Wednesday, July 02, 2003

I have just realised I never commented upon the Japanese 'Ring' and the Western version 'The Ring' (which I will call TR to distinguish between them. Sometimes TR is just a copy of the Japanese Ring, word by word. Then, at other times, they just change the plot. No volcano, but horses killed. And no mother with ESP, only the child...the past history in the Japanese Ring makes much more sense.

I have to say that TR may look cooler and have more scary images -the fly, the scorpion, the bleeding nose..
But the Japanese Ring offers a much better and more coherent explanation to the curse and how to get rid of it. So you get to the end and, right, you have been scared just as in TR. But you get a plausible explanation.

The curse did not affect the journalist because she made a copy of the film....but more important, because she SHOWED it to ANOTHER PERSON. This second part is never mentioned on TR. And this second part is making all the sense. It is well known that a way to get rid of illnesses/curses in Mediaeval Ages was to 'transfer' it to an animal (or another person). This is exactly what happens in the Japanese Ring. And it is machiavellically perfect. Because this way, the curse will never end!

All this is lost in TR. Sadly!

A bit on the weather :

UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the Southeast at 5 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 80%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,004.7 mb

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