Oh yes. Holidays again. The big and only theme in this blog. We just came back from the US on the 9th May and we have already organised our next trip. This will take place from the 28th August to the 11th September. This time we are flying to Barcelona and renting a car. From Barcelona we will drive to the South of France, along the Riviera and to Italy. According to the rough plan we've drafted, we will drive down to Rome, stopping in our way in Siena and Pisa. After Rome we will head North again, possibly stopping in some of these : Florence, Verona, Vicenza or Venice. I've been to all of them except for Rome but SD has only been in Venice, so it's up to SD to choose the cities to visit, I guess. After that, we will drive North again, with Switzerland in mind. After whatever it is that we can see of interest in Switzerland, down again to Barcelona to return the rental car and fly back home. Oh yes. Guess where are we going in Xmas and for a 3 week holiday. Yes. The US. This trip to Switzerland and Italy is just a little fish for our big mouths.

Ah si. Vacaciones otra vez. El gran tema de este blog. Puf puf puf. Justo acabamos de volver de los USA el 9 de mayo y ya hemos organizado las proximas vacaciones. El viaje tendra lugar del 28 de agosto al 11 de septiembre. Esta vez volamos a Barcelona donde alquilaremos un coche. Desde Barcelona conduciremos por el Sur de Francia, a lo largo de la Riviera hasta Italia. El plan general -aun no hemos entrado en detalles- es conducir hasta Roma, parando para visitar Siena y Pisa. A la vuelta, probablemente visitaremos una o varias de estas ciudades : Florencia, Verona, Vicenza o Venecia. Yo las he visitado todas excepto Roma, pero SD solo ha estado en Venecia, asi que la decision final de que ciudades visitar corre a cargo de SD. A continuacion subiremos hasta Suiza y despues de dar una ojeada general, volveremos a Barcelona para devolver el coche de alquiler y volar a casa. Ah..alguna idea de a donde iremos en Navidad y durante 3 semanas? Hombre, pues si. Los USA otra vez. Este viajecito a Suiza e Italia es solo para hacer boca.
The weather today:
Partly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Low
Wind: From the East at 6 mph
Dew Point: 7C
Humidity: 55%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,024.0 mb
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