Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Right. Weird things also happen in the United Kingdom. I think this piece of news in 'The News' will deter many of you from taking your holidays in England!
"When the train driver asked the way. The latest excuse for late arrival left even the most hardened of rail travellers stunned. Dozens of passengers heading to Portsmouth Harbour were shocked when, after 30 minutes of delays, a message from the driver came over the train's loudspeaker at Woking: 'If there is a train driver on board who knows the way to Portsmouth could he please come to the cab.'Passenger John Trewby, of Sheet, near Petersfield, said: 'It was an announcement that surely beats all others for destroying passenger confidence.' A South West Trains spokesman said the train's warning system – which makes trains stop at red signals – had apparently come on when there was no need, leaving the driver confused as to which route to take. He explained: 'The driver needed assistance and drivers can only get help from colleagues who are trained for their route. 'Usually, they use a telephone – making an announcement to passengers is unusual."
It occurred to me the train driver may had been watching too many airplane disaster movies....

OK. Tambien hay noticias raras en el Reino Unido. El siguiente articulo, extraido del periodico 'The News' seguro que os lo hara pensar dos veces antes de venir de vacaciones a Inglaterra :
'El conductor del tren pregunto la direccion. El ultimo grito en excusas para los retrasos de trenes dejo atonitos incluso a los mas avezados pasajeros. Decenas de pasajeros con destino Portsmouth Harbour tuvieron el shock de sus vidas cuando, después de 30 minutos de retraso parados en la estacion de Woking, el conductor transmitio el siguiente mensaje por megafonia :: 'Si un conductor de tren que sepa el camino a Portsmouth se encuentra en el tren, haga el favor de venir a la cabina". El pasajero John Trewby de Sheet, localidad cercana a Petersfield, dijo: 'Este aviso bate todos los records de sistemas para perder la confianza de los clientes'. Un portavoz de South West trains dijo que el sistema de emergencia del tren, que hace que se pare ante semaforos en rojo, se activo sin razon aparente, confundiendo al conductor quien no pudo distinguir la ruta que debia tomar. El mismo portavoz explico : 'El conductor precisaba la ayuda de otro conductor con probada experiencia en la misma ruta. Normalmente, solicitan ayuda con una llamada telefonica. Los avisos a pasajeros son de lo mas inusual".
Se me ocurre que el conductor del tren habra visto demasiadas peliculas de desastres aereos...

The weather today:

Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Low
Wind: From the South Southeast at 8 mph
Dew Point: 9C
Humidity: 59%
Visibility: 10 miles
Barometer: 1,021.0 mb

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