On the other hand, we seem to encounter a thousand problems when buying presents for my relatives abroad. Last year it took us 4 weeks to get an answer from El Corte Ingles, a big department store in Spain. They would not answer my emails, would not deliver the present..but they DID charge the amount on my credit card. Finally, we managed to get the money back. A month and a half later. And, of course, the relative celebrating her birthday was disappointed, because she never ever received her present. El Corte Ingles is a NO-NO, now.
Another horror story this year with Innovations.. (suposedly) a company specialized in internet gifts. They called my relatives abroad asking for my credit card, when I had already provided its number on their website. What's more, they wanted the card number over the phone or payment in cash when receiving the gift. That is VERY nice, we thought. The birthday boy is going to have to pay for his own present! Well, this was easier than with El Corte Ingles. Because they said they did not have my credit card, I cancelled the order. Then we kept an eye on our credit card account. It must have been true that they did not have my credit card number, because they did never charge that amount.
But I had to buy a present again! Annoying, isn't it? I ordered something from Boys Stuff on Thursday and received it yesterday. That is efficient!! I did not ask the present to be sent abroad. I will do it by myself, with the oldie and reliable...POST OFFICE!!

Por otro lado, las compras para terceros parece que solo acarrean problemas. Lease regalo de cumpleanios para familiar en el extranjero (extranjero por mi situacion, que ellos estan en casa). El anio pasado sufrimos durante 4 semanas el silencio de El Corte Ingles. Cobrar, cobraron, pero entregar el regalo, no entregaron. Ni respondieron a emails. Finalmente, al cabo de un mes y medio, se dignaron enviar un email y devolver lo pagado. Y entonces a correr a comprar otro regalo de cumpleanios. Tarde. El familiar quedo la mar de contento, os lo puedo asegurar. Ahora tenemos al Corte Ingles en la lista negra.
Este anio ya pensaba que nos librabamos de la mala suerte..pero no. Ahora han sido los de Innovations, una empresa que (supuestamente) se dedica a los regalos por internet. Muy profesionales no lo son. Llamaron a mi familiar para pedirle mi tarjeta de credito. Que bonito. El receptor del regalo tiene que pagar para recibirlo. Porque, decia Innovations..yo olvide escribir mi numero de tarjeta de credito en su pagina web. Vaya! Y como fue que pude pasar al siguiente paso de confirmacion de pedido, eh? Sin comentarios. Para evitar mas intercambio de mala leche, anulamos el pedido y vigilamos la retirada de importes de nuestra tarjeta de credito. Porque decian que no tenian el numero pero..nunca se sabe. Finalmente, compramos el regalo en Boys Stuff, lo recibimos ayer -y con un regalito extra!-y hoy me voy a enviarlo a Spain por un metodo que no va a fallar....la oficina de Correos!
The weather today :
Mostly Cloudy ---> well, no! it is mostly sunny now!
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the Southwest at 16 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,017.6 mb