As English Heritage has been doing for the past years, free entry to Stonehenge will take place on the evening of the 20th June, for the Summer solstice celebrations. With restrictions, of course. No bonfires or standing inside the circle, as used to happen when in the past travellers forced entry to the site and the police ended up attacking them and throwing them to jail. Now there is free entry, but one has to behave!.
Sunrise will occur at 04.58 on Monday 21st June 2004
Designated Car Park Opens - 2000 hours (8pm) Sunday 20th June
Access to Stonehenge - 2200 hours (10pm) Sunday 20th June
Stonehenge Closes - 0900 hours (9am) Monday 21st June
Last Admission to Designated Car Park - 0800 hours (8am) Monday 21st June
Designated Car Park to be vacated - 1300 hours (1pm) Monday 21st June
For more information and conditions of entry, have a look at English Heritage.
Tal y como han venido haciendo en los ultimos anios, English Heritage ofrece entrada libre a Stonehenge por la tarde y durante toda la noche del dia 20 de junio, para las celebraciones del solsticio de verano. Con restricciones, claro. Nada de encender fuego ni entrar en el circulo, como solia ocurrir cuando la gente forzaba la entrada y la policia acababa desalojando al personal a la fuerza. Ahora la entrada es libre, pero hay que comportarse.
El sol saldra a las 04.58 del Lunes 21 Junio 2004
El parkign abre a las 20.00 h del domingo 20 Junio
El acceso a Stonehenge empieza a las 22.00 h del domingo 20 Junio
Stonehenge cerrara a las 09.00 h de la maniana del lunes 21 de Junio
Ultima admision al parking : 08.00 h del lunes 21 de Junio
Ultima salida del parking :13.00 h del lunes 21 de Junio.
Para mas informacion y condiciones de entrada, mirad en English Heritage.
The weather today:
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the West at 16 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 37%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,017.9 mb
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