In a far off Galaxy the 12 Colonies of Man have come together to end a 1000 year war with the machine race known as the Cylons. The peace mission is a trap concocted by the Cylon’s Imperious Leader and a power hungry human by the name of Baltar. An armada of Cylon ships catch the Human’s unprepared fleet of Battlestars off guard. Only the Battlestar Galactica, under the command of Commander Adama, is able to launch it’s fighters in time to defend the fleet. Commander Adama sends word for every man, woman, and child to set to space in whatever ship could carry them. In all, 220 ships containing the last remnants of the once proud 12 Colonies of Man set course to deep space. Lead by the last Battlestar Galactica, Commander Adama announces to his people that they would go in search of a long lost 13th colony of man, on a small blue world known as Earth. Sounds familiar? Of course. It is the plot of Battlestar Galactica(1978) the famous (and slightly naff) film and tv series. Did you like it then? Did you think Apollo and Starbuck were REALLY cool? OK, now you have a new opportunity to live all that emotion and adventure again! The series has been remade and is now showing in Skymovies 2 in the UK. This new Galactica is quite different to what we were used back in 1978...Starbuck and Boomer are ladies, Apollo and Adama have a very bad relationship father-son, some of the cylons now look like human beings, the new Intergallactic president is a tough but very humane lady, Baltar the traitor is a programmer who betrays the humans for love (errr...better lust!) of a female cylon, Battlestar Gallactica was almost a museum exhibit and was going to be scraped when the cylons attacked... and all the general look is grey and tough. Very noughties, very!

The weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the North at 7 mph
Dew Point: 5C
Humidity: 87%
Visibility: 4 miles
Barometer: 1,029.1 mb
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