Furry and dizzy ideas, comments & general craziness while dining at the restaurant at the end of the universe
Thursday, July 31, 2003
The weekly shopping:
5, T Wholemeal Deli Rolls 4 Pack , £2.40
1, Strawberries 454g Class 1 , £1.69
1, Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1 , £1.99
2, Gala Apples Pack , £2.98
1, Tomatoes 750g , £0.94
1, Spring Onions Bunch , £0.38
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each , £1.99
2, Supersweet Sweetcorn Price Marked Twinpack , £3.98
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack , £0.60
1, Red Chillies 50g Price Marked Pack , £0.59
1, Garlic Pre-Pack Class 1 , £1.15
1, T Cooking Onions 1kg Class 2 , £0.99
1, T Bigger Pack Better Value Leafy Salad & Tatsoi 165g , £1.39
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1 , £0.48
1, T Cooked Sandwich Chicken 125g , £0.75
1, T Honey Roast Sandwich Ham 125g , £0.75
1, T Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints , £1.03
1, T Irish Creamery Butter 250g , £0.79
1, T Medium Mature Cheddar Small , £1.31
1, President Emmental Slices 200g , £1.48
1, T Pine Nut Kernels 100g , £1.78
1, Heinz Whole Peeled Tomatoes 4 X 400g , £2.29
1, Buitoni Spaghetti 1kg , £1.34
2, Italfresco Prosciutto Tortelloni 250g , £2.78
1, Colmans Mustard Powder 113g Tin , £1.25
1, Walkers/Smiths Assorted Square Crisps 10 Pack , £1.46
1, Walkers Doritos Dippas Hint Of Lime 175g , £0.93
1, Mccain Crispy French Fries 1kg , £1.35
1, Dr. Oetker Pollo Pizza 355g , £1.77
1, Haagen-Dazs Banoffee Ice Cream 500ml , £3.27
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack , £5.48
1, Diet Coke 24 X 330ml Pack , £5.48
1, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, Ariel Color Liquid 1.5ltr Pouch , £2.93
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
A couple of days ago, I posted on releasing a book at the South Parade Pier. Have a look at it. The pier was built as a landing stage for paddle steamers crossing to the Isle of Wight. The railway station at Granada road made it a convenient landing point for passengers. The pier was used in 1974 as a location for the film "Tommy" staring Roger Daltry. It was during this filming that the pier burnt down a second time.
Despite its Victorian origins the pier has a distinctive 70's atmosphere. This is a result of a major rebuild after the fire. And this is the major problem. A couple of bland and out-to-date fun-fair attractions and lots and lots of slot machines, pinballs and video-games. A greasyspoon outlet selling fish&chips, two more outlets offering tasteless souvenirs and ice-creams...this is what our beautiful pier has to offer. Same as most of the piers in this country, I would say. And it is SUCH A SHAME! With its prime location and beautiful views it could be so much more! More elegant, more 'cool', more fun, more attractive...I envision a 'Cafe del Mar' there. It has the potential but..nothing will change. I wonder why. Why the quality standards for enterntainment here are appalling. In the past, it was a rough city. But that was the past. It should have changed, shouldn't it? I don't know. I am just an outsider, wondering, with so many questions to be answered...
Hace un par de dias escribi sobre la 'liberacion' de un libro en el South Parade Pier. Es el que aparece en la foto de arriba. Se construyo como embarcadero para los barcos de vapor que transportaban pasajeros a la Isla de Wight .Los pasajeros llegaban al Pier en tren, apeandose en la estacion de Granada Road (desaparecida hoy en dia). En 1974 se incendio por segunda vez, durante el rodaje de la pelicula 'Tommy', protagonizada por Roger Daltry.
La reconstruccion en los 70, despues del incendio, hizo perder al Pier parte de su aire victoriano. Yo diria que ese es el problema. Las atracciones del Pier dejan mucho que desear. Un par de tiovios despintados y pasados de moda en el exterior y, en el interior, un sinfin de maquinas tragaperras, maquinas del millon y video-juegos. Un bar donde sirven grasientas patatas fritas y pescado y dos tiendas donde el turista puede adquirir una limitada seleccion de souvenirs de esos que asustan incluso al mas curtido viajero. La mayoria de los Piers son asi, el South Parade Pier no es el unico. Y por que?? Por que?? Con su situacion privilegiada -no ya en primera linea del mar, sino sobre el mar- y sus unicas vistas, yo lo veo como el lugar ideal para abrir un local del tipo 'Cafe del Mar'. Seria perfecto! Pero no. Parece que a nadie le interesa. Ya esta bien como esta. Nadie parece aspirar a un tipo de ocio mas elegante y cosmopolita. De acuerdo, en el pasado la ciudad era un afluente puerto con infinidad de navegantes, marineros, cerveza y 'diversion dura'. Pero eso fue en el pasado. No ha cambiado la situacion? Muchas preguntas que no puedo responder. Solo somos recien llegados -legal aliens, como cantaba Sting- con preguntas y mas preguntas.
Our weather today:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 9 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 82%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,014.9 mb
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
This week's favourite drink -->Strawberry Daiquiri
28 ml dark rum
7 ml triple sec (a strong, clear orange-flavored liqueur -brands :Triple Sec, Curaçao, Cointreau,Grand Marnier)
Juice of 1/2 lime
114 g strawberries
4.7 g sugar
228 g crushed ice
Blend all the ingredients until frothy. Pour into glasses of crushed ice and garnish with mint and slices of strawberries.
How's the weather today?
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.6 mb
Monday, July 28, 2003
While we were at the Mediaeval Joust in the Old Sarum yesterday (I explained about it on my Friday's post), we saw Phil Harding, from Time Team. You may know about Time Team. It is a series of archaeology documentaries presented by Tony Robinson. The Time Team members are very likeable and friendly. They make archaeology look alive and real. We are not talking Indiana Jones, here. We are not talking venerable old professors at Oxford either.
We are talking REAL archaeology. Which means mud, rain, cold, dirty hands, sunburnt faces, lots of digging and an immense love for the past and wanting to understand it. What Time Team has made clear to thousands of fans and watchers is that an archaeology finding will lose its value if out of context. Go to a shop, buy a Roman coin, bury it in your garden and then say you've found it. The piece in itself has a value. But 'creating' a false location will not add value to it. On the contrary. Archaeology findings are valuable because they are found at a particular place. That finding will help us understand what happened at that place centuries ago. The Roman coin at your garden will NOT make your house the site for a Roman villa. Sorry. It does not work like that. Time Team has taught us what is the real value of a Roman coin. And the value is NOTHING if taken out of context. Sorry avid collectors of stolen archaeology! You may have the gold but you do NOT have the History.
Ayer, asistiendo al Torneo Medieval en el Old Sarum (comentado en mi post del viernes) vimos a Phil Harding, de Time Team. Quiza hayais oido hablar de Time Team. Es una serie de documentales cuyo tema es la arqueologia, presentado por Tony Robinson (Baldric en la serie 'Black Adder', os suena?). Los miembros del Time Team caen simpaticos enseguida. Entre todos consiguen que la arqueologia sea vital e interesante. No son Indiana Jones, ni mucho menos. Pero tampoco son viejos dones despistados en Oxford.
Son arqueologos reales y la arqueologia que nos muestran es real como la vida misma. Y eso implica lluvia, frio, viento, barro, manos sucias y muchos golpes de pala. Pero tambien amor y entusiasmo por el pasado y, sobre todo, el deseo de entenderlo. Entender el porque, como cuando y donde de nuestra Historia. Con Time Team, nos sentimos entusiasmados con la arqueologia. Con la busqueda y encuentro de hallazgos y lo que ello significa. Es emocionante encontrar una moneda romana. Pero aun es mas emocionante situarla en el tiempo y averiguar como llego la moneda alli. Esa moneda nos ayudara a descubrir el templo, la casa romana escondidos bajo metros de tierra. Ese es el valor de la moneda. Comprarla en una tienda, esconderla en nuestro jardin y decir que la hemos descubierto, le quita todo su valor historico. Esta fuera de contexto. No quiere decir NADA. No nos ayudara a encontrar el pasado. Y eso lo entendemos todos los que seguimos Time Team. Y les decimos a esos avidos coleccionistas de arqueologia robada : teneis el oro, pero no teneis la Historia. No teneis nada. No habeis entendido NADA.
The weather:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 76%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,018.6 mb
We are talking REAL archaeology. Which means mud, rain, cold, dirty hands, sunburnt faces, lots of digging and an immense love for the past and wanting to understand it. What Time Team has made clear to thousands of fans and watchers is that an archaeology finding will lose its value if out of context. Go to a shop, buy a Roman coin, bury it in your garden and then say you've found it. The piece in itself has a value. But 'creating' a false location will not add value to it. On the contrary. Archaeology findings are valuable because they are found at a particular place. That finding will help us understand what happened at that place centuries ago. The Roman coin at your garden will NOT make your house the site for a Roman villa. Sorry. It does not work like that. Time Team has taught us what is the real value of a Roman coin. And the value is NOTHING if taken out of context. Sorry avid collectors of stolen archaeology! You may have the gold but you do NOT have the History.
Ayer, asistiendo al Torneo Medieval en el Old Sarum (comentado en mi post del viernes) vimos a Phil Harding, de Time Team. Quiza hayais oido hablar de Time Team. Es una serie de documentales cuyo tema es la arqueologia, presentado por Tony Robinson (Baldric en la serie 'Black Adder', os suena?). Los miembros del Time Team caen simpaticos enseguida. Entre todos consiguen que la arqueologia sea vital e interesante. No son Indiana Jones, ni mucho menos. Pero tampoco son viejos dones despistados en Oxford.
Son arqueologos reales y la arqueologia que nos muestran es real como la vida misma. Y eso implica lluvia, frio, viento, barro, manos sucias y muchos golpes de pala. Pero tambien amor y entusiasmo por el pasado y, sobre todo, el deseo de entenderlo. Entender el porque, como cuando y donde de nuestra Historia. Con Time Team, nos sentimos entusiasmados con la arqueologia. Con la busqueda y encuentro de hallazgos y lo que ello significa. Es emocionante encontrar una moneda romana. Pero aun es mas emocionante situarla en el tiempo y averiguar como llego la moneda alli. Esa moneda nos ayudara a descubrir el templo, la casa romana escondidos bajo metros de tierra. Ese es el valor de la moneda. Comprarla en una tienda, esconderla en nuestro jardin y decir que la hemos descubierto, le quita todo su valor historico. Esta fuera de contexto. No quiere decir NADA. No nos ayudara a encontrar el pasado. Y eso lo entendemos todos los que seguimos Time Team. Y les decimos a esos avidos coleccionistas de arqueologia robada : teneis el oro, pero no teneis la Historia. No teneis nada. No habeis entendido NADA.
The weather:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 76%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,018.6 mb
Friday, July 25, 2003
Rain. More rain. We had planned to release a book tomorrow. In the South Parade Pier. See? Piers, sun, summer...but no. Rain. We were also thinking on going to the historic re-enactment of a Mediaeval Joust at the Old Sarum.
Historic re-enactments, when well organised and delivered by experts, are something worth seeing. We are not talking here of men dressed as Roman soldiers and forgetting to hide their mobile phones and digital watches. I've seen that before and it put me off historic parades in Spain.
No way. I am talking of these very prestigious societies whose members are passionate about what they do. They will go on parading in their sandals and armour even if the temperatures drop down and the audience is freezing in their woolly coats. Even if it rains like hell, knights in heavy mediaeval armour and riding their horses will keep on going with the re-enactment of the battle of Hastings. Same for the I and II World War, the Celt, the Saxon societies...for accuracy and veracity, these British societies are the best. I'll make sure this year we go to Battle Abbey for the Battle of Hastings event. We have been wanting to go for a couple of years but there was always something coming up which prevented us from going. Not this year! Rain or snow, we will be there. Which makes me think..rain or no rain, we should go to the Mediaeval Joust this weekend.
Y no para de llover. Me parece que maniana no podre 'liberar' el libro, tal como habia planeado, en el paseo maritimo. La nota veraniega de la ocasion se va a ir al traste con tanta lluvia. Tambien tengo dudas sobre nuestra asistencia al Torneo Medieval en el Old Sarum. Fango y mas fango, lo veo venir... Estos eventos historicos no tienen nada que ver con las chapuzas a las que nos tienen acostumbrados en algunas fiestas de pueblo..nada que ver. Los 'actores' en este caso, son miembros de sociedades historicas que estudian hasta el mas minimo detalle la indumentaria, las armas y las estrategias de batalla de romanos, celtas, sajones, ejercitos de la I y II Guerra Mundial.. Lluvia o viento, temperaturas a bajo cero, esta gente sigue adelante con el espectaculo, romanos en sandalias y armaduras atacando a celtas descalzos y en bluson, los ejercitos normando y sajon siguen luchando en la batalla de Hastings..porque, para ellos, es muy real. Y si en la realidad de una batalla, se pone a llover, se sigue luchando, no? Mmm...me parece que SI iremos al torneo medieval..chubasquero, paraguas y botas, y a ver como caen las gotas.
Horrid weather today :Rain
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South at 16 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,005.1 mb
Historic re-enactments, when well organised and delivered by experts, are something worth seeing. We are not talking here of men dressed as Roman soldiers and forgetting to hide their mobile phones and digital watches. I've seen that before and it put me off historic parades in Spain.
No way. I am talking of these very prestigious societies whose members are passionate about what they do. They will go on parading in their sandals and armour even if the temperatures drop down and the audience is freezing in their woolly coats. Even if it rains like hell, knights in heavy mediaeval armour and riding their horses will keep on going with the re-enactment of the battle of Hastings. Same for the I and II World War, the Celt, the Saxon societies...for accuracy and veracity, these British societies are the best. I'll make sure this year we go to Battle Abbey for the Battle of Hastings event. We have been wanting to go for a couple of years but there was always something coming up which prevented us from going. Not this year! Rain or snow, we will be there. Which makes me think..rain or no rain, we should go to the Mediaeval Joust this weekend.
Y no para de llover. Me parece que maniana no podre 'liberar' el libro, tal como habia planeado, en el paseo maritimo. La nota veraniega de la ocasion se va a ir al traste con tanta lluvia. Tambien tengo dudas sobre nuestra asistencia al Torneo Medieval en el Old Sarum. Fango y mas fango, lo veo venir... Estos eventos historicos no tienen nada que ver con las chapuzas a las que nos tienen acostumbrados en algunas fiestas de pueblo..nada que ver. Los 'actores' en este caso, son miembros de sociedades historicas que estudian hasta el mas minimo detalle la indumentaria, las armas y las estrategias de batalla de romanos, celtas, sajones, ejercitos de la I y II Guerra Mundial.. Lluvia o viento, temperaturas a bajo cero, esta gente sigue adelante con el espectaculo, romanos en sandalias y armaduras atacando a celtas descalzos y en bluson, los ejercitos normando y sajon siguen luchando en la batalla de Hastings..porque, para ellos, es muy real. Y si en la realidad de una batalla, se pone a llover, se sigue luchando, no? Mmm...me parece que SI iremos al torneo medieval..chubasquero, paraguas y botas, y a ver como caen las gotas.
Horrid weather today :Rain
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South at 16 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 94%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,005.1 mb
Thursday, July 24, 2003
This week's favourite cocktail ---> Bloody Mary
1.5 oz vodka
3 oz tomato juice
0.5 oz lemon juice
7 drops Worcestershire sauce
3 drops Tabasco sauce (if you want it HOT!)
freshly ground pepper
1 dash celery salt, freshly grated
Combine ingredients in glass with some icecubes. Stir gently. Serve the Bloody Mary in a pint glass. Garnish with slice of celery.
The weather today :
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 14 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.5 mb
1.5 oz vodka
3 oz tomato juice
0.5 oz lemon juice
7 drops Worcestershire sauce
3 drops Tabasco sauce (if you want it HOT!)
freshly ground pepper
1 dash celery salt, freshly grated
Combine ingredients in glass with some icecubes. Stir gently. Serve the Bloody Mary in a pint glass. Garnish with slice of celery.
The weather today :
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West at 14 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.5 mb
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
This week's shopping list:
3, T White Deli Rolls 4 Pack , £1.44
2, Strawberries 454g Class 1 , £3.38
1, Lemons Class 1 Net Of 7 , £0.81
1, Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1 , £1.99
1, Tomatoes 6 Pack , £0.56
1, Spring Onions Bunch , £0.38
1, Cucumber Whole Each , £0.59
1, Red Peppers Loose Each , £0.64
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each , £1.59
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack , £0.60
1, T Spinach,w/Cress, Rocket Salad 135g , £1.79
1, T Emkm Leafy Salad Eat Me Keep Me , £1.39
1, T Reduced Fat Houmous 170g , £0.71
1, T Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints , £1.03
1, T Irish Creamery Butter 250g , £0.79
1, T Medium Mature Cheddar Small , £1.31
1, T Grana Padano Portions , £2.55
1, President Emmental Slices 200g , £1.48
1, T Creme Fraiche 500ml , £1.47
1, T.12 Smoked Wiltshire Cure Streaky 250g , £1.49
1, T Smoked Sandwich Ham 125g , £0.75
1, T Cooked Sandwich Chicken 125g , £0.75
1, T Free Range Eggs Large Box Of 6 , £0.88
2, Royal Greenland Cooked & Peeled Prawns 400g , £9.98
1, Haagen-Dazs Banoffee Ice Cream 500ml , £3.27
1, T Olive Oil 500ml , £1.50
1, T Bigger Pack Better Value Frosted Flakes 1kg , £1.77
1, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, T Instant Barbeque , £1.64
1, Comfort Mandarin 2 Litre , £1.44
1, T Household Towel White 2 Pack , £0.98
1, T Luxury Soft Toilet Tissue Peach 9 Roll , £3.45
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1 , £0.48
1, Gala Apples Pack , £1.49
3, T White Deli Rolls 4 Pack , £1.44
2, Strawberries 454g Class 1 , £3.38
1, Lemons Class 1 Net Of 7 , £0.81
1, Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1 , £1.99
1, Tomatoes 6 Pack , £0.56
1, Spring Onions Bunch , £0.38
1, Cucumber Whole Each , £0.59
1, Red Peppers Loose Each , £0.64
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each , £1.59
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack , £0.60
1, T Spinach,w/Cress, Rocket Salad 135g , £1.79
1, T Emkm Leafy Salad Eat Me Keep Me , £1.39
1, T Reduced Fat Houmous 170g , £0.71
1, T Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints , £1.03
1, T Irish Creamery Butter 250g , £0.79
1, T Medium Mature Cheddar Small , £1.31
1, T Grana Padano Portions , £2.55
1, President Emmental Slices 200g , £1.48
1, T Creme Fraiche 500ml , £1.47
1, T.12 Smoked Wiltshire Cure Streaky 250g , £1.49
1, T Smoked Sandwich Ham 125g , £0.75
1, T Cooked Sandwich Chicken 125g , £0.75
1, T Free Range Eggs Large Box Of 6 , £0.88
2, Royal Greenland Cooked & Peeled Prawns 400g , £9.98
1, Haagen-Dazs Banoffee Ice Cream 500ml , £3.27
1, T Olive Oil 500ml , £1.50
1, T Bigger Pack Better Value Frosted Flakes 1kg , £1.77
1, Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack , £4.69
1, T Instant Barbeque , £1.64
1, Comfort Mandarin 2 Litre , £1.44
1, T Household Towel White 2 Pack , £0.98
1, T Luxury Soft Toilet Tissue Peach 9 Roll , £3.45
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1 , £0.48
1, Gala Apples Pack , £1.49
Portsmouth is the kind of city where you are what you are, not what the aspirational label on the box says you want to be. And I like that. Says Graham Hurley.
Right sir, I think I am going to buy your last book today.
Right sir, I think I am going to buy your last book today.
Finished reading 'Hungry Hill' and 'The parasites' by Du Maurier. None of them as fine as Rebecca, Jamaica Inn or My cousin Rachel, I have to say. Hungry Hill seemed to have got out of the author's grasp. The story of 4 generations of a family, owners of a coal mine in Ireland. But it looked as if Du Maurier had got tired of it, sometimes, and hop! jump in time. Especially after a character dying. Hop! Jump again! Too many family members dying young, in tragic and perfectly avoidable circumstances.
The second book, The Parasites, dealt with another family, of the artistic type, which were much more amusing and frivolous. But although we got to know a lot about them, they still looked a bit flat to me. The characters did not step out of the book and had a life of their own. None of the two books gets hold of you as Rebecca does, for example. I think it is because of the lack of mistery. Ms Du Maurier was at her best writing about misterious characters and situations. They do not take place in Cornwall, either, which is a shame, because Du Maurier was also at her best when placing her characters in that charming county.
After finishing those two, I went back to the Library for more. And whooops! there were none there. Somebody else must be having a Du Maurier phase. Which is all right but annoying to me. I had to interrupt the flow of reading and get something else. I tried with Patricia Highsmith and borrowed four books from the Library. I am now reading Ripley under water, which I read some years ago but hey! that Tom Ripley is so lovable and it makes great compulsive reading.
Not only books from the Library..but a video tape. This time is Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev. There were horror screams from Slippery Kitten when seeing it was another Tarkovsky, ha ha haaa!!
Acabe de leer Hungry Hill y The Parasites, de Daphne du Maurier. Ninguno de los dos llega al nivel de Rebeca, Jamaica Inn o My cousin Rachel. Los dos libros son historias de familias. La de Hungry Hill son propietarios de una mina en Irlanda y seguimos las peripecias de 4 generaciones. Parece que la autora se aburria con sus personajes y con la historia, porque la narrativa da innumerables saltos en el tiempo. Especialmente despues de la muerte de algun personaje. Siempre mueren jovenes y de la manera mas tragica y facil de evitar. Como decia antes, me parece que la autora se aburria y se dedico a matar a sus personajes para acabar cuanto antes. En The Parasites nos encontramos con otra familia, esta del ambiente artistico. Algo mas divertidos y mucho mas frivolos que los de Hungry Hill. Aqui tenemos mas tiempo para profundizar en los personajes..pero no funciona. Por mucho que sepamos de ellos, no tienen relieve. No cobran vida. Lastima, ninguno de los dos libros tiene la fuerza de Rebeca, por ejemplo. Quiza es porque Du Maurier no explota ninguna situacion misteriosa y la accion no tiene lugar en Cornwall, el condado donde la autora residia y cuyas descripciones forjan el caracter de Rebeca y Jamaica Inn.
Volvi a la biblioteca para continuar leyendo mas Du Maurier pero no quedaba ni uno. Alguien mas debe estar pasando por una 'fase du Maurier'. Que me parece muy bien, pero me ha fastidiado bastante, ya que no puedo seguir en la misma atmosfera de lectura. Para intentar seguir en la misma onda, tome prestados unos 4 libros de Patricia Highsmith. Ahora mismo estoy leyendo Ripley under water, que ya lei hace unos anios. No hay quien se resista a la lectura compulsiva de Tom el anti-heroe. Y no solo libros tome prestados, sino Andrei Rublev en video, de Andrei Tarkovsky. Gritos de terror de Slippery Kitten al ver otro Tarkovsky en casa...
Last but not least, our weather :
UV Index: 1 Minimal
Wind: From the South Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 85%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,016.3 mb
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Oh no!! They found out about me!!! You can also find out about your friends in here...Zodiac forecasts. Just for a moment of fun after a hard day's work...
The Horror is a great intellectual. The Horror is also a great adventurer, a great party animal, a great judge of character, a great conversationalist, a great comedian, a great philosopher and a great self publicist. Indeed, The Horror is rather of the opinion that if anything in this world is 'great' it must have The Horror's name on it and if it isn't, maybe Horror will try it anyway and make it great by the simple act of lending its name to it. The Horror is a Sagittarian and there are two things that no Sagittarian can resist. The first is a challenge. The second is a tendency to exaggerate. Therefore whatever The Horror sets out to accomplish in this world must be: a) difficult and b) big. Why set out to climb a piffling little hill like Everest when there are mountains on Mars that are truly steep? All you need is a rope, a pick and a spaceship. In The Horror's mind, this (or something not far from it) represents a perfectly logical thought process. Who cares whether The Horror actually manages to get to Mars? Horror will have fun trying and at least, if Horror tells enough people that this is the plan, nobody will ever think of The Horroras boring.
Here we have the essence of The Horror's biggest secret fear. The Horror is absolutely terrified that one day someone will rumble Horror. TH will be revealed as an ordinary person who thinks ordinary thoughts. Oh shame of shames, what will Horror do then? To keep this dreadful possibility at bay, The Horror will go to any length, climb any mountain (even if it does happen to be on Mars) and will swim any sea (even if TH can't swim yet - will learn how to one of these days - you just wait and see). Or perhaps, more realistically (but only a bit) The Horror will set out to prove that TH really is a great intellectual\adventurer\philosopher etc. etc. Much to everyone's surprise (including Horror's own) in the fullness of time... it will all turn out to be true!
Un link divertido despues de un "duro" dia de trabajo. Que se esconde detras de tus amigos? Los signos del zodiaco te lo aclaran todo, todo y todo en Zodiac forecast
The Horror is a great intellectual. The Horror is also a great adventurer, a great party animal, a great judge of character, a great conversationalist, a great comedian, a great philosopher and a great self publicist. Indeed, The Horror is rather of the opinion that if anything in this world is 'great' it must have The Horror's name on it and if it isn't, maybe Horror will try it anyway and make it great by the simple act of lending its name to it. The Horror is a Sagittarian and there are two things that no Sagittarian can resist. The first is a challenge. The second is a tendency to exaggerate. Therefore whatever The Horror sets out to accomplish in this world must be: a) difficult and b) big. Why set out to climb a piffling little hill like Everest when there are mountains on Mars that are truly steep? All you need is a rope, a pick and a spaceship. In The Horror's mind, this (or something not far from it) represents a perfectly logical thought process. Who cares whether The Horror actually manages to get to Mars? Horror will have fun trying and at least, if Horror tells enough people that this is the plan, nobody will ever think of The Horroras boring.
Here we have the essence of The Horror's biggest secret fear. The Horror is absolutely terrified that one day someone will rumble Horror. TH will be revealed as an ordinary person who thinks ordinary thoughts. Oh shame of shames, what will Horror do then? To keep this dreadful possibility at bay, The Horror will go to any length, climb any mountain (even if it does happen to be on Mars) and will swim any sea (even if TH can't swim yet - will learn how to one of these days - you just wait and see). Or perhaps, more realistically (but only a bit) The Horror will set out to prove that TH really is a great intellectual\adventurer\philosopher etc. etc. Much to everyone's surprise (including Horror's own) in the fullness of time... it will all turn out to be true!
Un link divertido despues de un "duro" dia de trabajo. Que se esconde detras de tus amigos? Los signos del zodiaco te lo aclaran todo, todo y todo en Zodiac forecast
Sometimes shopping on the internet is a bit like balloons floating in the sky. You never know where (or if!) they will end up landing. Same with the shopping. Every Wednesday I buy our groceries on the internet. They are delivered every Friday at our door. A delivery fee is paid but probably it is less expensive than what we would spend in gas plus impulsive shopping. We do not see tempting offers "3 for the price of 2", nor the promotion for the new products nor enticing smells coming from the bakery. We just see a list of our favourite products, which we often buy. A list. And it takes 10 minutes to choose the products, tick the boxes, confirm the order, choose the delivery slot and..presto! shopping done!
On the other hand, we seem to encounter a thousand problems when buying presents for my relatives abroad. Last year it took us 4 weeks to get an answer from El Corte Ingles, a big department store in Spain. They would not answer my emails, would not deliver the present..but they DID charge the amount on my credit card. Finally, we managed to get the money back. A month and a half later. And, of course, the relative celebrating her birthday was disappointed, because she never ever received her present. El Corte Ingles is a NO-NO, now.
Another horror story this year with Innovations.. (suposedly) a company specialized in internet gifts. They called my relatives abroad asking for my credit card, when I had already provided its number on their website. What's more, they wanted the card number over the phone or payment in cash when receiving the gift. That is VERY nice, we thought. The birthday boy is going to have to pay for his own present! Well, this was easier than with El Corte Ingles. Because they said they did not have my credit card, I cancelled the order. Then we kept an eye on our credit card account. It must have been true that they did not have my credit card number, because they did never charge that amount.
But I had to buy a present again! Annoying, isn't it? I ordered something from Boys Stuff on Thursday and received it yesterday. That is efficient!! I did not ask the present to be sent abroad. I will do it by myself, with the oldie and reliable...POST OFFICE!!
Comprar en internet es, a veces, similar a un globo aerostatico. No sabes nunca donde (o si ) acabara aterrizando. Cada miercoles dedicamos diez minutos a la compra semanal. Mi lista de Favoritos aparece y solo tenemos que clicar la cantidad de cada producto, confirmar el pedido, elegir la hora/dia de entrega y...listo! Al cabo de tres dias, el viernes, la furgoneta del supermercado traera todo lo que necesitamos. Previo pago de una tarifa por entrega pero...si contamos lo que ahorramos en gasolina y evitando compras impulsivas, acabamos pagando lo mismo o quiza, ahorrando algo. Porque en internet no ves ofertas tentadoras tipo "3x2", no hueles los deliciosos croissants de la panaderia ni te persigue una senorita con un pincho de chorizo y queso para que pruebes lo delicioso que es y acabes comprando uno de cada, y ademas regalo de una gorrita de playa! Asi que, lo dicho. La compra semanal en internet sale a cuenta.
Por otro lado, las compras para terceros parece que solo acarrean problemas. Lease regalo de cumpleanios para familiar en el extranjero (extranjero por mi situacion, que ellos estan en casa). El anio pasado sufrimos durante 4 semanas el silencio de El Corte Ingles. Cobrar, cobraron, pero entregar el regalo, no entregaron. Ni respondieron a emails. Finalmente, al cabo de un mes y medio, se dignaron enviar un email y devolver lo pagado. Y entonces a correr a comprar otro regalo de cumpleanios. Tarde. El familiar quedo la mar de contento, os lo puedo asegurar. Ahora tenemos al Corte Ingles en la lista negra.
Este anio ya pensaba que nos librabamos de la mala suerte..pero no. Ahora han sido los de Innovations, una empresa que (supuestamente) se dedica a los regalos por internet. Muy profesionales no lo son. Llamaron a mi familiar para pedirle mi tarjeta de credito. Que bonito. El receptor del regalo tiene que pagar para recibirlo. Porque, decia Innovations..yo olvide escribir mi numero de tarjeta de credito en su pagina web. Vaya! Y como fue que pude pasar al siguiente paso de confirmacion de pedido, eh? Sin comentarios. Para evitar mas intercambio de mala leche, anulamos el pedido y vigilamos la retirada de importes de nuestra tarjeta de credito. Porque decian que no tenian el numero pero..nunca se sabe. Finalmente, compramos el regalo en Boys Stuff, lo recibimos ayer -y con un regalito extra!-y hoy me voy a enviarlo a Spain por un metodo que no va a fallar....la oficina de Correos!
The weather today :
Mostly Cloudy ---> well, no! it is mostly sunny now!
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the Southwest at 16 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,017.6 mb
On the other hand, we seem to encounter a thousand problems when buying presents for my relatives abroad. Last year it took us 4 weeks to get an answer from El Corte Ingles, a big department store in Spain. They would not answer my emails, would not deliver the present..but they DID charge the amount on my credit card. Finally, we managed to get the money back. A month and a half later. And, of course, the relative celebrating her birthday was disappointed, because she never ever received her present. El Corte Ingles is a NO-NO, now.
Another horror story this year with Innovations.. (suposedly) a company specialized in internet gifts. They called my relatives abroad asking for my credit card, when I had already provided its number on their website. What's more, they wanted the card number over the phone or payment in cash when receiving the gift. That is VERY nice, we thought. The birthday boy is going to have to pay for his own present! Well, this was easier than with El Corte Ingles. Because they said they did not have my credit card, I cancelled the order. Then we kept an eye on our credit card account. It must have been true that they did not have my credit card number, because they did never charge that amount.
But I had to buy a present again! Annoying, isn't it? I ordered something from Boys Stuff on Thursday and received it yesterday. That is efficient!! I did not ask the present to be sent abroad. I will do it by myself, with the oldie and reliable...POST OFFICE!!
Comprar en internet es, a veces, similar a un globo aerostatico. No sabes nunca donde (o si ) acabara aterrizando. Cada miercoles dedicamos diez minutos a la compra semanal. Mi lista de Favoritos aparece y solo tenemos que clicar la cantidad de cada producto, confirmar el pedido, elegir la hora/dia de entrega y...listo! Al cabo de tres dias, el viernes, la furgoneta del supermercado traera todo lo que necesitamos. Previo pago de una tarifa por entrega pero...si contamos lo que ahorramos en gasolina y evitando compras impulsivas, acabamos pagando lo mismo o quiza, ahorrando algo. Porque en internet no ves ofertas tentadoras tipo "3x2", no hueles los deliciosos croissants de la panaderia ni te persigue una senorita con un pincho de chorizo y queso para que pruebes lo delicioso que es y acabes comprando uno de cada, y ademas regalo de una gorrita de playa! Asi que, lo dicho. La compra semanal en internet sale a cuenta.
Por otro lado, las compras para terceros parece que solo acarrean problemas. Lease regalo de cumpleanios para familiar en el extranjero (extranjero por mi situacion, que ellos estan en casa). El anio pasado sufrimos durante 4 semanas el silencio de El Corte Ingles. Cobrar, cobraron, pero entregar el regalo, no entregaron. Ni respondieron a emails. Finalmente, al cabo de un mes y medio, se dignaron enviar un email y devolver lo pagado. Y entonces a correr a comprar otro regalo de cumpleanios. Tarde. El familiar quedo la mar de contento, os lo puedo asegurar. Ahora tenemos al Corte Ingles en la lista negra.
Este anio ya pensaba que nos librabamos de la mala suerte..pero no. Ahora han sido los de Innovations, una empresa que (supuestamente) se dedica a los regalos por internet. Muy profesionales no lo son. Llamaron a mi familiar para pedirle mi tarjeta de credito. Que bonito. El receptor del regalo tiene que pagar para recibirlo. Porque, decia Innovations..yo olvide escribir mi numero de tarjeta de credito en su pagina web. Vaya! Y como fue que pude pasar al siguiente paso de confirmacion de pedido, eh? Sin comentarios. Para evitar mas intercambio de mala leche, anulamos el pedido y vigilamos la retirada de importes de nuestra tarjeta de credito. Porque decian que no tenian el numero pero..nunca se sabe. Finalmente, compramos el regalo en Boys Stuff, lo recibimos ayer -y con un regalito extra!-y hoy me voy a enviarlo a Spain por un metodo que no va a fallar....la oficina de Correos!
The weather today :
Mostly Cloudy ---> well, no! it is mostly sunny now!
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the Southwest at 16 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,017.6 mb
Monday, July 21, 2003
Oh yes and I forgot to mark this day as the day we officially lost Cartman's barbies. He's moved to Soho. That's it. No more bbques in that tiny lovely patio, no more massive kiwi meetings. No more seeing the Concorde fly over our heads on Sunday afternoons. No more dance/chill-out sessions. This is the end...
Este es, oficialmente, el dia en que se acabaron las barbacoas en casa de Cartman. Se ha ido a vivir a SoHo. Se acabo. No mas barbacoas en aquel diminuto y gracioso patio, no mas reuniones masivas de kiwis. Ya nunca mas volveremos a ver el Concorde volando por encima de nuestras cabezas los domingos por la tarde. No mas sesiones dance/chill-out. Fin. Esto es el fin....
Este es, oficialmente, el dia en que se acabaron las barbacoas en casa de Cartman. Se ha ido a vivir a SoHo. Se acabo. No mas barbacoas en aquel diminuto y gracioso patio, no mas reuniones masivas de kiwis. Ya nunca mas volveremos a ver el Concorde volando por encima de nuestras cabezas los domingos por la tarde. No mas sesiones dance/chill-out. Fin. Esto es el fin....
I've just had a regression to July 1991. Just because Shiny Happy People (REM-Out of time) is playing on my launchcast radio station. July 1991. First time I set my feet in this country. Briefly, very briefly,for 5 days for work reasons. I took a bus from the airport to this city. It could have been any other of 4 citites. But it was this one. Little I knew that in 10 years time I would be living here! And more than this, having nothing to do with my job in 1991...
Por un momento, he vuelto al pasado, julio 1991, concretamente. La razon? Sonaba 'Shiny Happy People' (REM-Out of Time) en my launchcast radio. Julio 1991. Fue la primera vez que pise este pais. Por muy poco tiempo - 5 dias- y por razones laborales. Tome un bus desde el aeropuerto y vine a esta ciudad. Pura casualidad. Hubieran podido ser otras 4 ciudades. Bien poco me imaginaba yo que, al cabo de 10 anios, estaria viviendo aqui. Y sin tener nada que ver con mi trabajo en 1991...
And the weather:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.9 mb
Por un momento, he vuelto al pasado, julio 1991, concretamente. La razon? Sonaba 'Shiny Happy People' (REM-Out of Time) en my launchcast radio. Julio 1991. Fue la primera vez que pise este pais. Por muy poco tiempo - 5 dias- y por razones laborales. Tome un bus desde el aeropuerto y vine a esta ciudad. Pura casualidad. Hubieran podido ser otras 4 ciudades. Bien poco me imaginaba yo que, al cabo de 10 anios, estaria viviendo aqui. Y sin tener nada que ver con mi trabajo en 1991...
And the weather:
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 10°C
Humidity: 52%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,012.9 mb
Friday, July 18, 2003
This is my favourite city. And this is the question : what's the city's name? easy peasy...
Esta es mi ciudad preferida. Y la pregunta del millon : nombre de la ciudad? Venga, venga, es muy facil...
And the weather today (but NOT in my favourite city, oh no!)
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 16 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.0 mb
Esta es mi ciudad preferida. Y la pregunta del millon : nombre de la ciudad? Venga, venga, es muy facil...
And the weather today (but NOT in my favourite city, oh no!)
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 4 Low
Wind: From the South Southwest at 16 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 78%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,019.0 mb
A very very amusing blog, Mi vida como un osito de peluche. Written by a Spanish teddy bear (in Spanish). Lots of photos of the teddy bear going on holidays, going to the San Fermin fiesta in Pamplona (Spain), to a Radiohead concert, commenting on life, the universe and so on...
Lo que me he reido con este blog Mi vida como un osito de peluche. El escritor es un osito de peluche y muy fotogenico, por cierto. Le vereis de vacaciones, yendo a los San Fermines, a un concierto de Radiohead, comentando sobre la vida, el universo y mucho mas...
Lo que me he reido con este blog Mi vida como un osito de peluche. El escritor es un osito de peluche y muy fotogenico, por cierto. Le vereis de vacaciones, yendo a los San Fermines, a un concierto de Radiohead, comentando sobre la vida, el universo y mucho mas...
Thursday, July 17, 2003
This is a little homage to Slippery Kitten, the ONLY ever Kiwi who can cook paella and prepare a gazpacho, amongst many many other clever things in life.
Get well soon!!!
Pequenio homenaje a Slippery Kitten, el UNICO Kiwi en el mundo capaz de preparar paella y gazpacho, por mencionar un par de cositas entre las miles que puede hacer.
Ponte bien pronto!!!
Get well soon!!!
Pequenio homenaje a Slippery Kitten, el UNICO Kiwi en el mundo capaz de preparar paella y gazpacho, por mencionar un par de cositas entre las miles que puede hacer.
Ponte bien pronto!!!
Not only cloudy, but windy as well! Grrrr.... OK, it does not matter.
I will be stuck on a training suite learning ALL about 'Sharing information across MS Office'. Now this is strange...I must have booked the wrong course. I thought I was going to 'MS Project'!!
Nublado y con viento. Que maravilla!
Aunque, que mas da... me voy a pasar el dia en una aula aprendiendo todo, todo todo sobre 'Compartir informacion en MS Office'. Que raro..me parece que me equivoque cuando reserve el curso. Pensaba que iba a MS Project!
Well, as I said, the weather...
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 29 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1,008.8 mb
I will be stuck on a training suite learning ALL about 'Sharing information across MS Office'. Now this is strange...I must have booked the wrong course. I thought I was going to 'MS Project'!!
Nublado y con viento. Que maravilla!
Aunque, que mas da... me voy a pasar el dia en una aula aprendiendo todo, todo todo sobre 'Compartir informacion en MS Office'. Que raro..me parece que me equivoque cuando reserve el curso. Pensaba que iba a MS Project!
Well, as I said, the weather...
Cloudy and Windy
UV Index: 0 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 29 mph
Dew Point: 16°C
Humidity: 93%
Visibility: 5 miles
Barometer: 1,008.8 mb
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Shopping list of the week...
2, Strawberries 454g Class 1
1, Juicing Oranges 2.5kg
1, T Honeydew Melon Class 1
1, Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Cucumber Whole Each
1, Green Peppers Loose Each
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Red Chillies 50g Price Marked Pack
1, T Cooking Onions 1kg Class 2
1, T Spinach,w/Cress, Rocket Salad 135g
1, T Emkm Leafy Salad Eat Me Keep Me
1, T Corn Fed Chicken Thighs
1, T Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, T Irish Creamery Butter 250g
1, T Medium Mature Cheddar Small
1, T Grana Padano Portions
1, T French Brie 200g
1, Herta 4 Jumbo Frankfurters 360g
1, T Lasagne Sheets 250g
1, T Lemon Sole Fillets
1, Mccain Southern Fries 907g
1, Youngs Chip Shop 4 Fish Cakes 200g
1, Haagen-Dazs Pralines & Cream Ice Cream 500ml
1, Dr. Oetker Pollo Pizza 355g
1, Dr. Oetker Mozzarella Pizza 325g
1, Dr. Oetker Hawaii Pizza 350g
1, Dr. Oetker Speciale Pizza 330g
1, Buitoni Spaghetti 1kg
1, Buitoni Penne Rigate Pasta 500g
1, Loyd Grossman Tomato & Basil Pasta Sauce 660g
1, Hellmanns Light Mayonniase 400g
1, T Sliced Black Olives In Brine 340g
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, T Tomato Juice 1 Litre
1, Kettle Lightly Salted Chips 300g
1, Walkers Doritos Dippas Hint Of Lime 175g
1, John Frieda Ready To Wear Hairspray 300ml
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
2, Gala Apples Pack
How's the weather today?
Haze ---> I don't call that 'haze' but CLOUDY CLOUDY CLOUDY!!
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: calm
Dew Point: 17°C
Humidity: 70%
Visibility: 3 miles
Barometer: 1,003.7 mb
2, Strawberries 454g Class 1
1, Juicing Oranges 2.5kg
1, T Honeydew Melon Class 1
1, Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1
1, Tomatoes 750g
1, Spring Onions Bunch
1, Cucumber Whole Each
1, Green Peppers Loose Each
1, Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1 Each
1, Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1, Red Chillies 50g Price Marked Pack
1, T Cooking Onions 1kg Class 2
1, T Spinach,w/Cress, Rocket Salad 135g
1, T Emkm Leafy Salad Eat Me Keep Me
1, T Corn Fed Chicken Thighs
1, T Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1, T Irish Creamery Butter 250g
1, T Medium Mature Cheddar Small
1, T Grana Padano Portions
1, T French Brie 200g
1, Herta 4 Jumbo Frankfurters 360g
1, T Lasagne Sheets 250g
1, T Lemon Sole Fillets
1, Mccain Southern Fries 907g
1, Youngs Chip Shop 4 Fish Cakes 200g
1, Haagen-Dazs Pralines & Cream Ice Cream 500ml
1, Dr. Oetker Pollo Pizza 355g
1, Dr. Oetker Mozzarella Pizza 325g
1, Dr. Oetker Hawaii Pizza 350g
1, Dr. Oetker Speciale Pizza 330g
1, Buitoni Spaghetti 1kg
1, Buitoni Penne Rigate Pasta 500g
1, Loyd Grossman Tomato & Basil Pasta Sauce 660g
1, Hellmanns Light Mayonniase 400g
1, T Sliced Black Olives In Brine 340g
1, Coca Cola Regular 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 24 X 330ml Pack
1, Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1, T Tomato Juice 1 Litre
1, Kettle Lightly Salted Chips 300g
1, Walkers Doritos Dippas Hint Of Lime 175g
1, John Frieda Ready To Wear Hairspray 300ml
1, Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
2, Gala Apples Pack
How's the weather today?
Haze ---> I don't call that 'haze' but CLOUDY CLOUDY CLOUDY!!
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: calm
Dew Point: 17°C
Humidity: 70%
Visibility: 3 miles
Barometer: 1,003.7 mb
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Our Favourite Drink of the Week ----> Mojito
3 sprigs yerbabuena or mint (10 to 12 leaves), plus 1 large sprig for garnish
1 tablespoon sugar (or to taste)
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (1/2 large lime)
white rum (measure..you decide!)
1 cup ice finely CRUSHED (no ice cubes, please!!!!)
Approximately 1 cup soda water
Strip the leaves off three of the mint sprigs, place them at the bottom of a short glass (whisky glass). Add the sugar and lime juice. Pound these ingredients with the end of a wooden spoon: the idea is to bruise the leaves to release the aromatic oils.
Stir in the rum, followed by the CRUSHED ice. Add enough club soda to fill the glass. Stir the mojito with a long-handled spoon until the sugar is dissolved. Garnish the glass with the remaining sprig.
3 sprigs yerbabuena or mint (10 to 12 leaves), plus 1 large sprig for garnish
1 tablespoon sugar (or to taste)
1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (1/2 large lime)
white rum (measure..you decide!)
1 cup ice finely CRUSHED (no ice cubes, please!!!!)
Approximately 1 cup soda water
Strip the leaves off three of the mint sprigs, place them at the bottom of a short glass (whisky glass). Add the sugar and lime juice. Pound these ingredients with the end of a wooden spoon: the idea is to bruise the leaves to release the aromatic oils.
Stir in the rum, followed by the CRUSHED ice. Add enough club soda to fill the glass. Stir the mojito with a long-handled spoon until the sugar is dissolved. Garnish the glass with the remaining sprig.
Second graduation day. The city centre is full of students and professors on their gowns. Today it is the Humanities batch. We are having great weather, sunny and warm. Maybe too hot for all the people sweating in the Guildhall but well, at least it is not raining.. which it seems it will be tomorrow...when the Science students will be graduating. Ah well.. at the moment it ALMOST feels like Hawaii??
I read my 3 Daphne du Maurier books last week. Best one for mistery and creepiness..My cousin Rachel. Frenchman's Creek did not appeal me that much. Beautiful depictions of the Cornwall coast and landscape, but a not very belivable story. Looked like an Errol Flynn movie. Something like Captain Blood. Don't look now was a collection of short stories. Some better than others, but in general, an entertaining little book. I have more du Maurier books this week. Today I am starting with The Hungry Hill. Let's see...
Weather, weather....
Mostly Cloudy ----->what?? it is SUNNY!! SUNNY!!! got it wrong again..
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the East at 13 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 43%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,007.1 mb
Segundo dia de graduacion. Hoy toca a los de Humanidades. Hace un dia estupendo, soleado y caluroso. Quiza demasiado caluroso para los pobres estudiantes y padres que tendran que aguantar horas de discursos y aplausos en la sala mayor del Ayuntamiento. Dicen que maniana cambiara el tiempo y llovera. Sera la graduacion de los de Ciencias, que le vamos a hacer... De momento, con este calor, casi parece que estemos en...Hawaii??
Termine mis 3 primeros libros de Daphne du Maurier. El mejor por misterio y suspense, My cousin Rachel. Frenchman's Creek no me convencio mucho. Bonitas descripciones de la costa y paisajes de Cornwall, pero de un romanticismo algo facilon. Como una pelicula de Errol Flynn, Captain Blood, por ejemplo. Las historias cortas de Dont' Look Now eran variadas, algunas mejores que otras pero, en general, un interesante librito. Hoy empiezo a leer The Hungry Hill. Ya veremos...
I read my 3 Daphne du Maurier books last week. Best one for mistery and creepiness..My cousin Rachel. Frenchman's Creek did not appeal me that much. Beautiful depictions of the Cornwall coast and landscape, but a not very belivable story. Looked like an Errol Flynn movie. Something like Captain Blood. Don't look now was a collection of short stories. Some better than others, but in general, an entertaining little book. I have more du Maurier books this week. Today I am starting with The Hungry Hill. Let's see...
Weather, weather....
Mostly Cloudy ----->what?? it is SUNNY!! SUNNY!!! got it wrong again..
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the East at 13 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 43%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,007.1 mb
Segundo dia de graduacion. Hoy toca a los de Humanidades. Hace un dia estupendo, soleado y caluroso. Quiza demasiado caluroso para los pobres estudiantes y padres que tendran que aguantar horas de discursos y aplausos en la sala mayor del Ayuntamiento. Dicen que maniana cambiara el tiempo y llovera. Sera la graduacion de los de Ciencias, que le vamos a hacer... De momento, con este calor, casi parece que estemos en...Hawaii??
Termine mis 3 primeros libros de Daphne du Maurier. El mejor por misterio y suspense, My cousin Rachel. Frenchman's Creek no me convencio mucho. Bonitas descripciones de la costa y paisajes de Cornwall, pero de un romanticismo algo facilon. Como una pelicula de Errol Flynn, Captain Blood, por ejemplo. Las historias cortas de Dont' Look Now eran variadas, algunas mejores que otras pero, en general, un interesante librito. Hoy empiezo a leer The Hungry Hill. Ya veremos...
Monday, July 14, 2003
My my... what a VERY active day I am having today!
your fuck.
What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
your fuck.
What swear word are you?
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Our city's most famous face can be seen from the skies after a giant maze in the image of Admiral Lord Nelson was officially unveiled. Oh my my myyy!!!
The horror, the horror... and I do not mean my name, here!!
Fortunately, it's made of maIze and it will be sown in September. There it goes...
"Nuestra cara mas famosa" -dicen ellos- se ve ahora desde el cielo, en este laberinto con la imagen del Almirante Nelson. Y digo yo...que horror!! por suerte, el laberinto es de maiz y lo segaran en septiembre.
The horror, the horror... and I do not mean my name, here!!
Fortunately, it's made of maIze and it will be sown in September. There it goes...
"Nuestra cara mas famosa" -dicen ellos- se ve ahora desde el cielo, en este laberinto con la imagen del Almirante Nelson. Y digo yo...que horror!! por suerte, el laberinto es de maiz y lo segaran en septiembre.
Many many years ago there was a little person who watched a tv series, The Scarlet Pimpernel based on a series of novels. An amusing and inconsequential tv series, where the hero was a frivolous aristocrat by day but who became the heroic Pimpernel at night and saved many many "good" French aristocrats from the revolutionary guillotine. As I said, inconsequential. But for a shot. A shot of the Pimpernel riding his horse on the sand, along the coast, towards an abbey-castle on top of a hill. The low tide allowed this, because you see, the hill was an island and the only way of reaching it was through a causeway only available at low tide. The Scartet Pimpernel was riding to Mont Saint Michel to save the imprisoned Dauphin, heir to the French throne! Right. So that was Mont Saint Michel! Amazing! It was a magical place!
That shot never left my mind. It was there, stored in a little drawer. And many many years after the little person watched the tv series, a not-so-little person went and stood in front of the real Mont Saint Michel in France. It was full of tourists and there were many restaurants and tourist souvenir shops. But even so, there was some magic on it. And that was it. Was it? No. There's more. Last May, we were in Cornwall, Britain. We were driving along the coast and suddenly... there it was! Mont Saint Michel! Oh yes, Mont Saint Michel. Eh? What? How can that be? I thought it was an allucination. Mount Saint Michel is in France. We were in Britain, right?
Right. Slippery Kitten had read about it. It was the 'British version' of Mont Saint Michel. In old times, an abbey had been built there, by the same order as the one in France. It had been a pilgrimage center . Later on, it became the property of an aristocratic family and lost its religious context. It does receive less tourists than its brother in France, and has kept the stone causeway that allows you to walk till the mount during low tide. At high tide, a boat is the only means to reach the Mount. Quite different from the French Mount, which boasts a wide road and huge car park so it is never really isolated from the mainland. Well, well, wasn't that a bit magic? A mirror Mount in Britain!...
And then, this weekend I was reading this entertaining book, Crybbe (horror does not only happen in Maine and from the hand of Stephen King, but also in... Wales!!!), and found some reference to ley-lines and old pagan sites in Britain (all of which we have already visited). First time I hear about ley-lines, I think. Or maybe I heard before but found it as interesting as attending Catholic mass. Which is nil. Religion is not my cup of tea.
Anyway, they mentioned the St Michaels Line, which goes from Mount Saint Michael in Cornwall till Bury-St-Edmunds in Suffolk. The mention to Mount Sain Michael, of course, caught my attention. After all, the litte person is always there, isn't it? So I did my bit of research on the internet today. And I came up with this... There are many many ley line alignments throughout Britain, one of them is called the Saint Michael's Line.
The map above shows the 1st May day sunrise alignment of the 'St. Michaels' Ley line, this date being the solar alignment of the ley line. On May 1st (Beltane) the sun rises along this alignment on the North-East horizon, connecting numerous ancient sacred sites. However, this Ley Line/Sacred site alignment has not the precise accuracy possible (and often stringently expected) of our advanced technological age. To include ALL the sites listed above one has to allow minor deviations of the alignment, sometimes up to three or four miles. If you allow a tolerance of 58 to 60.5 degrees for the compass bearing of the alignment, it will include all the sites listed above.
Now, isn't that interesting?
And the weather...
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the East at 9 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,013.9 mb
Arriba he contado una pequenia historia de como llegue a conocer el Mont Saint Michel, el famoso monasterio en Normandia, Francia. Fue a traves de la serie de tv "La Pimpinela Escarlata", que no hubiera dejado mucha huella en mi intelecto si no llega a ser por una escena en que la Pimpinela galopaba a lo largo de una playa, dirigiendose al monasterio donde mantenian prisionero al delfin, heredero de la corona francesa. El monasterio era la fortaleza perfecta, ya que quedaba aislado de tierra firme durante la marea alta y el unico acceso era por barco. Solo al bajar la marea se advertia el camino que llevaba a caballos y paseantes a la pequenia isla. Era o no un lugar magico!
Anios mas tarde, vi el Mont Sant MIchel personalmente. Tiendas de souvenirs, restaurantes, una amplia carretera y, a los pies de Mont, un enorme parking. Ya nunca mas quedaria aislado durante la marea alta. Y sin embargo..algo de magia sobrevivia!
El pasado mayo estabamos en Cornwall. Conduciendo por la carretera, el mar a un lado y de pronto.. el Mont Sant Michel! Oh! Pero...es imposible!! Alucinacion! El Mont Sant Michel esta en Francia! Esto es Gran Bretania!! Slippery Kitten habia leido sobre el tema y aclaro que esto era el Mount Saint Michael, el hermano del Saint Michel frances. La misma orden de monjes de Francia construyo ambos monasterios. Ambos fueron centro de peregrinaje durante la Edad Media. Sin embargo, el Saint Michael britanico paso a manos de una familia aristocratica y el castillo sustituyo al monasterio. Un Mont Saint Michel era magico. Dos es..mucha magia!?
Y finalmente, la conexion y el porque de esta explicacion. Leyendo Crybbe, una novela de semi-horror que tiene lugar en Gales (si, el horror no es exclusivo de Maine y escrito por Stephen King!), encontre una mencion al Saint Michaels Mount, Avebury, Stonehenge, etc...todos ellos lugares paganos sagrados en la antiguedad - y que hemos visitado- que atrajo mi atencion. Una mirada al mapa posteado mas arriba da la explicacion. Hay una linea directa que conecta todos estos lugares. Esta linea se hace totalmente evidente el primer dia de Mayo, Beltane en el calendario pagano, cuando el sol traza una linea recta que va desde el Saint Michael's Mount hasta Bury-St-Edmunds, en Suffolk. Pasando por Stonehenge, Avebury...quiza no 100% exacto, a veces se desvia un poco, pero la linea esta ahi.
Es o no es interesante?
That shot never left my mind. It was there, stored in a little drawer. And many many years after the little person watched the tv series, a not-so-little person went and stood in front of the real Mont Saint Michel in France. It was full of tourists and there were many restaurants and tourist souvenir shops. But even so, there was some magic on it. And that was it. Was it? No. There's more. Last May, we were in Cornwall, Britain. We were driving along the coast and suddenly... there it was! Mont Saint Michel! Oh yes, Mont Saint Michel. Eh? What? How can that be? I thought it was an allucination. Mount Saint Michel is in France. We were in Britain, right?
Right. Slippery Kitten had read about it. It was the 'British version' of Mont Saint Michel. In old times, an abbey had been built there, by the same order as the one in France. It had been a pilgrimage center . Later on, it became the property of an aristocratic family and lost its religious context. It does receive less tourists than its brother in France, and has kept the stone causeway that allows you to walk till the mount during low tide. At high tide, a boat is the only means to reach the Mount. Quite different from the French Mount, which boasts a wide road and huge car park so it is never really isolated from the mainland. Well, well, wasn't that a bit magic? A mirror Mount in Britain!...
And then, this weekend I was reading this entertaining book, Crybbe (horror does not only happen in Maine and from the hand of Stephen King, but also in... Wales!!!), and found some reference to ley-lines and old pagan sites in Britain (all of which we have already visited). First time I hear about ley-lines, I think. Or maybe I heard before but found it as interesting as attending Catholic mass. Which is nil. Religion is not my cup of tea.
Anyway, they mentioned the St Michaels Line, which goes from Mount Saint Michael in Cornwall till Bury-St-Edmunds in Suffolk. The mention to Mount Sain Michael, of course, caught my attention. After all, the litte person is always there, isn't it? So I did my bit of research on the internet today. And I came up with this... There are many many ley line alignments throughout Britain, one of them is called the Saint Michael's Line.
The map above shows the 1st May day sunrise alignment of the 'St. Michaels' Ley line, this date being the solar alignment of the ley line. On May 1st (Beltane) the sun rises along this alignment on the North-East horizon, connecting numerous ancient sacred sites. However, this Ley Line/Sacred site alignment has not the precise accuracy possible (and often stringently expected) of our advanced technological age. To include ALL the sites listed above one has to allow minor deviations of the alignment, sometimes up to three or four miles. If you allow a tolerance of 58 to 60.5 degrees for the compass bearing of the alignment, it will include all the sites listed above.
Now, isn't that interesting?
And the weather...
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the East at 9 mph
Dew Point: 13°C
Humidity: 53%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,013.9 mb
Arriba he contado una pequenia historia de como llegue a conocer el Mont Saint Michel, el famoso monasterio en Normandia, Francia. Fue a traves de la serie de tv "La Pimpinela Escarlata", que no hubiera dejado mucha huella en mi intelecto si no llega a ser por una escena en que la Pimpinela galopaba a lo largo de una playa, dirigiendose al monasterio donde mantenian prisionero al delfin, heredero de la corona francesa. El monasterio era la fortaleza perfecta, ya que quedaba aislado de tierra firme durante la marea alta y el unico acceso era por barco. Solo al bajar la marea se advertia el camino que llevaba a caballos y paseantes a la pequenia isla. Era o no un lugar magico!
Anios mas tarde, vi el Mont Sant MIchel personalmente. Tiendas de souvenirs, restaurantes, una amplia carretera y, a los pies de Mont, un enorme parking. Ya nunca mas quedaria aislado durante la marea alta. Y sin embargo..algo de magia sobrevivia!
El pasado mayo estabamos en Cornwall. Conduciendo por la carretera, el mar a un lado y de pronto.. el Mont Sant Michel! Oh! Pero...es imposible!! Alucinacion! El Mont Sant Michel esta en Francia! Esto es Gran Bretania!! Slippery Kitten habia leido sobre el tema y aclaro que esto era el Mount Saint Michael, el hermano del Saint Michel frances. La misma orden de monjes de Francia construyo ambos monasterios. Ambos fueron centro de peregrinaje durante la Edad Media. Sin embargo, el Saint Michael britanico paso a manos de una familia aristocratica y el castillo sustituyo al monasterio. Un Mont Saint Michel era magico. Dos es..mucha magia!?
Y finalmente, la conexion y el porque de esta explicacion. Leyendo Crybbe, una novela de semi-horror que tiene lugar en Gales (si, el horror no es exclusivo de Maine y escrito por Stephen King!), encontre una mencion al Saint Michaels Mount, Avebury, Stonehenge, etc...todos ellos lugares paganos sagrados en la antiguedad - y que hemos visitado- que atrajo mi atencion. Una mirada al mapa posteado mas arriba da la explicacion. Hay una linea directa que conecta todos estos lugares. Esta linea se hace totalmente evidente el primer dia de Mayo, Beltane en el calendario pagano, cuando el sol traza una linea recta que va desde el Saint Michael's Mount hasta Bury-St-Edmunds, en Suffolk. Pasando por Stonehenge, Avebury...quiza no 100% exacto, a veces se desvia un poco, pero la linea esta ahi.
Es o no es interesante?
Friday, July 11, 2003
More tourists injured during the San Fermin fiesta in Pamplona, Spain. No wonder, if they stuff themselves with cheap wine the previous night, have never run in front of the bulls, do not know the layout of the very narrow and cobbled streets of Pamplona and if, on top of that, they wear sandals or flip-flops (notice the appropriate typical shoes worn by the Pamploma mozos)! I always thought Hemingway was bad....
Mas turistas heridos en los San Fermines. No me sorprendre en absoluto. Se pasan la noche anterior bebiendo vino de tetrabrick, en su vida han visto o han corrido delante de un toro, no tienen ni idea de lo estrechas que son las calles de Pamplona y encima...llevan sandalias, por favor! A mi nunca me cayo bien Hemingway...
And the weather :
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the West Northwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 46%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.0 mb
Mas turistas heridos en los San Fermines. No me sorprendre en absoluto. Se pasan la noche anterior bebiendo vino de tetrabrick, en su vida han visto o han corrido delante de un toro, no tienen ni idea de lo estrechas que son las calles de Pamplona y encima...llevan sandalias, por favor! A mi nunca me cayo bien Hemingway...
And the weather :
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the West Northwest at 15 mph
Dew Point: 8°C
Humidity: 46%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.0 mb
Thursday, July 10, 2003
The weather is glorious, the sun is shining, temperature according to my little weather station is...36.6C!!! And what was I doing today, then? Stuck in a training suite, learning all the wonders of Dreamweaver,ha ha ha.. Not that I feel grumpy, Dreamweaver is a great program to create webpages. I wish I had it! Unfortunately, my department is not going to pay for the license, now that everything concerning our website is centralised. So there it goes...I will keep mucking about with my blog using the html code. Result : a mess. Booooh!
Wednesday, July 09, 2003
Ta daaa! The Shopping List :
1 Kingsmill Tasty Wholemeal Bread 400g
4 Tesco White Deli Rolls 4 Pack
1 Strawberries 454g Class 1
1 Seedless Grapes Double Selection Pack Class 1
1 Tomatoes 750g
1 Spring Onions Bunch
1 Cucumber Whole Each
1 Green Peppers Loose
1 Asparagus Bundle Price Marked Class 1
1 Closed Cup Mushrooms 250g Pack
1 White Potatoes 2.5kg Pack
1 Tesco Spinach,w/Cress, Rocket Salad 135g
1 Tesco Emkm Leafy Salad Eat Me Keep Me
1 Beef Steak Mince 250g
1 Free Range Skinless Chicken Breast Fillets
1 Tesco Corn Fed Chicken Thighs
1 Tesco Whole Milk 2.272ltr/4 Pints
1 Tesco Medium Mature Cheddar Small
1 Tesco Grana Padano Portions
1 President Emmental Slices 200g
1 T.12 Smoked Wiltshire Cure Streaky 250g
1 Tesco German Peppered Salami 100g
1 Tesco Honey Roast Sandwich Ham 125g
1 Tesco Free Range Eggs Large Box Of 6
1 Mccain Crispy French Fries 1kg Each
1 Youngs Fish For Life Hoki 540g Each
1 Tesco 2 Garlic Butter Chicken Kievs 300g
1 Heinz Whole Peeled Tomatoes 4 X 400g
1 Buitoni Penne Rigate Pasta 500g
1 Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce 290ml
1 Coca Cola Regular 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1 Diet Coke 4 X 2 Ltrs Pack
1 R Whites Lemonade 2 Litre Bottles
1 R Whites Diet Lemonade 2 Litre Bottle
1 Kettle Lightly Salted Chips 300g
1 Walkers Variety Doritos 10 Pack
1 Ariel Color Liquid 1.5ltr Pouch
1 Tesco General Purpose Gloves Large
1 Tesco Household Towel White 2 Pack
1 Tesco Drawstring Refuse Sacks 20pk
1 Iceberg Lettuce Each Class 1
My only apparent reader, HighToro, has suggested I write the blog in Spanish as well. It seems I may have already lost this sole reader because of the language barrier! Because of my total laziness, HighToro provided me with the Google translation tool. You can find the link at the top left corner of the blog. Unfortunately, the translation is more appropriate for Tarzan communicating with his chimpanzee, but amusing, all the same.
Mi (aparentemente) unico lector, HighToro, ha sugerido que tambien escriba el blog en espaniol. Posiblemente, ya he perdido al unico lector por culpa de la barrera linguistica! Debido a mi pereza total, HighToro me ha pasado el link de la herramienta de traduccion de Google. Esta arriba a la izquierda. Desafortunadamente, la traduccion de Google es solamente apropiada en el caso de Tarzan comunicando con Chita. Aunque te mueres de risa leyendola, seguro! Por otro lado, mi propia traduccion deja mucho que desear. Me faltan los acentos y la "n", por lo que tengo que usar "ni" para que se me entienda. Horrible!
And the weather, please :
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 5 mph
Dew Point: 17°C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,020.7 mb
Mi (aparentemente) unico lector, HighToro, ha sugerido que tambien escriba el blog en espaniol. Posiblemente, ya he perdido al unico lector por culpa de la barrera linguistica! Debido a mi pereza total, HighToro me ha pasado el link de la herramienta de traduccion de Google. Esta arriba a la izquierda. Desafortunadamente, la traduccion de Google es solamente apropiada en el caso de Tarzan comunicando con Chita. Aunque te mueres de risa leyendola, seguro! Por otro lado, mi propia traduccion deja mucho que desear. Me faltan los acentos y la "n", por lo que tengo que usar "ni" para que se me entienda. Horrible!
And the weather, please :
UV Index: 3 Low
Wind: From the Southwest at 5 mph
Dew Point: 17°C
Humidity: 84%
Visibility: 6 miles
Barometer: 1,020.7 mb
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Our favourite drink of the week --> Pimm's no 1
James Pimm opened his first Oyster Bar in the City of London in the 1840's and supplied Londoners with good food and a unique drink which became famous as Pimm's No.1 cup. Pimm's is still made to the original recipe which remains a closely guarded secret known only to six people. Today the refreshing taste of Pimm's is appreciated throughout the world.
Have it with a couple of sliced strawberries, a slice of orange, a slice of lemon, a spring of mint. Add icecubes, lemonade and a good mesure of Pimm's!
And the weather today is....
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 7 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 76%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb
James Pimm opened his first Oyster Bar in the City of London in the 1840's and supplied Londoners with good food and a unique drink which became famous as Pimm's No.1 cup. Pimm's is still made to the original recipe which remains a closely guarded secret known only to six people. Today the refreshing taste of Pimm's is appreciated throughout the world.
Have it with a couple of sliced strawberries, a slice of orange, a slice of lemon, a spring of mint. Add icecubes, lemonade and a good mesure of Pimm's!
And the weather today is....
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 2 Minimal
Wind: From the West Southwest at 7 mph
Dew Point: 14°C
Humidity: 76%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,021.7 mb
Monday, July 07, 2003
I should release a Sherlock book on his honour in Elm Grove, then!
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) set up as a medical General Practitioner at Bush House in Elm Grove, Southsea from 1882, but initially didn't earn a sufficient income from the practice. He joined the Literary and Scientific Society (the chairman was a Dr. Watson) and tried his hand at writing his own stories. He wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story A Study in Scarlet in 1886, then while still at Southsea, followed with Micah Clarke, The Sign of Four, and The White Company. The writing proved to be more profitable than doctoring. He was an enthusiastic player of bowls, rugby, cricket, and football. Since soccer wasn't quite a gentleman's game he played under the pseudonym of "A.C.Smith." He left Southsea in 1889.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) set up as a medical General Practitioner at Bush House in Elm Grove, Southsea from 1882, but initially didn't earn a sufficient income from the practice. He joined the Literary and Scientific Society (the chairman was a Dr. Watson) and tried his hand at writing his own stories. He wrote his first Sherlock Holmes story A Study in Scarlet in 1886, then while still at Southsea, followed with Micah Clarke, The Sign of Four, and The White Company. The writing proved to be more profitable than doctoring. He was an enthusiastic player of bowls, rugby, cricket, and football. Since soccer wasn't quite a gentleman's game he played under the pseudonym of "A.C.Smith." He left Southsea in 1889.
I have registered my fourth book in bookcrossing.com. It will be released soon. Although I don't have high expectations, I have to say! I seem to be alone in my quest!!!
I have rented a couple of video-tapes from the Library : A Hard Day's night (The Beatles) and Ma vie en rose (French, English subtitles). Books as well. I have decided I am going to read all Daphne Du Maurier's books. Why not. I have read 'Rebecca' and 'The scapegoat'. For this week I have 'Frenchman's Creek' , 'Don't look now' and 'My cousin Rachel'. I think I got curious after I knew the house from Rebecca does indeed exist and it is in Cornwall. No visitors allowed, though, what a shame. And that Jamaica Inn is also a real inn in Cornwall's moors. I do like to find that the stuff of fantasy can also be real!
Ah, the weather....
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 12°C
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,022.4 mb
I have rented a couple of video-tapes from the Library : A Hard Day's night (The Beatles) and Ma vie en rose (French, English subtitles). Books as well. I have decided I am going to read all Daphne Du Maurier's books. Why not. I have read 'Rebecca' and 'The scapegoat'. For this week I have 'Frenchman's Creek' , 'Don't look now' and 'My cousin Rachel'. I think I got curious after I knew the house from Rebecca does indeed exist and it is in Cornwall. No visitors allowed, though, what a shame. And that Jamaica Inn is also a real inn in Cornwall's moors. I do like to find that the stuff of fantasy can also be real!
Ah, the weather....
Mostly Cloudy
UV Index: 5 Moderate
Wind: From the West Southwest at 17 mph
Dew Point: 12°C
Humidity: 68%
Visibility: Unlimited
Barometer: 1,022.4 mb
Sunday, July 06, 2003
I was sooo busy on Friday I did not have time to blog anything at all. Spent most of the day transcribing the horrid minutes from June 25 meeting. Ah well, it's done now.
Yesterday we released our third book in Palmerston Road. In front of a bookshop, just to increase the chances of it being picked up by a reader. But I've checked bookcrossing.com today and no notice of being caught yet. I am starting to despair of finding unknown people interested in reading in this city!
We decided to paint our lounge, so we went to buy the exact shade of paint, we did not want to be told off by our landlords. And....well, what we always thought was a light blue paint on our walls, happened to be..cucumber green! Are we colour-blind or have we stumbled upon a very tricky colour? Anyway, today we painted the lounge and re-arranged our furniture so now it looks much more spacious and clean. Oh how wonderful!
Irony of ironies, the day we decided to stay at home and paint and clean..it was the only sunny day of the week. Arrrrggghhh!!!
Yesterday we released our third book in Palmerston Road. In front of a bookshop, just to increase the chances of it being picked up by a reader. But I've checked bookcrossing.com today and no notice of being caught yet. I am starting to despair of finding unknown people interested in reading in this city!
We decided to paint our lounge, so we went to buy the exact shade of paint, we did not want to be told off by our landlords. And....well, what we always thought was a light blue paint on our walls, happened to be..cucumber green! Are we colour-blind or have we stumbled upon a very tricky colour? Anyway, today we painted the lounge and re-arranged our furniture so now it looks much more spacious and clean. Oh how wonderful!
Irony of ironies, the day we decided to stay at home and paint and clean..it was the only sunny day of the week. Arrrrggghhh!!!
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