Last Friday, Big Brother UK launched a competition looking for any individual over the age of 18, to take part in Big Brother's BIGGEST competition. Basically the title sequence before the show (images and music, by the way, composed by Paul Oakenfold) contains a secret message - its up to you to crack it.The judges, at their discretion, will select a number of people with the correct answer to come to the studio and battle it out for the big prize: Being Big Brother for a day and taking decisions on how to run the house : lights, shower, tasks, rewards and punishments.. The competition closes on Friday 9th July 2004.
The numbers are:
So I gave the numbers to SD this afternoon...and after 5 minutes he came back with the correct answer, saying it was very easy! Now, 5 minutes, that is really good, eh? SD is the most intelligent kiwi on the planet!

El viernes pasado, Big Brother Reino Unido presento una competicion novedosa (solo para mayores de 18 anios). La secuencia del inicio de BB (imagenes y musica, por cierto que esta ultima es de Paul Oakenfold) esconden un codigo secreto. Hay que descifrar el codigo, enviar la respuesta a BB y un panel de jueces escogera a algunos de los ganadores para que se desplacen hasta el estudio de BB y compitan por el premio final : ser Big Brother por un dia. Es decir, decidir como funcionara la casa ese dia : agua caliente, iluminacion, el reto diario a los habitantes de la casa, darles premios o castigarles... El ultimo dia para presentar las respuestas es el 9 de julio.
El codigo es:
Le pase los numeros a SD esta tarde..y en cinco minutos ya me enviaba un email con la respuesta correcta, diciendo que era pan comido!! Sera pan comido para SD, pero no para mi. Y cinco minutos! Vaya record! Definitivamente, SD es el kiwi mas inteligente del planeta.
The weather today:
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 13C
Humidity: 50%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,016.9 mb
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