Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I must be getting old... My brain cells are dying!! My mind went totally blank this morning. I really could not find some EXTREMELY important documents. I should have send them to a Board for approval. But I could not remember having done it. But they were not in the folder where I used to keep them. I could not interrupt the Board to ask if they had the documents. So I went through ALL my archives and folders looking for this documents. I found docs which looked as if they belonged to the Iron Age (provided people then had paper and pen, which they didn't). But not the docs I was looking for. The Board took ages to finish. Then I could not get hold of the Minutes Secretary. Finally I managed to speak to the Chair. This very nice gentleman came back to me after 5 mins with the news that the docs where indeed submitted to the Board. Wow! I forgot I sent them there then! But now it comes a horrid twist...some other docs have been recorded in our system as submitted to the Board but nobody can find the hardcopy! Is it my cells dying or is it...Gremlins!!??

La vejez nos llega a todos..incluso a mi! Mis celulas grises se mueren!! Esta maniana me quede totalmente en blanco. No podia encontrar unos documentos de EXTREMA importancia. Tendria que haberlos enviado a un comite para que fueran aprobados. Pero no podia recordar haberlos enviado. Y los estaban en el archivo donde se suponia tenian que estar. No podia interrumpir al comite para preguntar si tenian o no los documentos, asi que ha cundido el panico y me he dedicado a rebuscar en todos los archivos y carpetas. He encontrado documentos que parecian de la Edad del Hierro (suponiendo que en aquellos tiempos hubieran tenido papel y boli, que no tenian!). Por supuesto, he encontrado de todo excepto los documentos que buscaba. La reunion del comite ha durado horas y horas. Al finalizar, no ha habido manera de encontrar a la secretaria que tomaba las minutas. Finalmente, he conseguido acorralar al presidente del comite quien, muy amablemente, me ha informado en cinco minutos de que mis documentos habian sido presentados y aprobados por el comite. Y yo ni siquiera recordaba haberlos enviado! Ay! Pero, para mi horror, ahora me comunican que el original de otro documento que aparece como aceptado en el sistema, no se encuentra. Es decir, esta en la base de datos, pero el documento se ha volatilizado en la version papel. O a mi se me mueren las celulas grises o son los...gremlins!!???

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 17C
Humidity: 88%
Visibility: 7 miles
Barometer: 1,019.3 mb

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