In my
12/09/2003 post I explained my participating as a "dummy" candidate in a series of fake job interviews designed to train interviewers. Today I can explain what it is to sit on the other side of the desk. And this time the interviews were real. I had not even attended the interviewers training but a week ago I was asked to replace a trained interviewer in a panel for an administrative job. Today's candidates did not have any inkling that one of the panel members was a novice in the job! Luckyly, I did not fuck up! I asked my questions, took notes and after 5 hours of interviews, I sat down with the other two panel members to discuss and agree on a successful candidate. The last choice was between a hard-working little mouse and a strong ex-rebellious girl who wanted to turn a new leaf on ther life. I would have chosen the last one. I am not scared of strong ex-rebellious girls. But we chose the little mouse. Personal likings were not taken into account. The final choice was made depending on the best candidate to "fit in" the job. The little mouse will feel at home between filing cabinets and archives. The other candidate was too big for a small job. Conclusion : all the times I was rejected for a job for which I thought I was the perfect candidate... I was probably the best candidate but that was not MY perfect job. Too small for me. Just like with the strong girl's today. I wish her all the best. She really deserves it. And she will get it!

Si en mi post del
12/09/2003 explicaba mi participacion como 'conejillo de indias'- candidat@ en entrevistas de trabajo - para ayudar en los cursillos para entrevistadores que organizamos en la oficina, esta vez cuento lo que representa estar en el otro lado. Esta vez era yo un@ de l@s entrevistadores y no en un cursillo, sino en entrevistas reales para cubrir un puesto de administracion. Sin ni tan solo haber asistido al cursillo para entrevistadores, hace una semana se me propuso cubrir la vacante de un entrevistador que no podia participar en el panel de tres de esta maniana. L@s candidat@s de hoy no tenian ni idea de que era mi primera vez en ese lado de la mesa. Afortunadamente, no meti la pata. Formule mis preguntas, escuche con atencion, tome notas y al final, despues de cinco horas de entrevistas, escogimos a la candidata ideal. En eso coincidimos l@s tres miembros del panel. La eleccion final quedo entre una ratita trabajadora y una chica que pisaba fuerte y que queria dar un nuevo rumbo a su vida. Por mi, hubiera escogido a la segunda. No me dan miedo los que pisan fuerte si pisan con buen motivo. Pero escogimos a la ratita. No era cuestion de gustos personales, sino de ver quien se adaptaba mejor al puesto de trabajo. La ratita encajaba con los archivos. La otra, era demasiado grande para un puesto tan pequenio. Moraleja de la historia: esas veces en que me rechazaron para un puesto que yo creia ideal...quiza no era tan ideal como yo creia. Quiza se me quedaba pequenio. Como a la chica que pisaba fuerte, a la que deseo toda la suerte del mundo, porque se la merece. Y no dudo que tendra exito en el futuro!
The weather today:Fair
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the South at 5 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 44%
Visibility: 6 miles
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