We took a swamp tour with Cajun Pride Swamp Tours on our way between Baton Rouge and New Orleans. It was a very pleasant sunny morning and the swamps were beautiful. We saw and fed some alligators (a tourist's obligation!) and spent two nice hours with a small group of tourists in a little boat. Until here, nothing extraordinary. But then we returned ashore and to our car. And to our dismay, as we approached the car we saw something terrible had happened. The car's boot was fully open. All our baggage, three suitcases, had been left there. As the car boasted electric locks, it may have been quite easy for the ringkey to be pressed in SD's pocket while we were walking to the boat, so opening the boot. And it was left there for 2 hours, with our suitcases on display! As we ran to the car, our thoughts were the same: everything has been stolen. Nothing left! Clothes, some money, presents, two credit cards (luckily our passports were in SD's rucksack)...so...imagine our amazement when we stood in front of the open boot and saw...nothing missing! all our suitcases were there! What's more, when we opened them to check...all our belongings were there!
Considering we were in a touristic spot, parked in front of a road..what are the possibilities of leaving a car's boot opened for TWO hours and not being stolen anything at all?? As I said, this was extraordinary. Rare.Amazing. I thought we were very lucky. The stars were shining on us. Or maybe it was the two real voodoo dolls I had bought the day before at the Nottoway Plantation , which I had left inside one of our suitcases. They are hand made by a Voodoo lady in Shrevreport, and not Made in China as most voodoo dolls sold in New Orleans. Or the honesty of the Louisiana citizens. As I said before, any of these could be the truth. But, in any case, I've placed our two Voodoo dolls in our living room. Just in case...

Fuimos a dar un paseo en barco por los pantanos entre Baton Rouge y New Orleans con la compania Cajun Pride Swamp Tours. Los pantanos estaban preciosos en aquella soleada y calida maniana. Vimos y dimos de comer a algunos alligators (la obligacion de todo turista!) y pasamos dos horas con un pequenio grupo de turistas en un barquito. Hasta aqui, nada de extraordinario. Hasta que volvimos al embarcadero y a recoger nuestro coche. Y para nuestro horror, cuando nos acercabamos al coche, vimos que algo terrible habia sucedido. El maletero estaba completamente abierto. El coche tenia apertura electrica, asi que nada mas facil que el boton de abrir el maletero se hubiera apretado en el bolsillo de SD cuando nos alejabamos del coche. Y durante dos horas, el coche se pavoneo con el maletero abierto, mostrando a todo el mundo nuestras maletas. Mientras corriamos hacia el coche, ya nos imaginabamos lo que veriamos : nos habian robado todo. El maletero estaria vacio! Ropas, algo de dinero, regalos, dos tarjetas de credito (afortunadamente, nuestros pasaportes estaban en la mochila de SD y no en el coche. Asi que...imaginaos nuestra sorpresa cuando, parados delante del maletero...vimos...que no faltaba nada! Y aun mas, cuando abrimos las maletas para comprobar si faltaba algo..nada! Todo estaba igual a como lo habiamos dejado!!!
Si tenemos en cuenta que estabamos aparcados en un lugar frecuentado por turistas, cerca de una carretera....que posibilidad hay de dejar un coche con el maletero abierto durante DOS horas y que no te roben nada?? Como ya he dicho, esto es extraordinario. Increible. Rarisimo!! En aquel momento, pense que teniamos mucha suerte. Que las estrellas nos sonreian. O quiza eran las dos autenticas muniecas de vudu que habia comprado el dia anterior en la Plantacion Nottoway , y que habia colocado en el interior de una de las maletas. Cada una es unica, hecha a mano por una seniora que practica el vudu en Shrevreport, y no como las que venden en New Orleans, que son "Made in China".O eso, o la honestidad de los ciudadanos de Louisiana. Como ya he dicho, cualquiera podria ser verdad. Por si acaso, he colocado las dos muniecas vudu en el salon. Por si las moscas...
The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 10 mph
Dew Point: 12C
Humidity: 91%
Visibility: 1 miles
Barometer: 1,019.6 mb
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