According to old wive's tales, eating primroses is supposed to enable you to see fairies and touching a fairy rock with a primrose posy opens the way to fairyland and fairy gifts. Now I understand why one of the primrose plants in our garden had most of its flowers eaten overnight! It weren't slugs or snails, but somebody who wanted to see the fairies. I won't, after all, have to go hunting for snails, what a relief!.... Now seriously, slugs and snails are a big problem in the garden. In countries like France and Spain, they have a natural and powerful predator : human beings. Snails are considered a culinary delicacy and are offered in many restaurants at medium-high prices. I remember when I was a child that children were encouraged to take a stroll in the fields when the rain had stopped to catch as many snails as they could. Sometimes, while driving on country roads, one would see adults and children busy at picking snails beside the road. They just happened to drive by while it was raining and saw the snails. And if it were not snails, they were picking asparagus! As a result, you don't see many snails in any garden. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen in this country, so for the sake of my plants, slug pellets it will be, as it is no good picking them up and moving them to any other patch of land. They have an incredible homing instinct so will come back 'home' no matter if it takes them a couple of weeks!

The weather today:
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the North Northeast at 1 mph
Dew Point: 3°C
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1,030.1 mb
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