A couple of days ago, I posted on releasing a book at the South Parade Pier. Have a look at it. The pier was built as a landing stage for paddle steamers crossing to the Isle of Wight. The railway station at Granada road made it a convenient landing point for passengers. The pier was used in 1974 as a location for the film "Tommy" staring Roger Daltry. It was during this filming that the pier burnt down a second time.
Despite its Victorian origins the pier has a distinctive 70's atmosphere. This is a result of a major rebuild after the fire. And this is the major problem. A couple of bland and out-to-date fun-fair attractions and lots and lots of slot machines, pinballs and video-games. A greasyspoon outlet selling fish&chips, two more outlets offering tasteless souvenirs and ice-creams...this is what our beautiful pier has to offer. Same as most of the piers in this country, I would say. And it is SUCH A SHAME! With its prime location and beautiful views it could be so much more! More elegant, more 'cool', more fun, more attractive...I envision a 'Cafe del Mar' there. It has the potential but..nothing will change. I wonder why. Why the quality standards for enterntainment here are appalling. In the past, it was a rough city. But that was the past. It should have changed, shouldn't it? I don't know. I am just an outsider, wondering, with so many questions to be answered...

La reconstruccion en los 70, despues del incendio, hizo perder al Pier parte de su aire victoriano. Yo diria que ese es el problema. Las atracciones del Pier dejan mucho que desear. Un par de tiovios despintados y pasados de moda en el exterior y, en el interior, un sinfin de maquinas tragaperras, maquinas del millon y video-juegos. Un bar donde sirven grasientas patatas fritas y pescado y dos tiendas donde el turista puede adquirir una limitada seleccion de souvenirs de esos que asustan incluso al mas curtido viajero. La mayoria de los Piers son asi, el South Parade Pier no es el unico. Y por que?? Por que?? Con su situacion privilegiada -no ya en primera linea del mar, sino sobre el mar- y sus unicas vistas, yo lo veo como el lugar ideal para abrir un local del tipo 'Cafe del Mar'. Seria perfecto! Pero no. Parece que a nadie le interesa. Ya esta bien como esta. Nadie parece aspirar a un tipo de ocio mas elegante y cosmopolita. De acuerdo, en el pasado la ciudad era un afluente puerto con infinidad de navegantes, marineros, cerveza y 'diversion dura'. Pero eso fue en el pasado. No ha cambiado la situacion? Muchas preguntas que no puedo responder. Solo somos recien llegados -legal aliens, como cantaba Sting- con preguntas y mas preguntas.
Our weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 9 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,014.9 mb