This morning I have been a dummy candidate for interview practice. This means there were 3 interviews, each of them with a different panel (composed of 3 members each) for the same job. The job did not exist and the twist here is that the person(s) being evaluated and marked were the interviewers and not the interviewees, because they were training to be able to interview job candidates. Even so, I almost forgot I was a dummy candidate and actually got nervous when answering some difficult questions! At the end of the interview the candidates were asked to give feedback to the panel on how they had performed. This is, probably, the only time in my life when I have been able to tell the interviewers what I think about them. And I was not nasty at all. On the contrary, poor fellows, I even encouraged them and gave good appraisals. Am I mad or what?

Esta mananiana he participado, como fals@ candidat@, en una sesion de training para entrevistas de trabajo. Es decir, me han entrevistado 3 veces, en paneles de 3 personas, para un ficticio puesto de trabajo. Era darle la vuelta a la tortilla, ya que los examinados no eran los candidatos, sino los entrevistadores, como parte de sus futuros roles en la organizacion. Ha sido una actividad voluntaria, pero agotadora. Aun sabiendo que la entrevista era totalmente falsa y que el puesto no existia, los nervios se han apoderado de mi al afrontar alguna de las preguntas dificiles, tal y como hubiera pasado en una entrevista real. Sin embargo, al terminar, volviamos a la sala donde habiamos 'sufrido', nos sentabamos de nuevo, todo eran sonrisas de complicidad y de 'ahora ya estamos todos en el mismo lado' y eramos los candidatos los que ofreciamos nuestras criticas a los entrevistadores. Era nuestra oportunidad para ser crueles! Y, la verdad, no lo hemos sido. Hemos ofrecido criticas constructivas y hasta les hemos animado y dicho lo bien que lo han hecho. Estamos locos o que?
The weather today:Fair
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the North Northwest at 1 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 37%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,031.2 mb