Friday, July 25, 2003

Rain. More rain. We had planned to release a book tomorrow. In the South Parade Pier. See? Piers, sun, summer...but no. Rain. We were also thinking on going to the historic re-enactment of a Mediaeval Joust at the Old Sarum.
Historic re-enactments, when well organised and delivered by experts, are something worth seeing. We are not talking here of men dressed as Roman soldiers and forgetting to hide their mobile phones and digital watches. I've seen that before and it put me off historic parades in Spain.

No way. I am talking of these very prestigious societies whose members are passionate about what they do. They will go on parading in their sandals and armour even if the temperatures drop down and the audience is freezing in their woolly coats. Even if it rains like hell, knights in heavy mediaeval armour and riding their horses will keep on going with the re-enactment of the battle of Hastings. Same for the I and II World War, the Celt, the Saxon societies...for accuracy and veracity, these British societies are the best. I'll make sure this year we go to Battle Abbey for the Battle of Hastings event. We have been wanting to go for a couple of years but there was always something coming up which prevented us from going. Not this year! Rain or snow, we will be there. Which makes me think..rain or no rain, we should go to the Mediaeval Joust this weekend.

Y no para de llover. Me parece que maniana no podre 'liberar' el libro, tal como habia planeado, en el paseo maritimo. La nota veraniega de la ocasion se va a ir al traste con tanta lluvia. Tambien tengo dudas sobre nuestra asistencia al Torneo Medieval en el Old Sarum. Fango y mas fango, lo veo venir... Estos eventos historicos no tienen nada que ver con las chapuzas a las que nos tienen acostumbrados en algunas fiestas de pueblo..nada que ver. Los 'actores' en este caso, son miembros de sociedades historicas que estudian hasta el mas minimo detalle la indumentaria, las armas y las estrategias de batalla de romanos, celtas, sajones, ejercitos de la I y II Guerra Mundial.. Lluvia o viento, temperaturas a bajo cero, esta gente sigue adelante con el espectaculo, romanos en sandalias y armaduras atacando a celtas descalzos y en bluson, los ejercitos normando y sajon siguen luchando en la batalla de Hastings..porque, para ellos, es muy real. Y si en la realidad de una batalla, se pone a llover, se sigue luchando, no? parece que SI iremos al torneo medieval..chubasquero, paraguas y botas, y a ver como caen las gotas.

Horrid weather today :Rain
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South at 16 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,005.1 mb