfire and were always praised by their coaches, the Stick team had their heads shaved, were obliged to wear military uniforms and were always shouted at and heavily criticized by their coach. Now...which system worked best? Tonight we will now. Because until now, both teams are level. Both have won two challenges each. But there is a difference. The Carrot team are mostly happy. I've never seen the Stick team smile yet.
Update: For "tonight" read Thursday night. I mixed up my days again!

El programa
The Carrot or The Stick (que podriamos traducir como -dar al burro- zanahorias o palos), finalizara esta noche con el capitulo 3 de la serie en Channel 4. La idea de este documental era seleccionar 12 jovenes cuyo unico rasgo en comun era la falta de voluntad y hacerles participar en un extremo reto fisico. Se los dividio en dos grupos de caracteristicas fisicas similares y pasaron 21 dias entrenando de forma intensiva en los Brecon Beacons antes de los dos dias de competicion final. Los metodos de entrenamiento fueron, sin embargo, completamente distintos. Al equipo Zanahoria nunca se le castigaba y ganaban premios si seguian las instrucciones bien, mientras que el equipo Palo nunca recibio ningun premio y se les castigaba severamente si fallaban. Los integrantes del equipo Zanahoria iban vestidos informalmente, con sus propias ropas, se sentaban alredor del fuego cada noche para departir amistosamente y eran constantemente alabados y animados por sus entrenadores. Por el contrario a los integrantes del equipo Palo les raparon la cabeza nada mas llegar al campamento, tuvieron que abandonar sus ropas y enseres personales para vestirse con uniforme militar y su entrenador se pasaba dia y noche gritandoles y criticandoles. Y...que metodo funciono mejor? Esta noche tendremos el desenlace. Porque hasta ahora, van igualados. Tanto Zanahoria como Palo han ganado dos competiciones cada uno. Pero os cuento la diferencia : a los Zanahoria se les ve contentos. A los Palo aun no les he visto sonreir.
Por "hoy por la noche" leed 'jueves por la noche'. Otra vez perdi un dia por el camino!
The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the Northeast at 6 mph
Dew Point: -1C
Humidity: 65%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,025.4 mb
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