"Sometimes i feel like i'm in Barcelona
see anytime i hear this tune I just start drifting away
and all i wanna do is go back.
sometimes i feel like i`m in Barcelona
see anytime i hear this tune I just start drifting away.."
Drifting away...well, this is EXACTLY the feeling I get every time I hear the song Barcelona .Video & audio clips on the left hand side of the bar following the link, the audio is the extended version and the video clip shows many nice spots in Barcelona which almost makeme cry, like the bit at the end where somebody is lightning and melting a sugarcube on a glass of absynthe and I recognised the place as Bar Marsella, "my" Marsella! Or the quick shot of people strolling down Les Rambles at nightime, and I think :" hey, I should be there!"...

see anytime i hear this tune I just start drifting away
and all i wanna do is go back.
sometimes i feel like i`m in Barcelona
see anytime i hear this tune I just start drifting away.."
La mente se me va a la deriva dice la cancion..se me va la bola.....EXACTAMENTE tal como me siento cada vez que oigo la cancion Barcelona. Siguiendo el link, se encuentran el audio y el video clip. El audio es la version extendida y el video es una serie de rapidas imagenes de la bella Barcelona que casi, casi, me hacen llorar. Como el flash donde se ve a alguien derritiendo un cubito de azucar en una copa de absenta y reconozco el lugar, es el Bar Marsella, "mi" Marsella! O la rapida imagen de gente paseando por Les Rambles a medianoche y pienso :eh!yo tendria que estar alli!...
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