Somebody out there should stop me. I have become addicted to bidding in
Ebay . Yesterday I bought a
Karcher SC1002 steam cleaner for 31GBP plus delivery fees. I simply HAD TO buy it! I just don't know how we have been able to cope at home without a steam cleaner all these years.... from now on, our life will be sooo very different...and better! Here :
Karcher you can find more steam cleaners, just in case you feel tempted...

Que alguien me pare... tengo adiccion a
Ebay . Ayer compre una
Karcher SC1002 limpiadora al vapor por 31 libras mas gastos de envio. Es que TENIA QUE comprarla! No se como hemos podido sobrevivir en casa todos estos anios sin una limpiadora al vapor... a partir de ahora nuestra vida sera completamente diferente...y mejor...!!! Aqui :
Karcher hay mas limpiadoras al vapor, para todos los gustos, por si os puedo tentar tambien...
The weather today:Light Rain
UV Index:1 Low
Wind:From the West Northwest at 7 mph
Dew Point:7°C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: 6 miles
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