I've just had a regression to July 1991. Just because Shiny Happy People (REM-Out of time) is playing on my launchcast radio station. July 1991. First time I set my feet in this country. Briefly, very briefly,for 5 days for work reasons. I took a bus from the airport to this city. It could have been any other of 4 citites. But it was this one. Little I knew that in 10 years time I would be living here! And more than this, having nothing to do with my job in 1991...

Por un momento, he vuelto al pasado, julio 1991, concretamente. La razon? Sonaba 'Shiny Happy People' (REM-Out of Time) en my launchcast radio. Julio 1991. Fue la primera vez que pise este pais. Por muy poco tiempo - 5 dias- y por razones laborales. Tome un bus desde el aeropuerto y vine a esta ciudad. Pura casualidad. Hubieran podido ser otras 4 ciudades. Bien poco me imaginaba yo que, al cabo de 10 anios, estaria viviendo aqui. Y sin tener nada que ver con mi trabajo en 1991...
And the weather:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.9 mb