This week we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Internet's as a mass phenomenon
marking "a decade since the explosive stock market debut of Netscape, which triggered the boom and unleashed a friendly browser to navigate the web". More news in this
article from The Guardian.

Esta semana celebramos el decimo aniversario de la consagracion de Internet como fenomeno de masas, marcado por "una decada desde la explosiva entrada en Bolsa de Netscape, que disparo el boom del y nos puso en las manos un navegador decente para el usuario". Mas informacion en este
articulo (en ingles) de The Guardian.
The weather today:Fair
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the North Northwest at 8 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 43%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,020.0 mb
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