Finished reading 'Hungry Hill' and 'The parasites' by Du Maurier. None of them as fine as Rebecca, Jamaica Inn or My cousin Rachel, I have to say. Hungry Hill seemed to have got out of the author's grasp. The story of 4 generations of a family, owners of a coal mine in Ireland. But it looked as if Du Maurier had got tired of it, sometimes, and hop! jump in time. Especially after a character dying. Hop! Jump again! Too many family members dying young, in tragic and perfectly avoidable circumstances.
The second book, The Parasites, dealt with another family, of the artistic type, which were much more amusing and frivolous. But although we got to know a lot about them, they still looked a bit flat to me. The characters did not step out of the book and had a life of their own. None of the two books gets hold of you as Rebecca does, for example. I think it is because of the lack of mistery. Ms Du Maurier was at her best writing about misterious characters and situations. They do not take place in Cornwall, either, which is a shame, because Du Maurier was also at her best when placing her characters in that charming county.
After finishing those two, I went back to the Library for more. And whooops! there were none there. Somebody else must be having a Du Maurier phase. Which is all right but annoying to me. I had to interrupt the flow of reading and get something else. I tried with Patricia Highsmith and borrowed four books from the Library. I am now reading Ripley under water, which I read some years ago but hey! that Tom Ripley is so lovable and it makes great compulsive reading.
Not only books from the Library..but a video tape. This time is Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev. There were horror screams from Slippery Kitten when seeing it was another Tarkovsky, ha ha haaa!!

Volvi a la biblioteca para continuar leyendo mas Du Maurier pero no quedaba ni uno. Alguien mas debe estar pasando por una 'fase du Maurier'. Que me parece muy bien, pero me ha fastidiado bastante, ya que no puedo seguir en la misma atmosfera de lectura. Para intentar seguir en la misma onda, tome prestados unos 4 libros de Patricia Highsmith. Ahora mismo estoy leyendo Ripley under water, que ya lei hace unos anios. No hay quien se resista a la lectura compulsiva de Tom el anti-heroe. Y no solo libros tome prestados, sino Andrei Rublev en video, de Andrei Tarkovsky. Gritos de terror de Slippery Kitten al ver otro Tarkovsky en casa...
Last but not least, our weather :
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