We cannot have the appartment on the seafront. Bugger of the landlady said she does not want smokers. Fair enough, you will think. But this is not all. The previous tenants were smokers. So? She says they burnt holes on her precious golf green carpet. Ehh??? Oh come on! I have never burnt a hole on the carpet. And even non-smokers can burn holes on the carpet if they leave candles unattended. And for heaven's sake, that carpet is horrid! So we are not moving. Fine. Bugger off all of them with their precious poky houses and their ridiculous demands. I am pissed off, is that evident?
Well, well, we will be saving some money, that's on the positive side. And one day...ah...some day it will be so long and thanks oh yes!
The weather...as precious as their carpets...
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 9 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 81%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 997.0 mb