It is mostly agreed that Art is supposed to bring out a response from the viewer. Some artists want to provoke, others want to 'make people think' -as they say...-, others want us to relax and enjoy a painting, a photograph, a scuplture... So it is said the purpose of art is getting a response, a reaction, from the viewer. Some think that only a 'educated' viewer can really appreciate and adequately respond to Art. Not so, not so! A football hooligan showed his appreciation of a photographic exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in London, where a great FIFA footballers exhibition was taking place. On seeing David Beckham's portrait (worth £7,500, taken by the portrait photographer Mike Holm)the hooligan adequately reacted to 'Art''s influence! Taking out his felt tip pen, the hooligan wrote LOOSERS in Beckham's portrait, a reference to losing the match at the European Football Cup 2004 and spelt with a double 'o' a possible reference to Rebecca Loos, the woman who earlier this year claimed she had had an affair with Beckham. So there you are! Even 'non educated' viewers do have a reaction to Art! Supposing Beckham's photo is Art, of course...but that's another topic!

El moderno punto de vista sobre el Arte es que su proposito es despertar una respuesta por parte del publico. Algunos artistas quieren provocar, otros quieren 'hacernos pensar' -eso dicen-... otros quieren que nos relajemos y disfrutemos sus pinturas, fotografias, esculturas.. Algunos 'expertos' en el tema mantienen la postura de que solo el publico 'con cultura' puede apreciar y responder adecuadamente a las obras de arte. Ah! Pero ahi se equivocan,y la prueba esta en la Royal Academy of Arts en Londres, donde se exhibe una muestra fotografica de grandes futbolistas de la FIFA. Al contemplar el retrato de David Beckham (valorado en £7,500, obra del retratista Mike Holm), un hooligan britanico reacciono adecuadamente a la influencia del 'Noble Arte'. Sacando el rotulador del bolsillo, el hooligan escribio en el retrato la palabra 'perdedor' (looser - con doble 'o', para hacer referencia a Rebecca Loos, la chica que a principios de anio declaro que habia mantenido relaciones sexuales con Beckham y a la perdida de la EuroCopa 2004). Asi que ahi lo teneis! Incluso el 'Arte' ejerce su influencia incluso en el publico 'sin cultura'. Suponiendo que una foto de David Beckham sea Arte, claro...pero eso ya es otra cuestion!
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UV Index: 1 Minimal
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Dew Point: 13C
Humidity: 81%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,015.2 mb
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