I thought I had heard of all possible diets. Even the most bizzare diets. Well, I was wrong! Now there is a diet for 'good Christians' by Don M.D. Colbert, explained in the book
What would Jesus eat? . It seems Dr Colbert has been studying the possible food eaten in the eastern Mediterranean area of 10AD and collated his findings in this book, which recommends wholemeal bread, fish and vegetables for a (holy?) balanced lifestyle.

Y yo que creia que ya lo habia oido todo sobre regimenes alimenticios y ahora van y me salen con otro, digamos 'especial'... Un regimen para 'buenos cristianos', por el doctor Don Colbert, explicado en su libro
What would Jesus eat? (en ingles "Que comeria Jesus?"). Parece ser que el buen doctor se ha dedicado a estudiar el tipo de alimentos que posiblemente se comian en la zona del Este del Mediterraneo en el anio 10DC, y ha llegado a la conclusion de que eran, basicamente, pan integral, pescado y verduras los que garantizaban una dieta (santamente?) equilibrada.
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