I will go to collect the developed photos this evening. Yes, the photos we took during our last holidays. Developed. You heard the word. We do not have a digital camera! We have a scanner. So if I am terribly bored and have nothing else to do, I will scan some photos. Probably not. Too boring. Maybe we should consider buying one. Just so I don't go mad having to write date & location behind each picture and then sending them to our parents. Who just happen to love all this shower of photos.
If we were to have a digital camera, that would spare me from SD's parents set. We would send them by email. But... I still would have to make one extra copy of each picture, though. Because my parents are not connected to the internet! What's more...be amazed...my parents do NOT have a computer! Just so you stop thinking what a bunch of weirdos I have for parents, let me assure you...they do have a TV and a video. But not a DVD! Yep. Weirdos. Although we don't have a DVD either. Let's embrace weirdoom!! It runs in my blood!!

Esta tarde ire a buscar las fotos que deje para revelar en el laboratorio fotografico. Si, las fotos que tomamos durante las ultimas vacaciones. Revelar. Lo habeis oido bien. No tenemos camara digital! Como mucho, si tengo un rato libre y no tengo nada, pero nada que hacer, escaneo las fotos. Quiza deberiamos considerar la posibilidad de comprar una. Asi no tendria que matarme escribiendo fecha y lugar detras de cada foto y luego enviarlas a nuestros padres. A quienes les encanta, os aseguro, este diluvio de fotos. Si tuvieramos una camara digital, no tendria que hacer la parte de los padres de SD. Lo enviaria por email. Pero...aun asi, tendria que hacer copias impresas para mis padres. Porque mis padres no tienen conexion a internet! Es mas...alucinad...mis padres no tienen ordenador! Y antes de que empeceis a imaginar lo raritos que son mis padres, dejadme asegurar que SI tienen televisor y video. Pero no tienen DVD. Si. Excentricos, eh? Aunque nosotros tampoco tenemos DVD. Viva la excentricidad! Me corre en la sangre!!
The weather today:
UV Index: 4 Low
Wind: From the West Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 14C
Humidity: 77%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,022.7 mb
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