Following Thursday's London bombings there was a spat of hoax bomb calls everywhere in the country. We even got ours in Portsmouth. This
idiot has now been jailed for six months. I always assumed hoax calls were made by stupid teenagers. I was wrong. I forgot stupidity has no age.

Despues del ataque terrorista del jueves en Londres, hubo una autentica plaga de llamadas anunciando falsos paquetes bomba a lo largo y ancho del pais. Por tener, hasta tuvimos una en Portsmouth. Este
imbecil ha sido juzgado y encarcelado por seis meses. Siempre pense que las llamadas anunciando bombas falsas eran cosa de estupid@s quinceanier@s. Me equivocaba. La estupidez no tiene edad.
The weather today:Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the North Northeast at 10 mph
Dew Point: 20C
Humidity: 59%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,029.5 mb
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