Thursday, May 27, 2004

Something I've never done in this blog: post jokes! And not only that, but bad jokes! How daring!!!

I was clearing out the attic the other day when I found an old
violin and an oil painting, so I took them to be valued. "What you've
got here", said the valuer, "is a Van Gogh and a Stradivarius.
"Great", I said. "How much are they worth?" "Not a lot", he said.
"Stradivarius was a lousy painter and Van Gogh made terrible violins".

"Doctor, I've broken my arm in 4 places."
"Don't go to those places."

Lo nunca visto en este blog : postear chistes! Y ademas, malos. Que osadia que tengo!

El otro dia estaba ordenando el desvan y me encontre un violin viejo y una pintura al oleo. Los lleve a un anticuario, quien me dijo que eran un Van Gogh y un Stradivarius.
"Genial!" dije yo "Y cuanto me daran por ellos?"
"No mucho" dijo el anticuario "Stradivarius pintaba fatal y los violines de Van Gogh desafinaban".

"Doctor, me he roto en brazo en 4 lugares distintos".
"No vaya a esos lugares".

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