I have just found out about Geocaching (pronounced 'geocashing')today. I quote from Wikipedia : "Geocaching is an outdoor sport that involves the use of a Global Positioning System ("GPS") receiver to find a "geocache" (or "cache") placed anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small, waterproof container containing a logbook and "treasure". Geocaching is a unique take on an earlier game called Letterboxing in that it uses two recent technologies, the GPS and the Internet. Participants are called geocachers.
The sport of geocaching was made possible by the "turning off" of the Selective Availability of the Global Positioning System on May 1, 2000. The first documented placement of a cache with GPS assistance took place on May 3, 2000 by Dave Ulmer of Beaver Creek, Oregon. The location was posted on the Usenet newsgroup sci.geo.satellite-nav. By May 6, 2000 it had been found twice and logged once.
Geocaching is growing rapidly in popularity all over the world. As of July 18, 2005 there were 183908 active caches in 215 countries posted on geocaching.com"
I would love to try Geocaching. And the geographer in the family would love it too. We dont' have a GPS receiver though. Whem is the next birthday then?....

Para registrar un cache hay que darse de alta en la pagina de Geocaching.com , donde hay cientos de propuestas. Lo siguiente es bautizarlo e introducir las coordenadas del lugar en el que se ha escondido y un pequeño texto con alguna pista para llegar a el. Al localizarlo, se debe coger y dejar en el un objeto y registrar el hallazgo en el cuaderno que esta dentro. Finalmente, el jugador ha de anunciar en la ficha del cache en la web que lo ha encontrado y aniadir cualquier comentario".
Me gustaria intentar a ver que tal es el Geocaching. Y al expert@ en geografia de casa tambien le gustaria. Pero no tenemos sistema GPS, que mal! Mmmm.....cuando cae el proximo cumpleanios?...
The weather today:
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the West Northwest at 22 mph
Dew Point: 16C
Visibility: 7 miles
Barometer: 1,020.3 mb
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