From now on, I'm looking upwards! At the end of the day, it doesn't cost anything to try... According to an article titled "Just look up to find happiness" published in The Sunday Times yesterday:
"In the study, researchers tested volunteers to find those with the strongest pessimistic and optimistic traits. Then the volunteers were asked to perform various cognitive tests while looking downwards and similar tasks while looking slightly upwards.The results showed that the pessimists performed best while looking downwards, the optimists best when they looked upwards.
It is possible that such postures can actually reinforce the moods that caused them, so people with pessimistic or depressive tendencies are perpetuating them through directing their gaze downwards".

Segun un articulo titulado "Mira hacia arriba para ser feliz" publicado ayer en The Sunday Times :
"En el estudio, los investigadores realizaron tests para determinar rasgos positivos y negativos entre los voluntarios. Despues se pidio a los voluntarios que realizaran varios tests cognitivos mientras miraban hacia arriba, y tareas similares mientras miraban hacia abajo. Los resultados demostraron que los pesimistas alcanzaban mejores resultados mientras miraban hacia abajo y los optimistas mientras miraban hacia arriba.
Es posible que dichas posturas refuercen los estados de animo que las causaron de buen principio. Asi pues, los pesimistas o con tendencias depresivas estarian perpertuando sus estados de animo al mirar constantemente hacia abajo".
The weather today:
UV Index: 1 Low
Wind: From the North Northwest at 14 mph
Dew Point:14C
Humidity: 80%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,002.4 mb
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